60 2nd Statement: Team 2

 The world is wide. The sky is high, and the unobstructed view to the end of the horizon is deeply moving to me, as I was stuck for a long time.
 In dog form, I am small, so just running around in the company is a great adventure. If I go into the long grass for a while, people can't see me, and I can't see anything.

 But I do have a sense of smell. My senses became more acute when I became a lower level vampire, but now that I'm a dog, they're much more acute.
 Senri heard from Kainushi that Arbatos was able to track me down hundreds of kilometers away by scent. Sadly, my sense of smell was not that keen, but I could easily detect Senri's location.

 In my spare time, I checked my strength.
 A dog's body is more useful than I thought. I used to think it was a scam when I couldn't get the ability to fight like Albatross, but it's so wonderful to be unguarded by people. It makes me a little sad that they love me so much more than when I was human.

 There were many things I learned about the dog's body.
 They have the best sense of smell in the world. They have no fighting ability. A dog's body can't do magic. He has inherited the weaknesses of vampires. Can't eat onions or chocolate.

 And apparently the curse of cannibalism is different from the curse of vampires.
 It was the vampire's power to give the canine curse, but the canine curse itself is not a vampire power. You may think this means nothing, but it's important.

 So. I can keep my canine state on ...... water.
 Normally, vampires lose all of their powers when they are on water. If I were to try to pass as a bat or a wolf, my transformation would be undone. But not me.

 My transformation into a dog is a different curse than that of a vampire, so my transformation will not be broken even if I approach the water.

 Senri and I found out by accident.
 We accidentally tried to enter a city that had been properly protected against vampires while still in our carrying cases. If the transformation had been undone, it would have been a disaster.

 The weakness itself remains the same, weakening me to the point where I can't walk a step, but this is an important difference.
 This meant that I would be able to board the ship if I was in my carry case. Provided, of course, that I have Senri's cooperation.

 According to Senri, Lord could have become a first-class necromancer much earlier.
 Perhaps he was prepared to take the risk of being attacked, and extended his time to become undead.
 To complete the undead with the "sucking spell". More specifically, his ideal was to take over the body of the undead and become the strongest king of the dead himself.

 My book "Carth Steel" contains all of Holos Kamen's research over the years.

 Holos Kamen is dead. The residue remains within me, but it's not ideal.
 The least I can do is put that power to good use for the Lord, a mage in his own right.

 Senri returns after finishing his watch duty for the day. I greeted my master with a large ornamental box in my mouth and a wagging tail, given to me by one of the merchants.

 Children's blood is fresh. Although there are individual differences based on nutritional status, gender, and age, it usually smells very delicious.
 But it's still nothing compared to Senri's blood.

 I run around Senri to see if he is injured. If she is wounded, I can smell it. Apparently, she had made it through the day unscathed.

 Bending down, Senri looked at the results in the box and sighed heavily.

"...... Baron, you've gotten so much ...... again, you must have a talent for dogs.

 Inside the box were a number of coins and jewelry.
 Many of the merchants who can form a band are rich. Some of them have jewelry for sale.

 If you take the box in your mouth, they will dumbfoundedly put things inside. If there is something you want, you can tap your paw on it, and they will give it to you at a not-too-low rate.
 Most of the coins were copper, but there were a few silver and gold coins mixed in as well. Not that I was in need of money, as I had some from my father, but he was a good customer.

I'll have to return it.


I told you not to do that. Don't you have any pride?

...... Kyuun.

 I'm a cute puppy, but Senri always goes to return my wares, even though I'm sure he'll refuse. I'm a cute puppy, but Senri is a beautiful girl too. She doesn't realize that the image of me going to get money and her owner going to return it has become a kind of specialty.

 I'm just making the most of my situation. I have no pride. They give me sweets, they give me money. They give me information because no one cares what the dogs think. All I wanted was blood, but Senri would give it to me. I was satisfied. It would have been perfect if Epe had never existed.

 The merchant's children were very clever.
 Well-groomed hair, clean clothes. Their eyes shone as if there was nothing but good in the world, and they learned from their parents every night by the fire in their free time.
 Knowledge is power for a merchant. At first they chased me away when I went near them, but when they saw that I was quiet while studying, they allowed me to lie down nearby and listen to their stories.

