38 [1-38] The princess lays herself in vengeance.

 No matter how powerful her regenerative abilities were, Deanna would have died if she had been beheaded after doing so much damage.
 The emotions she had been experiencing ceased. Her emotions were warm to Renai until the end.
 The head that had left the body rolled on the snow. The smile on her face, as if she were sleeping peacefully, could be that of the Madonna in some earthly religious painting, or perhaps a statue of an angel.

 Diana's body, with a hole in her neck and abdomen, suddenly bursts into flames.

 The pale, brilliant flames licked up Diana's body and extinguished it like a lit candle melting, leaving not even ashes behind. All that remains is an empty, blood-soaked monk's robe without a trace of charring. And the remains of the silver whip.

"Gone ......, ......?

 For some reason, Rene thought at that time, "Thank God it disappeared. She didn't understand her own thought process.

 It's not just Deanna. Benedict's and Hugh's bodies disappeared into the glow as well. They should have been lying on the snow, but the flames hadn't melted the snow at all.

"Was that ...... holy air energy? What the ......
"Oh my, are you sure you can't hear Deanna?

 I heard a girl's voice from nearby. It was not an auditory sound, but a voice that Rene's soul heard.
 When he looked up, he saw the girl he'd been relying on floating in the air.

You're right. Because this is a spell to protect souls from undead and evil gods.
 The undead can't hear the voice of a person in the arms of a god.
"Iris, ......?

 Wavy blonde hair and wisteria eyes. A girl sorceress with wavy blonde hair and wisteria eyes, wearing a slightly oversized robe.
 I'm not sure what to make of that.

The Moon Eater, the last of the Moon Eaters. Offer your body as an offering to the gods and return it to heaven with your soul. Protection of the body and soul from being handed over to the evil gods. It's called "Coffin Stigma" ....... So Deanna was a Moon Eater.
 Deanna's not here anymore. She had to go over there to pull us up.

 With a confused and overwhelmed mind, Rene tried to make sense of the situation.

 After death, his body should not be turned into an undead army of evil gods or his soul should not be captured and twisted into evil. For this reason, high-ranking clergy, royalty, and nobility who fight the undead for a living perform special rituals to protect their souls from being lost to the evil one after death.
 It seems that Diana was preparing for something similar.

"Deanna ......? Deanna?

 Without thinking, Rene looked up into the dark night, searching for Deanna. There was nothing but darkness.
 No voice, no form.

 The undead are those who have stopped time between life and death.
 They are not the living, but they cannot look into the afterlife.
 Now the worlds of Rene and Diana are divided.

I'll say it for you, because Deanna is kind. You don't deserve to be called that name.

 Iris's words were harsh and cold.
 Rene would have killed everyone in Dragon's Throat. He had taken something precious to Deanna, and he had also taken her own life. To expect me to feel sorry for her after that is just unreasonable.

 The fact that this was the only thing that mattered struck René with unbelievable force.

 --There was nothing else he could do. There was no other choice. Once the fight was over, the option of not killing Diana was gone. There was nothing else I could do. There was no other way. ......

"Suck it up. That's your punishment.
 If you kill out of vengeance, you'll kill the people who are important to you.
 The poor princess will suffer alone for every life you take from her.

 Her wisteria eyes narrowed in a lecherous manner. It was as if she could see through Rene's anguish to a part of him that even he was unaware of.
 Even if you are a genius magician, Iris is only a child in terms of life experience.
 Even Iris can see through her, and so can Rene.

 Suddenly, Iris looked up at some high place.
 And then a troubled look on her face.

"...... Sorry, Deanna. I'm sorry, Deanna. I can't tell you what she's asking. I'm not going to forgive her.

 It seems that Deanna, who is out of Rene's reach, said something to him.
 And then she asked Iris to deliver the message, and Iris refused.

 Rene wanted to hear what Deanna had said.
 There was no way she could hear.
 She couldn't speak.


 Iris waved her hand, and her soul vanished.
 Suddenly. As if it had never been there in the first place.

 He was held in the arms of the god, separated from the undead Rene.

 The cursed red blade left Rene's hand and plunged into the snow.
 Literally holding his head, Rene broke his knees.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!

 -- "I've turned into a monster to my heart's content." ......? If so, then what is this sense of loss and ...... despair!

 The feeling was not guilt. Like Benedict and Hugh, René felt no remorse at all when he killed Diana.

 The only thing was that he could no longer see Diana, who had cared for him to the very end.
 René's feelings were very similar to the feelings of a motherless child who misses her mother and grieves for her.
 And this time, it was not a knight of the royal brotherhood. It was Rene himself who cut off his head.
 The regret that he had ruined a treasure that had been so precious to him by his own hand was sinking its fangs into René's heart and threatening to engulf him.

 Rene had always treated Diana as Iris.
 Deanna's words to Rene were originally intended for Iris. It could not be called proper communication.
 But even in such a situation, Rene was fulfilled. She was seeking motherhood in Diana, as if she were seeking a replacement for her mother who had been taken from her.
 A few drops of water would be heavenly nectar for a traveler drying up in the desert. In the same way.
 In the same way, a broken vessel will not hold water, but it will be moistened while it is being poured into it.

