26 [1-26] So the momentary light goes down.

Hugh, it's about security for tomorrow and beyond. ......

 As soon as she opened the door to the party room, Deanna's loud voice pierced Benedict's ears, but it wasn't directed at him.
 Inside the room, Deanna was grabbing Hugh by the chest.

"What's the matter, Deanna? Are you in a fight?
"Benedict, didn't you hear? Benedict, haven't you heard that Iris has disappeared?
"...... What?

 "What?" screams a bloodthirsty Deanna. When Benedict heard this, his blood ran cold.

I thought you hadn't been seen, so I went around the castle. He's nowhere near where he's supposed to be. I asked the maids to check the toilets to see if he had collapsed in there, but ......
 The last time I saw her was walking on the wall. The gatekeeper didn't see him either and he's gone.

 Hugh, still holding his chest, said, and Benedict was caught in thought.

"On the city walls ......?
 The guild sent a sealed envelope to Iris, and you gave it to her as she walked over the wall.
What the hell?
Then the guild summoned him. ...... No, but even if they did, it's strange that he left without saying anything to us.
And it's also strange that the gatekeepers haven't seen you. ≪It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

 Iris is not the kind of girl who just wanders off on her own. If she wanted to go out alone, she would tell her party members where she was going.
 The fact that she suddenly disappeared gave me the feeling that there was something unusual going on.

 Still, under normal circumstances, I would not have been that worried.
 If it wasn't for the assassination attempt on the Count and the attack on his family by the Night Python killing squad.

 Iris disappearing under these circumstances. It was natural to have a disturbing imagination.

"Benedict, can't you find it with your nose?
Benedict, can't you find it with your nose?" "Don't be absurd. You'd have to smell it on the sole of your shoe to find it out in the open. That's only if you're walking on your own feet.
Oh, my God! Where's Iris's stuff?
It's here. ......
Give me that!

 Deanna flipped over a large backpack. There was an avalanche on the bed.
 After shuffling through a few magic items and some pretty sundries, Deanna pulled out a change of clothes for Iris.

Please stay close, and be there in time. ...... <>!

 Deanna uses magic.
 A spell to search for people using objects and other clues. It's a version of sacred magic.

 With her eyes closed, Deanna traces the seams of her shirt and concentrates her mind.
 The silence is stifling and tense.
 Then Deanna opens her eyes.

"There you are!
Where are you?
"Oh no, not in the city! That's weird!
"Calm down, if it's moving from El Tarev to somewhere else, where is it going?

 Deanna thought for a moment, then nodded as if to confirm her own thoughts.

"Maybe ...... Vone.
No way. ......

 Vonnegut, the capital of commerce.
 It is the hub of the trade routes that connect the surrounding territories, and it is the busiest city in the Count of Keeley, which has no noteworthy resources or industries. There is also a branch of the Adventurer's Guild, and the Dragon's Throat often goes there.
 But the information that Iris was heading there was more than enough to support his disturbing imagination.

"The Night Python's territorial control center that the Count is planning to invade. It's in Vonnegut.

 It's in Vonnegut.

 That was the scene Rene saw in his sleep.

 In the darkness of the void, Rene existed in the form of Rene.
 He was smaller than Iris, with silver hair.
 Rene's body, clothed in all its glory, shone dimly in the darkness.

 When she looked up, she saw Iris there.
 She had wavy blond hair and wisteria eyes. Like Rene, she was completely clothed. She is sitting with her body curled up.

 A piercing gaze was fixed on Rene.
 In the cage of the body, soul to soul, they faced each other.

"Princess of the Rose. I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not. ...... Poor girl. No matter how hard you fight, you'll never be saved.

 Iris opened her mouth. She sounded exhausted and cold.

 It's a dialogue in an irregular space. I can't read your emotions.

 And yet, all I know is pity, compassion, hostility.

"I don't need help. I just want revenge. ......

 Rene said firmly, as if shaking off a tangle.

'Yeah. I guess that's what revenge is all about.

 I'm not sure what to do, but I'm going to do it.

"I'm going to ...... die.

 I'm not sure if I'm ready for this, or if I've already given up on everything.
 Rene affirmed with silence.

It's a bit ...... pathetic that you should continue to suffer for killing me. But I still feel sorry for you. I'm sure revenge is the only thing left for you now, and that revenge will make you suffer.
I'm not going to suffer. ......
 Cut off their heads, pierce their chests, split open their bellies. Burn them, tear them apart, dry them up.
 Kill them in fear. Kill them in humiliation. Kill them in despair.
 I'll kill every last one of you. I don't know if there will be salvation, but ...... it will be fun. I can't wait just to imagine it.

 A black flame of resentment continues to burn in my chest. The determination and urge to beat back the pain, the sorrow, everything.
 It's a living hell to sit around with such hungry thoughts.
 The only way to be free from this pain is to take revenge, and that must be fun. The time I spent killing in King's Landing right after I was reborn as an undead was short, but it was the best.
 Now it's time to spread it across the land. And eventually, the world. I'm going to kill back everything that killed Rene. ...... That's all I'm going to do.

 But Iris pities and mocks.

"Is that so?

 She laughed as if she knew everything.

"I'm sure you'll find out soon enough .......

 You'll see.

"Ha! ......

 Iris (Rene) woke up in a place she didn't know where.

 Her body was tight and constricted. She was tied up with ropes all over her body, gagged, and even her fingers were tied so that she could not make a mark. In addition, she was stuffed into a sack and seemed to be lying in between some luggage.
 The floor was shaking as if it was rattling. Probably on a carriage.

 Zero commas to understand that much.
 The first thing Iris did was to twist around and look at her lower body.


 Like a brash baseball umpire, Iris (Rene) screamed in her mind.