285 That's why we couldn't meet.

 After Prince Washekht and the others left, your friend asked me to tell him about my past. Judging from the way he was talking to me earlier, he wanted to know about my attitude toward those competing for the throne.
 If they were interested in me, it would be a fun time of joking around with pleasure, but ...... it doesn't seem like a good time to joke around.

I'm serious, but you don't have to take it so seriously. In the case of Taze, Marito was too powerful. Even though they had a rivalry for a while, by the time they grew up, Mixu was already in a position where he was taking a step back, right?
"Yeah, well ....... Your mother and her cronies left some unfinished business, but ......

 The reason why I have been trying to improve myself to be as good as my brother was because of competition at the beginning, but from the middle, it was because I didn't want to be ashamed of my sister. But because of my efforts, my mothers have come to expect that I have what it takes to take the throne of Tarz.
 I didn't want to fight with my brother for the throne, so I decided to leave Taize and live as an adventurer. Even though I was far away from Taize, I continued to strive to be a sister who would not be ashamed of my brother, and I even found myself being given a disturbing nickname: .......

"At the time, your mother was very disappointed with my decision. But as time went by, that problem was solved. After you actually took control of the kingdom, your talent became clear to me.
"He was called a wise king at such a young age. The queen, who was so enthusiastic, has cooled down.
We're still in touch, though only through correspondence. I've told her that I intend to introduce her friends to you eventually, but I think we should get to know each other a little better first.

 I'm sure your mother has heard about your friend, and I'm sure she doesn't have a bad impression of you. I just don't like the thought that she might use your friend to get me to ...... take the throne again.

Have you ever heard of the story of Mix's father, the previous King Taze?
I've heard that in your father's time, it was the eldest son who took over.
"Hmm. It's a bit too much of a difference from Serende then. ......

 I like the face that is thinking about something bad, but I also like the face that is thinking about something serious. I wonder if I can't take a picture of him secretly somehow. ...... Even your friend who is too insensitive would notice me holding a camera in the open. I wish I could make it smaller so that I could put it in my clothes or bag. .......

Shishou. How about King Zenotta?
"Yes. Of the other great powers, Quama may be the closest to Selende.

 In the event that you've got a lot of money, you'll be able to use it to buy a lot of things.

I've already told them to go to Exoik. In fact, Masetta-san would be the best choice for this job. ...... Well, he's also in a position to monitor the Mejis side.
Oh, that was quick.
I don't have any experience with royalty. I've never had any experience with royalty, so I need to hear as much as I can about it to get a sense of what it's like.
"I suppose the second step, inferring from objective facts, requires a lot of information to understand.
I guess you need a lot of information to understand the second step, which is inferring from objective facts." "You need that even if you use the third step. It takes a lot of time to do it with someone you know almost nothing about.

 Lord Ratzel's gaze was a little unsettling, but rest assured that I did not mean to impose it. As for me, I don't like the idea of your friend using it over and over again. For those of us who simulated it in Garnet, it's really unfashionable behavior.

"So the immediate task is to gather information so that your friend can solve the problem in the second stage.
"There's no time limit this time. This time there is no time limit, so Marito will only be lonely for a short time.
I don't think it's a good idea to make your brother lonely. ......

 I'm not sure what to make of that. If you're the one who is being probed for the fact that you've been helping the demons, your friend's intrusion will be an eyesore. I'm sure you'll be able to find a way to make it work.

The three of you were aware of Hilmera's bodyguard, Murscht, weren't you?
Yes, well. Yes, well, with all that attention on us from outside the room, we would have noticed.

 Your friend with no fighting skills didn't seem to notice the whole time, but at that time there was so much pressure that he could have jumped in at any moment. I think he was trying to intimidate us so that we wouldn't misbehave with Princess Hilmera.

She's a very strong person. But Wolfe will not be defeated!
"I don't think you'll have any trouble, Wolfe. I'd be a little more careful myself.
You're as strong as a good adventurer, aren't you? If Hilmera's bodyguards are at that level, then we should assume that the other princes around them are also quite skilled.

 To be honest, I don't think our strength is inferior when we have Lord Ratzel, who didn't lose against Lord Arkreal. ...... Well, it's nice that you're being cautious.
 In the event that you have any questions regarding where and how to use the internet, you can contact us at the web site. I am not an expert in guarding either.

I'm not an expert at guarding, and I'll have to heal my wounds first before I can move. I didn't miss the slight frown on your face when you got off the carriage on the way back to the ruins!
I'm aware that the three of you didn't miss that. I'm aware that the three of you didn't miss it. I'll just keep my head here.

 I'd like to be able to rely on them, but the royal family of Tarz can't be doing espionage work on the affairs of other countries' royalty. If you get registered and drop the Taze name, you can ...... Hmmm, this topic doesn't seem to be your friend's favorite.

I can gather as much information as I can on the street. You can rely on me more!
If you want, you should find someone who knows someone who likes fruit.
"The knight who comes to report to Mister Yox, that's the place to aim for.

