345 go down because of .

 There was a response. Through his sword, he felt Zahava's head completely disappear. The few remaining parts of his body were also beginning to disintegrate, indicating that the core of his body had been lost.
 However, my intuition as a knight that I have cultivated so far tells me that this battle is not over yet.

"Harkdock, search the area!
"Oh, yeah! Uh, ......!

 In the direction that Harkdock reacted, there was the spider leg that Arcreal had just cut off. The flesh on the cut surface of the spider's leg wriggled and began to expand at once. In the blink of an eye, it took on the shape of a man and transformed into the form of Zahava when they first met.

It's not so stubborn!
"No, they're good at this. He's making full use of his own constitution.

 Arcreal was right, we've been conspired against by Zahava. The spider legs that he waved as if in desperation just before I blew his head off, that was his plan of survival.
 Zahava's movement was blocked by the magic sword, and his transfer by magic tools was also blocked by Harkdock. Even under these circumstances, Zahava managed to deal with the situation calmly. He moved his core, which would have been in his head, to the tip of the spider's leg and swung it around as if it were going to be cut down by Arcreal or me.
 In the past, when we cut off his legs, we cut them off from the sides to reduce the area of the cut. This may have been a learned technique, but if we had sliced down at an angle or cut off the tip due to an error in reaction, there was a risk that the blade would reach the core. It was a feat that could only be done with both judgment and determination.
 As a demon, as a spider, as a person who has been given a magical tool, Zahava is fighting with all the means at her disposal. It's unthinkable for a madman to be shouting at the top of his lungs that his only goal is to kill people.
 But it's not all bad. Zahava lost a lot of magic in the attack we made. He had lost a lot of magic power in our attack, not only because he was caught off guard by the sword, but more importantly because he had left a lot of magic power in his discarded body in order to evade by shifting his core to his toes.
 He must have learned that Harkdock was good at sensing magic, and took this action to avoid being detected by the core transfer. The fact that he lost his spider form and returned to his human form also indicates the severity of his exhaustion.

"...... So. You guys are strong for humans.

 I'm not sure what to make of it, but I think it's a good idea. Did she recognize us as an enemy to be eliminated, instead of just an object to be killed? It's as if the eyes that had been looking down on us are now looking straight at us.

"I don't want you to misunderstand me. I'm strong because I'm human.
I don't care about that.
It's not good. ......
If I keep going like this, I might kill you, and you might kill me. But then I won't be able to fulfill my role. I have to become completely.

 Suddenly, a crack appeared to appear on Zahava's body, and she stared at it. If you look at it calmly, it's not true. The cracks you just saw are just an illusion, and nothing has changed in Zahava's form yet.
 But the fact that I have seen it as an illusion is meaningful. My personal instincts are telling me. Zahava is about to leave everything behind. She's leaving everything behind and stepping into the power that lies beyond.

"Miss! Oh, shit!
I could feel it. It looks like she's about to get serious.

 The other two also sensed the atmosphere and looked more serious than ever. I followed suit and tightened my grip on my sword.
 But in spite of my determination, the air on Zahava's side suddenly lost its tension. I'm not sure what to make of it, but I think it's a good idea.

...... So, it's the Demon Lord's order. Then it's no use.

 I'm not sure what to make of it. I'm not sure what to make of it. I'm not sure what to make of it, but I think it's a good idea.

I'm not going to let you get away with it. There's no way I'm letting you go!
We'll get away. I'm very reluctant to use any means for you guys, but--

 Zahava took a deep breath and shouted some strange words. A strange language of overlapping words. It felt similar to the language he had been working with, but perhaps it was a different language. It was probably the language of the Kuro Demon Lord's demons, called the Demon Language.

I'm sure you'll be able to figure out what's going on here.
Yes, that's right. This is the last command for the demons around here.

 He turns his gaze to the demons fighting in the distance. In the battlefield, where the human side has maintained the upper hand and is slowly declining, a change is occurring. This is because the demons are suddenly moving more and more violently.
 However, it is not that their attacks have become more intense. On the contrary, the demons are running as if they are ignoring the knights and soldiers. The direction is not the demon world.

"...... No way.
"Kill the people in the building. That's the order I gave you.