 I listened to stories of travel, history, and the city, and remembered how to do calculations that I had almost forgotten.

 Among the merchants were the families of the mercenaries. The children of mercenaries were different, many of them had sharp eyes, and I had a hard time forming friendships with them.

 But a child is a child. Once you get used to them, they're nothing.

 I observed her training with her weapon, ran around with her, learned how to set traps, and learned how to eliminate and detect signs.
 Senri was far superior in terms of pure combat ability, and it was easy for a vampire to eliminate and detect signs, but it was fun to gain knowledge. And mercenaries can be my enemies. It's good to know.

 Sadly, I couldn't just watch the magic training.
 There were a few mages in the ranks, but almost all of them were proficient and never trained to use magic, only to read books.

 Mages are very rare and their skills are secret.
 The contents of grimoires are the basics, and they are not foolish enough to reveal their power where no one is watching. Perhaps they are trying to avoid consuming too much magic to be able to fight when the time comes.

 As the troopers proceeded, the scenery around them began to change.
 From grassland to wilderness. The demons that appeared were diverse, ranging from hairy animals to magical beasts with the characteristics of multiple animals, and humanoid creatures such as goblins and orcs. This is a sign that we are heading towards the edge of the human dominion.

 Powerful demons gather under the Demon Lord. That's why demons that ordinary humans can't match appear near the demon lord's territory.
 For the intelligent demons, the troopers are good food. They can get a large amount of food and are loaded with weapons, armor and jewelry. Some of the humanoid demons will even go for the horses.

 Some of the humanoid monsters will try to attack the horses, but the merchants know this and are well protected, so they won't be killed so easily.

 While many people were injured, Senri, with her overwhelming fighting ability and power of recovery, earned the name of "Goddess of Victory," while I provided spiritual healing.

 We came to be known as the "Goddess of Victory and the Shiro Dog.


 Inside the thick tent, I had returned to human form after a long time. I wore a black cloak to cover my skin.
 Blood consumption is essential for vampires. I've gotten used to the dog state, but I need to return to my original form to suck blood.
 In the dog state, vampires cannot use their powers. And that includes bloodsucking.

 Senri always sleeps wrapped in his cloak. Most mercenaries do, but they only pay to rent a large tent when they need blood.
 I can't let them see me, and I can't let them suck my blood in the shadows.

"...... end, a little too easy.

 As I returned to human form for the first time in a long time, Senri gave me a reproachful look and said something I've heard enough times to make my ears hurt.

She's the type to enjoy the moment. Besides, it's informative.

"...... looked like a lot of fun. It's not good to stand out.

 Well, it was fun. It's been years since we've played hide and seek.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry, but there are plenty of white puppies out there.

 The only thing that might be unnatural is that he's in his carry case all day, but the troopers are on the move all day.
 They don't have time to look at us.

 It's refreshing to see Senri smaller than me, since I've been seeing only puppies lately. I shrugged my shoulders and said.

They've been good to me. The tail wagging is a way of returning the favor.

 Senri stared into my eyes for a moment, but then sighed deeply.

'............ haha. You never know what will happen with a curse. Just be careful with that.

"I wish I could keep watch with you. The demons seem to be getting stronger lately.

We have other mercenaries, so it won't be a problem.

 He crawled closer to Senri and took his wrist. The fragrant smell of blood made my head spin.

 He touched his wrist. I rubbed the smooth skin, tracing its bones.
 A slender, thin arm that I don't think has the strength to rival mine. The only thing that bothers me is that I can't take off my clothes.

 Senri is silent for a moment, but after a few moments of looking at me, he tilts his face slightly as if he's given up, exposing his white neck.

 Her cheeks were slightly tinted. Her heart was beating a little faster due to the tension.

 It was unavoidable, I convinced myself.
 Epe's power is terrifying. To fight it, I need to gain strength as quickly as possible.

 In bloodsucking, the bite is where it counts. There is a big difference between biting a finger and biting the neck in terms of the amount of power you can get from the same amount of blood.
 There is a limit to the amount of blood a senri can produce. You can't bite the neck if you don't have a chance to suck the blood.

