312 That's why he was like an older brother.

 As I was disposing of the undead in order to meet up with Lakra and the rest of the Harkdoks, I encountered a strange looking beast.
 The beast was clearly different from normal beasts and was under the influence of necromancy, so I could guess that it was one of Princess Hilmera's pawns.

You're not a demon, are you?
"No. You've been brought back to life as an undead, but it's not the same as regular necromancy.
What's different?
I'm not sure what you mean by that. But that is ...... simply regenerating the body and allowing it to move only by instinct?

 Raheit did not use it in this way. Then should we assume that Princess Hilmera is self-taught in the application of necromancy?
 If a beast of that size can wield its power freely without the limitations of its body,......, it would be a little difficult to restrain it with a chain that has only been reinforced with magic.
 It's difficult to change the volume and length of the chain any further when the magic is sealed, and you can't use all your weapons to restrain it.
 As I was thinking about this, Bellard, who had been in the sky with Aed, came back. I'm sure Aedo can carry two people, so this should be fine as a means of transportation for Ao and Marya.

There was no sign of the huge magic seal stone, as far as I could tell. And that beast, I could see several others. They seem to have been released deliberately, but the direction they're heading is strangely similar, even if they're only killing humans.
Should we assume that it's ...... looking for something?

 If it retains the characteristics of a beast, then it's an undead with five senses superior to a humanoid. The one Princess Hilmera wants to find amidst all this commotion: ...... Prince Nufusa or the missing King Selende.

Are we going to defeat them?
"No, there's no way to neutralize that volume of undead without the use of purification magic. Even if we do get into a fight, we'd better destroy its legs and leave immediately.

 The first thing to do is to meet up with Lakra and Harkdock. After that, we need to find the seal stone and remove it.
 If we split up, some of us will be caught unawares in the battle with the beast.

That's good. If we didn't have to choose a place, we could just use Dal'Agestia.
"...... You're right. You might want to consider using the Daluagestir.

 Until we moved to this location, we could hardly see the citizens of Serende who were to be rescued. If it was a disaster of this magnitude, I would have thought that the damage would be much greater. ...... I guess Prince Noufsa is getting around better than I imagined.

Anyway, we have to get out of the influence of the magic seal stone. I'm not sure what to make of this.

 I heard an unfamiliar beast yell from afar. I could tell that it was the undead beast we had been looking out for by the screams it raised in response.
 As the number of screams increased, the one we had been watching started to run. Not on our side, but in the direction where we first heard the yelps.

It seems to have found something and was passing it on to its companions.
If it's ......, then someone from the royal family must be in that direction.

 The normal undead are not reacting. Only that particular undead is trying to gather at one point.
 If we're in a hurry to join up with Lakra, we should just ignore them and move on. ....... If that Lakra had heard the screams and had come to the same conclusion as I had, he might be heading in that direction.
 If the beast's undead attacked her, she would definitely be no match for the magic-impaired Lakra. She might even be able to catch up with them with her magic enhancement.

Are we going?
"There's a possibility that Lakra is on her way. From the direction, Lakra will probably get there first. Then it makes sense to go a little farther.
Isn't that dangerous?
It's dangerous, but it's a situation we can't ignore. Let's split up. I'll go alone.

 As if to interrupt my words, I get a hard slap on the back. You'll be able to find a lot more than just a few of them.

You can't just divide us up like that. I'm better than you. You should learn that every time I separate from you, I end up in trouble.
"......, we're heading into a clear and present danger.
Then you'll have to protect us. Bellard can fly, so go to Harkdock's and see if Lakra is already there. Here, Marya, get in.
"Wow, yes!

 The airdrops start running with them on board. There's no room for complacency now. I guess we'll just have to do what we have to do.

 "What the hell was that yell?

What the hell was that shouting? ......

 Thanks to Jastet, we arrived at the facility safely, but it seems that Harkdock and the others have already moved on. It's a good thing that you're not the only one who has a problem with this.

I don't think they belong to you. Isn't he one of your Demon Lord's men?
"Hmm. I'm sure you'll be able to figure out what's going on.
I'm sure you'll be able to figure out the next step for the culprit behind this incident. The direction in which the yell came from and the spacing between the yells seemed to indicate that it was a call from someone who had found their prey. ......

 That's what I thought, too. If Princess Hilmera was looking for anything, or anyone, in this situation, it would be Prince Nufusa.
 I'm not sure what to make of this, but I'm sure it's a good idea. ...... There's nothing I can do when I get there. .......

I'm not sure what to do, but I'm sure I'll be able to do it. ...... Okay, I'll meet up with Masetta and the others first! I'm not sure what to do, but I'm sure it's a good idea.

"A wise decision. There is one good report and one bad report, ...... which would you like to hear from?
"Ugh, the way you put it, the bad report wins. ....... Can you please compliment me and increase the number of good reports?
"I'll do my best. While you think about it, let the bad ones win. They meet up, but it looks like they've been attacked by assassins.

 Yeah. ....... I don't suppose there are any dead bodies of the two of you lying around, are there? I don't like to see dead bodies of people I know. .......

You know exactly what I mean, don't you?
I'm sure you'll be able to find something that will help you. And the other one seems to be the one who defeated our Arkreal before .......

 Jastet looked at the gouged ground and made a difficult face. Is this a footprint? I'm not sure what kind of force would be used to leave such a mark on the ground. ....... I'm not sure what to make of this.