 The demons are ignoring those with weapons and trying to run out of the demon world. The knights noticed their movement and tried to stop them, but they were unable to stop all of them.
 This is a battle line that has been maintained because the demons have included knights and soldiers who are in the vanguard as targets of their attacks. If the demons do not pay attention to those who are there, it will be difficult to stop the demons that are overwhelmingly numerous.

If we don't stop this soon, the damage will be too great. But if we let you go, you'll be killing a lot of people! That's why--
What are you talking about? This is the last thing I have to do before I run away. This is my last job before I run away. I was given the order to deliver the demons to the land where the humans live.

 We can escape. By the time we took a step forward, Zahava's head had already been severed by the spider legs that had sprouted from her shoulders. The severed head of Zahava pointed its tongue at us. There was the spell we'd blown off.
 When he moved the core to the spider's legs, he must have moved the spell as well. And the fact that the spell was still intact meant that once again, Zahava was able to swap his own magic with his own position.

I'm not going to give up my prey, but my first priority is the life that the Demon Lord has given me. I'll see you again, if we're both still alive next time, okay?

 Zahava's body threw his head far above his head. Zahava's body threw her head far above her head, and her body exploded, sending pieces of her flesh and magic flying into the air. I was the first to react, and Arclial and I jumped at the thrown head, but before our swords could reach it, the head shifted.
 I landed on the ground and looked around. The remains of Zahava's body were still here and there, but there was no head. Perhaps it had been transferred somewhere in the magic that had been released into the surroundings. Unlike the remnants of flesh, the magic power that had been released had flown out of sight. You can narrow down the direction from which it's fleeing, but it's ...... impossible to catch it and catch up with it from here.

"...... You got away. Hark-dog, are you alive?
"Yeah, I managed to ......

 It seems that Harkdock quickly used his magic sword as a shield to protect his body from the impact of the rupture. Gilista's entire body was covered by a piece of ...... the demon on Harkdock's right arm. Thanks to the distance and the fact that he was lying down, he didn't seem to suffer any damage.

"Lord Ratzel, come in.

 Her Majesty's voice comes through the communication crystal. Our voices always reach the other side, but His Majesty's side only contacts us in an emergency. I hurriedly took out the crystal.

"Hello, this is Lord Ratzel! I apologize for the--
"Good. We have the situation under control. I have a pretty good idea why the enemy has retreated. Perhaps the demons will all retreat.
What the hell is that?
The first thing is to deal with the demons. If the demons run on two legs, all horses can catch up with them, but those that can run on four legs or fly on wings are limited to Taze's horses or flying dragons like wyverns. Move with Ark Real to destroy them.
"Yes, sir. Do the same in the other demon realms?
Yes. I've already taken care of it. Do your best.

 The transmission from His Majesty was cut off then. The demons in the Taze demon world and the Mejis demon world are ignoring the soldiers and starting to move as well. As long as there is a mountain of black demon king killers, it will be difficult for demons to flow from the Thaze demon world to Thaze, but there is no guarantee that they won't appear via the Garne demon world. If the demon race has retreated and the only threat is demons, then we should only think about eliminating them now.

Arcreal, can you run?
Yeah. I don't like to do it too much because it's tiring, but I can run faster than a flying dragon on flat land.
Can you run? ....... So, Miss, I'm supposed to carry Gillista in the wyvern?
Yes, please.

 I have regrets about missing out on Zahava, but I also wonder if I could have won if the fight had continued. That's how creepy I felt from Zahava, who regarded us as enemies at that time.
 But the demons are an inevitable obstacle to victory in this battle, and I will face them again with my sword.

I'll get to ....... I know you're waiting for me.

 I'll be there.

 I threw Lazaricata into the Serende demon world, and went straight to the Medis demon world under the orders of my black sister. After sending the order to the demon, she came to collect the Ophalo. Zahava is easy to deal with, but she listens to her sister's orders no matter how pissed off she is. It's not easy, it's only relatively good, but it's high on the list of things I don't want to have anything to do with in the future.

I'm not sure what to make of it.

 It's pretty easy to find the O'Farrow in the middle of a fight. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for. If you look for it from above with the eyes of a demon, you will see it.
 There is one space that has completely disappeared. I wonder if any of them are sunbathing with no way out right now. It's not bad to have wheat skin like me, but I don't want to be a character, so I'd appreciate it if you'd just burn up.