 And in the end, he prayed for Rene's salvation, not for ...... Iris, but for Rene.

 The only thing left to do is to take revenge? I'm sure you're right. But that does not mean that everything else is unimportant.
 Rene was not a device for revenge.
 Even with the transcendent power of the Evil God's blessings (cheats) and the life experience of her previous life ......, Rene was still just a damaged girl who had come out of hiding with a grudge and pain, and who wanted to be embraced by her mother again. Rene had forgotten that. Now she remembers.

"I don't know much about politics. I don't know much about politics, but I just can't believe that people who make little girls look like that are decent. I'm not sure what to say. If you're not Iris and you want me to take care of you, I'm sure I will. You wanted me to take care of you, didn't you ......? I don't want you, or any other child, to look like that. I don't want you or any other child to look like that. I want you to smile. I want you to find whatever ...... makes you happy so that you don't have to take revenge anymore. In the event that you have any questions regarding where and how to use the site, please do not hesitate to contact us. It's a good idea to have a good friend who can help you out. I'm sure you'll be able to find a lot more information on this subject in the coming weeks. I'm not sure what to make of it. I'm not sure if this is a good idea, but it's a good idea. I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I'm not the only one who's a bit of a jerk. I'm going to ...... hate those people who did this to me. ...... Good luck. I'll always ...... be looking out for you.

I wish you could have ...... lived like a normal girl.

"Oh, my God!
 I'm not sure what to do.

 A blade is thrust deep into my chest.
 My heart is twisted.
 The same pain that I felt in the living hell that robbed me of all human dignity, the pain that warped my heart.
 Rene shook his head, still holding it.

 But then... Suddenly, he came to his senses as an electronic sound rang out from nearby.

 It was a melody from somewhere deep in his memory. Or rather, a sound effect.
 It's an old-fashioned ring tone.

"What's ......? What? What sound is ......?

 There's something in the pocket of my robe that makes a sound.
 Rene stood up unsteadily and put his hand into the pocket of his robe. His hand hits something hard.
 He pulls it out and sees that it's a button-operated cell phone, something that had become rare even on Earth before his reincarnation. It was something called a "racket.
 There is no way such a thing exists in this world. In fact, there should have been nothing in the pocket of his robe until just now.

 When Rene picked up the phone, the ringtone stopped ringing and an inorganic synthetic voice began to play.

This is the Evil Network Cheat Service Support Bureau.
 This is the Evil Network Cheat Service Support Bureau. The cooling-off period for the cheat you received expires at 24:00 today.
 If you would like a cooling-off period, please press 1; otherwise, press 2.
 This is the Evil Network Cheat Service Support Bureau ......".

 It was the voice of the evil god himself, politely.

 --Now is ...... a month since then?

 The day I met the evil god. The day I met the evil god. The beginning of Rene's revenge.
 The evil god who gave Rene his powers set a one-month cooling-off period. If he didn't like the cheat, he said, he could give it back within this period and rest in peace.

 Rene looked up (or, to be more precise, turned his left hand face up).

 What if I gave up the cheat right here and now and stopped being undead?
 Would I be reunited with my guillotined mother in heaven? Would I be able to jump into her chest, cry out in pain, cry out in fear, cry out until I was exhausted, and then sleep in peace? Will she pat me gently on the head like she always does?

 Will I be able to follow Deanna? If I meet her again and apologize for ...... everything, will she embrace me as Rene and not as Iris? Of course, Iris would be disgusted. Will I be able to hear from her what she was trying to tell me?

 According to the Church, people will be judged by God only for their sins during their lives (I guess this doctrine is based on the fact that counting sins after death would not reward those who became or were turned into undead). If this is true, then he should have no problem going to heaven. Rene's only sin during his life was stepping on a parade of ants crossing the road by mistake.

 No, no. I don't care if it's hell after that, as long as I get to see my mother and Diana again. If throwing away the blessings given by the evil gods and receiving the judgment of the great gods is the way to atone for what Rene has done since then, then ......

 Rene is .
 He gritted his teeth.

The cheat you received from ...... will expire at 24:00 today.
 If you would like a cooling off period, please press 1.

 The voice went into a third loop and then died.
 It was because Rene had slashed the phone with his red blade.

"Still ......

 I'm not sure if you've heard of it or not.

"But ...... all I have left is revenge!
 I'm a revenger. "The Rose Princess of Hell". I am the avenger.
 I won't draw the curtain on my revenge until this grudge is settled. I won't let anyone pull it back!

 No matter how selfish. Selfish. Irredeemably evil. No matter how lonely.
 Renai was too damaged to be saved, too bitter to atone.

 Only fight.
 Only to avenge!
 Kill your enemies, destroy your country, until this blade reaches God. ......

 --............ Fight!

 Stepping on the snow, Rene stood up and wiped away the tears that had somehow seeped into his eyes.

"Wash your head and wait.
 The treacherous Knight Commander Lawrence......! Pretender Hilbert......!!!

 What dwelt in the girl's breast was not righteous indignation. Not justice.
 The girl, who had everything taken from her, only resented and resented. And then she started walking again. And then she started walking again, driven by the black flames of resentment that were about to break through her small body and burn like wildfire.