"Oh, um, you two are--
The good news is, they're both still alive. The bloodstains are moving towards the other side, overlapping the two of them. The amount of blood that is left on the floor and the bloodstains that have fallen in spots indicate that they were badly injured, but the bleeding can be stopped within the range of magic enhancement. I don't know why, but I'm willing to bet it was overlooked.
That's good. Good. ......
And your posture is beautiful.
Oh, you really mean that, don't you? Thank you very much.
I hope you teach her some feminine gestures. That little sister is a lovesick girl, but she's too rough around the edges.

 Morari was a very scary person, wasn't she? He said that Mikusu was very cute, but that look in his eyes is something I would not want to get involved with.
 Anyway, what should I do? Harkdock and the others are injured, but they seem to be alive. The direction they are heading gives the impression that they are heading away from Serende Castle and towards a safe place.
 If he can't walk properly, you can catch up with him quickly if you hurry. ...... Hmm...

"Mmmm ......
Aren't you going to head for your friends?
As much as I'd like to, the situation seems to be getting tighter. ......

 If there are more than one of those shouting beings heading towards Prince Noufsa, who is leading the evacuation, the situation is quite dangerous. I'm sure Brother Ecdysius is aware of this and is probably on his way to help.
 However, with no magic available, there is only so much you can do. This is especially true for me. .......

I'm not going to be able to accompany the screamers where they're going since I can't use magic.
That's okay. It's okay. I can't go there if I can't use magic. I don't want to go, even if you ask me to.
I don't want to be asked to do anything. ...... So what else can I do to help my injured friends? If you have time to think about it, you might as well hurry up and join us.
I've been stuck here with this feeling that I can do something. ......

 I've been trying to keep my head down and groaning, but no idea came to mind. I'm not sure what to do. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for. .......

...... Hmm. I'm not sure if the Morari are here yet, and I can give you some ideas, but ...... I'm not that bright either.
I'm sure you'll be able to come up with something. ...... Please admire me for now.
...... I've got my nails well trimmed. The Morari's often get rough when they use their knives.

 When did this feeling start? I'm pretty sure it was when the spell was canceled. ...... Yes, I remember that feeling. Well, when was that? .......

"Hmmm. ...... You have nice skin, you seem to be getting a lot of sleep. Morari's a night owl.
Hmm. Hmm.
...... You're taking good care of your hair. He takes a bath often. He's a pain in the ass except when he's meeting Lord Lytial.
"Jastet, you like Morari, don't you?

 I was hoping that the compliment would make me feel better, but instead it distracted me. The compliment was too detailed, and it wasn't about taking a bath, but more about his personality. ...... What? A bath? I'm sure you'll agree.

I've been your sister for years. It's not that I don't like her. It's just that if she listened to me a little better, she'd be a lot prettier. ......

 I walked into the facility and looked around for the place I was looking for. ...... There it was, the bath! There's no wood burning, so it's cold, but ...... there's no need to be extravagant. I jumped in with my clothes on.

No, I think everyone has their own way of taking a bath, so you don't have to practice ...... or jump in with your clothes on. ......
No, it's not! Well, for now, just try it again. ......

 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for. But this is it, this is the feeling. Try ...... again, try ....... again.

"You're under the influence of a magic seal stone. You can't use magic, but what the hell--
That way! There's an enchanted stone in that direction!
...... What?

 I'm sure you'll be able to figure out what's going on here.

 In fact, you build it yourself and are neutralized on the spot. ...... There is a slight shift in the position of the neutralization.
 You can find a lot of people who are looking for the best way to get the most out of their life.

If we could just get rid of the magic seal stone, everyone would be able to deal with it freely, so that would be our top priority!

 As I got out of the bath and wiped my hair with a nearby towel, Jastet-san jumped into the bath. After the bath, I wiped my hair with a nearby towel.

"I see. I see.
"So that's how it works." "Oh, you understand that too, Jastet-san? ...... Oh, by the way...
I'm a bastard with excellent concentration skills. In an environment without magic, it's not that difficult to do the same trick as Lakra-san.

 In some respects, he's as talented as the legendary hero. It's just a little sad to see him so easily imitating what I thought only I could do.
 Jastet-san got out of the bath and took a towel and wiped his head with it as well. Speaking of which, what should I do with my clothes? ....... If you're both soaking wet, you're more likely to catch a cold than move. .......

I've heard that Mr. Masetta used to come by every day to keep an eye on Mr. Harkdock. I've also heard that he's recently been planning to bring in some luggage to sleep in and keep an eye on him. With all this commotion, that package might still be there.
"Oh, by the way! ...... Ugh, your mind is so much faster than mine. ......
I don't know what you're so pessimistic about, but this is to Mr. Lakra's credit. I think you should be more proud of yourself.
I'm not in the mood. ......

 Mr. Jastet opened a nearby room and went through the luggage. It looks like he's borrowing someone's clothes. Yeah, I've got to get dressed, too. .......

My talent is innate and given to me by others. But Mr. Lakra's concentration is a product of his own refinement. I'd say it's on a par with the efforts of Yugra the Brave. At least I don't think I can match up with a bastard who works hard in other things and has talent in that field. The means of finding the direction of the magic seal is also based on Lakra's experience. I may be able to imitate her, but only she can produce the results.
I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that I'm not the only one who's had to deal with this. I can't believe you think so highly of me. ....... I'm not sure what to say, but I'm sure you'll understand.
"I'll give you my opinion on that, but it's the role of my family to point out the bad points.