 A pile of fruit that we don't even think about consuming ourselves anymore. This is going to be an immediate problem too.

I can't believe we're stumbling on this problem after solving a global problem. I'd be happy to take some of it.

 Lord Ratzel, along with Wulfe, jumped out in front of your friend, weapons at the ready. In front of you is arguably the greatest threat so far, Ritual-Zentry himself. Beside him is the figure of Morari.

"Hmm, you came to visit me? You didn't bring any fruit, did you?
If I'd known about the situation, I would have planned to bring a lot of fruit. Unfortunately, I'm empty-handed.
Even the True Eye couldn't see that coming.
What's so sad about predicting your nemesis to be buried in fruit?

 Your friend told you that he would be in contact with you in the not too distant future. ...... I didn't expect him to show up so openly in the middle of the day. ....... If there is a Tudori who is skilled at cloaking, there will be no problem. ......
 I'm not sure what to make of that.

You, ......, how dare you show your face in a place like this!
Yox. Don't push yourself too hard. You don't want to get caught with a wounded man, and if you do, you'll lose the chance to get the information you need. You know that, don't you?

 Yoxu-dono had his hand on the sword at his side, but Lilitha-dono was holding it at his side. If he was in perfect condition, but his wounds had not healed yet, he would not have a chance against Ritual.

Shall we try?
"Of course I'll try. It's my fault for being so provocative, but you need to calm down. People of the planet Yggra, would you please stop putting fruit in the basket and appease Yox?

 Your friend ....... You're in the middle of a tense situation, but you don't seem to read the air. He's more interested in shoving as much fruit into the basket as possible than he is in killing each other. .......

No. I'm sure you'll be able to figure out what you want to do. You don't have any of the information I want, do you?
"Who in Serendipity gave us the information about the ruins? There's nothing I can tell you about that. It was Raheit who set up our base here in Serende. And--
"My collaborator did not reveal his identity to me. The only thing we know about him is that he is a powerful man in Serende, right? How dare you trust such a person to set up a base?
If it was a trap set by Selende, he was planning to use Rahite's necromancy to cause chaos and escape.

 Rahite was the only one who knew who Selende's collaborators were. But that Raheit is already dead. It might be possible to bring back his soul with the power of the Blue Demon Lord, but considering Rahite's talent as a bastard, I'd rather not.

"But that doesn't mean you haven't analyzed it, right?
"I've been following the footsteps of the merchants and others who have been bringing in supplies. I've been doing some digging of my own, and Rahite has nailed me. The collaborators are dangerous to provoke, and you should stay out of it.

 To be honest, it's hard to believe that even Rithyal, who was supposed to be the core of the team, didn't know about this. ...... But judging from Rithyal's attitude, it seems that Rithyal was telling the truth.

You're the guildmaster of Morgana, and Serende is managed by Nektohar and Raheit. I had a hunch.
"It's not as if I didn't have any information. "Not that I didn't have some information, but I had no reason to cooperate with you after you destroyed my ambitions.
That's all I need to know. So, I assume you're here today to discuss your future position?
Yes. I'm going to stop using resurrection magic for the time being. I will, however, continue to fulfill my original purpose.

 Ritual's purpose is to make the world aware of the existence of Yugra's bastards with unique talents, and to avoid them being persecuted. The reason for dabbling in reanimation magic is to create a threat to humans and make the existence of bastards a necessity for the world. .......

You want me to help you achieve that goal?
I can't force you. I'm going to do this within my lifespan, if that's what it takes. If I see no other way, I will use conventional methods to change the world.
That's a very nice threat.
It's not a threat. I'm just telling you my plan for the rest of my life.
I'm not gonna say no. I have people I want to protect, and no one I want to put in the same situation as me.

 He felt his friend's consciousness drift slightly toward Wolfe. I'm sure your friend doesn't want the bastard children of Yugra to be shunned and avoided for their talents.

I'm glad to hear your response. I'm glad to hear your favorable response. I'll be observing your movements for the time being and conducting my activities peacefully.
If you hadn't done that from the start, I wouldn't have gotten hurt like this.
If you had done that from the beginning, I wouldn't have been injured like this. "Even if I had been calm, Raheit and Nektokhar would not have been injured.

 I guess we can call it a truce for now. You can postpone worrying about the birth of a new Demon Lord, and depending on the work of your friend, you can even prevent it from happening. To be honest, it's not an issue that can be left unresolved, but ...... it's not something that can be settled easily.

You could have sent them a letter. It's a good thing I'm not the only one who can push fruit on you.
We've got our own problems. By the way, Mr. Harkdock, you're not here. Are you back with the Jestaff?
Just on leave and to report. Did you want to see him?
He's not someone I'd like to see much. There's a girl I'd like to meet at ....... No, it's nothing. Now, if you'll excuse me.

 Lytiar left the room. As he left, Morari stuck her tongue out at me, but aside from that, who was the person who wanted to see Lord Harkdock ......?