End ...... you are losing your discretion.

That's a sign of ...... trust.

 You'll find a lot of people who've been in the business for a long time, and you'll be able to find a lot of people who've been in the business for a long time.
 The soft, warm body waits beneath me, quietly waiting to be sucked dry. It's enough to make my head burn and my heart beat fast.

 I'm not wearing the Blessed Armor. I put my lips under Senri's ear and rubbed his neck, tracing it.
 My fangs tingle strongly. The sweet smell of blood flowing beneath the thin white skin and flesh jolts my brain as my nose brushes against her neck.

 Oh, I haven't sucked blood yet, but it feels so good.

 There are beings who are still human who are attracted to vampires and offer their blood. But I don't think it's a one-sided relationship.
 When a person is attracted to a vampire, the vampire is also attracted to that person.

 But the vampires will only suck you to death when their ...... instincts get the better of them.

 The bare neck. It's a great way to make sure you're getting the most out of your money.

"Hurry up and get it over with.

"Well, wait a minute. The night is still long. It smells so ...... good when I do this.

 I haven't bitten yet, but my white skin is heating up. Senri let out a stifled breath and shuddered.
 I ran my tongue over the skin as carefully as a doctor would with a scalpel.

 Sweet. Not just the blood, but the skin, the flesh, everything is exquisite. Perhaps Senri was the perfect material not only for vampires but also for ghouls.

 Her body is filled with positive energy and her body is pure and healthy. She's like a shiny polished apple.
 The sweet smell grows stronger. This meant that she was being assaulted by a pleasure that even Senri, with his strong sense of reason, could not calm down from.

 Her bound hands trembled as if she were trying to resist. I hold them down, careful not to break them.
 Senri, who usually kills me so easily, has become nothing but prey to be eaten. This situation excites me strongly, and it gives me strength.

 Not yet. I can only suck so much blood. It would be a shame to end those few opportunities in an instant.
 I press my tongue to her neck and check the veins running beneath it. Look carefully for a place to thrust your fangs.

 It's hard to know where to bite.

"Ha, ha. ...... Quick, end. If we don't end this soon, it's not natural.

"...... What are you talking about, Senri, it's already unnatural.

 Oh, my clothes are in the way. It's like eating unpeeled fruit. It's too rude, too blasphemous.

 There are beads of sweat. He licks it off and says to Senri as he speaks in a feverish voice.
 Senri is always sharp, but sometimes he can be a little off. Maybe that's why Nevilla and the others were paying attention to Senri, because they knew that.

 Senri may feel like he is feeding her, but this act is as close to communion as you can get. To a vampire, there is little difference between the two.

As far as I've seen, the only time mercenaries rent tents is to ............ bring in the opposite s*x.


 I'm not sure what to do, but I'm going to do it. It's a great way to make sure you're getting the most out of your vacation.
 Was it possible that she hadn't noticed? Perhaps you hadn't noticed the curious looks the merchant had given you when you went to rent the tent.

 Tomorrow, those stares would be a little different.
 Don't worry, the merchant is someone she's going to break up with soon, and no one has seen Senri bring a man into the house, so they'll just think she's got some unspoken problem.

"End, no, end! I'll give it to you from my fingers!

 That's not even close to killing me alive after letting me go this far.
 I ignored the verbal resistance and continued to explore the veins with my tongue.

"Don't worry, if they say anything, just deny it. Either way, I need to rent a tent to get the blood. I'm looking for a place to bite, just give me a minute.

 It smells so much better than before. Whether it's impatience or anger, there's no doubt that excitement enhances her taste.
 The fact that blood-sucking does not involve pain, and the fact that it is accompanied by s*xual pleasure, makes vampires really well-designed.

 Senri writhed, and the tent shook. I was going to savor it a little more slowly, but I guess it's time. The tingle in my fangs has reached its limit.
 If you think about it, it doesn't matter where you bite. The taste was bound to be excellent anyway.

 I decided on a spot and was about to plunge my fangs in slowly, as if I were inserting a knife into a tender steak, when I suddenly heard a scream from outside the tent that seemed to tear the silk.