How's it going inside? ....... Hmm, the temperature's starting to drop.

 Perhaps the O'Farrow is trying to release its power and return the space. If you don't lower the temperature to a certain level, you'll burn yourself in the real world. I admire the fact that he's got a way to handle his unruly power, but the way he's doing it is just too scary. If you just want to kill some small fry, you can do it with just the power of your magic tools.
 Just as I was thinking that, the space that had been cut off returned to normal. However, the earth and other things that were taken over there have completely melted and turned into glass. It's so beautiful, I can't imagine a woman in a skirt walking on it. And in the middle is the Orfallo, who I f*cking hate.

Hey. Did you find someone to use that much power on?

"--Thehedral ...... or . I was just playing around a bit with some of the next generation powers.

 Next Generation Power...... is a new dimension of magic created by Yugra. A power that can exert absolute influence by directly interfering with reason. It's a great way to make sure that you're getting the most out of your money. I'm not sure what to make of it.
 I don't know if there's anyone else. I'm sure you'll be able to find something that works for you. I don't think so.

I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that.

 There's burnt charcoal lying a little ways away. In it, you can see a familiar face, the chainman Ecdysius. What's left inside the charcoal is ...... demon flesh, or so it seems.
 Life detection, survival confirmation. Ecdysium is definitely alive. I'm sure he's alive. He's got the original form. You're good, Duvvreor! You defended it against the sun?

I failed to measure. It's not like I'm cooking. I need to sear it.

 The O'Fallow tries to approach the fallen Exarch. He wanted to find out what had happened, or finish him off, or both. But, well, it's too late.

That's enough. Kuro Sister's orders, 'Send the demon to the human world and return immediately. Let's go home.
I don't mind obeying that order, but I don't mind stabbing a dying man in the back, do I?
No. Lazaricata lost to the Blue King a while back. He's on his way here.

 When I brought Lazaricata back, my black sister told me to unleash the demons, but it was impossible to break through the Tarzian demon world full of large monsters. Perhaps he had enough time to do so, but the Blue King has already left the Thaze Realm and is heading this way. And he's doing it with a transference wizard.
 That Morari woman has a good grasp of space, but she's not very good at transferring long distances at once due to her magic skills and magic power. Even so, she can get here in no time at all if she transitions in succession.
 So I need to get out of here as fast as I can. It's really hard to escape from that thing!

...... I wouldn't mind if we killed each other here. But that would be disobeying Kuro's orders. I don't want Yugra to kill me, so I'll comply.
"Oh, please do. You're a scumbag, but you're a good listener in these situations.
I admit I have a bad personality, but I'm not stupid. I wonder if Lazarikata is crying in frustration right now.
I think he's doing it. Comfort him, you scum.
She'd die of rage if I comforted her, you know.

 You're right. The race that Lazarikata despises the most is the O'Fallow. If you do that, Lazaricata will go on a rampage to the point of ruining everything, even if Ygras kills him. With Ygras and me, we could kill Lazarikata in a heartbeat, but even then he's a valuable asset. We can't wear them out just for fun.
 I'm shifting through space with the O'Faroes. We're headed for the border between the Selende and Garnish worlds. If my calculations are correct, Zahava should have retreated to this area by now. ...... Here it comes. Zahava is using his spider legs to bounce off the ground. I don't know how spiders can move so fast, but I envy them. I don't want to imitate them, though, because they're creepy.

Hey, good work.
Why did you withdraw from ......?
Lazaricata didn't buy us as much time as we thought he would. The Blue King was headed your way.
"Well, I guess we have no choice. If I kill that guy, I won't have time to kill anyone else.

 How dare Oferow and Zahava think that they can kill each other with the Blue King? Your colleague was almost defeated just a moment ago. They've basically got no respect for each other. Maybe if they killed each other, they'd settle this right away.

"Why do I have to fly here and there by myself to do chores?
"Don't complain when I'm around. Your voice is unpleasant to listen to. I hate your voice to begin with.
That's because you can use transference magic. I don't like your voice to begin with.
You're always saying too much! I'll never help you even if you're dying! Die gracefully!