281 That's why it's sightseeing.

"Hmm, okay.

 At any rate, I've recovered to the point where I can walk during the day without any problem. However, this is only a problem to the extent that I can move even if the wound has not healed, and the pain is still there. If I take painkillers, I should be able to go about my daily life without any problems, but the doctor reminded me that if I get carried away, the wound might open up and become infected.
 According to Mixu's report, Harkdock has a wound in the Quama Realm that needs to be repaired. It's not that he's healing fast, it's just that his range of operation is wide. Good thing Masetha's with him, yeah.

"You're ready. Let's go!
"You've got a lot of energy, Washekht.

 He said he had recovered to a certain extent, but not enough to be active on the slopes, so he decided to join the tour of the ruins produced by Washekht. I admire his energy to do what he promised a while ago, but what's with his motivated face?
 Contrary to the unsociable expression on his face when I first met him at Garnet, he has the aura of an athletic man. Isn't this guy changing his mind too?

Are you excited? It's natural. To remind others of the preciousness of your hobby, this is an act equivalent to a duel. My decision will determine whether you will awaken to your noble hobby or not. The responsibility is heavier than that of an ordinary office!
I think it's just a matter of taste.
"That's just an excuse. If I recommend you, I will definitely bring you in. You have to have that kind of determination.

 Washekht, this guy really lives for his hobby. Marito was also very fussy about gardening, but I can tell you that his love for ruins is even greater. Is that okay with you, third prince, the man vying for the throne?
 Ilias, Wolfe, and Mikus will be my guards. I don't know why there are no guards for the Washect. When I asked him why, he gave me a terrible answer.

I'm not taking anyone with me unless they can guide me as well as I can. It's just a rudimentary understanding of the structure of all the ruins in Serende.

 The guards seem to have protested, but Ilias, who is one of the best knights in Tarz, said it would be enough. Ilias was embarrassed with a complicated look on his face, but that's a good thing to be embarrassed about.
 They rode in a carriage for a while. The carriages had always been made by Taze, but Serende's carriage hardly shook at all. The horses are more docile, but it seems that the carriage has some kind of shock-reducing mechanism. The Tarzian carriages were designed to be sturdy enough to move quickly, so a carriage designed to entertain someone is very refreshing.

I thought traveling in a carriage wasn't so easy, but this is almost as good as sleeping.
"These technologies have been around since long before this country was founded. Without skilled craftsmen, it would be impossible to reproduce.

 If you mean before Serende was built, you mean before Shigeya Yukura defeated the Demon King. The first country where Shigeya Yukura moved was the neighboring country of Mejisu. He may have been spreading various technologies in this area.

I'm sure your friend will have no trouble returning to Taize with this carriage. I'm sure your friend will have no problem getting back to Taize with this carriage, and I'll stay with him until he's ready to move on to Serende!
"What did Marith say to you, Mixu?
I'm sure you're not the only one who's had it.

 If you include Gahne, there are currently three Demon Lords who have a friendly attitude towards humans. But with the fact that it's just come to light, it's natural for people to think of exclusivity.
 However, if we can pay our debt to King Selende, we can gain connections with the kings of all the major powers on this continent. It may not be so easy to solve everything just because you have the upper hand, but at least you'll be able to take the country in a safe direction.

The Demon King ....... It is natural that you don't like it, but unlike Mejis, Selende doesn't take Yugra's advice that seriously.
I'm not sure if it's because they're neighbors or because they're neighbors. No, it's because they are neighbors.
"Since there's nothing to hide, I'll tell you that Mejis and I have a bad relationship because of a small country. Have you heard of a small country called Spine?
"Yes. It was near the border between Mejlis and Selende.

 It is said to have been destroyed by Raheit when he was moving from place to place. I've heard that the undead continued to multiply due to necromancy, and that the clergy, including Maja, eventually solved the problem by hunting down the Raheit.

Spine is a country that originally broke away from Medis. Do you know what it means for a small country to be born out of a large country?
"Well, that's what being neighbors means.

 A different country means that there are some differences. There is a language barrier, but the more obvious barrier is the difference in ideology.

"Spine is a nation of independent people influenced by Selende. "Spinet is a nation of people who were influenced by Selende to become independent and live without the teachings of Yugoslavia.
Serende didn't take you in, did he?
Serende is ruled by subhumans, like Thorin. Different races, even if they share the same ideology, can cause conflict. I guess our ancestors thought it necessary to draw a line.
"How dare the Medis allow the Spines to become independent?
"At that time, Mejlis was struggling to deal with the demons coming from the Mejlis demon world. I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's a good idea.

 With a clear enemy in the form of the demons of the Mejisu demon world, there's no time for internal strife. I'm sure you've heard of it.

From what you've said, I get the impression that both Mejis and Selende were friendly to the Spines.
They were friendly. Until that day.
"...... necromantic disintegration of Spinet?
Yeah. At first, Spine went to Selende for help. But we struggled against the undead who could not be killed by slaying. We had our hands full with the undead that tried to cross the border into Serende. The most effective purification spell was the secret technique of the Yggra cult. Even if there is no difference in strength, there is only a difference in compatibility. ......

 Serende is a country that has not been affected by Yugraism. Some activity is allowed, but not as a state religion. The number of clergy that could be sent into battle was probably very limited.
 It is an amazing story that they were able to stop a pandemic of necromancy in another country at the border.

But in the end, Medis solved the problem, didn't they?
Yes, he did. He ignored our repeated attempts to help him, and only when it was too late did he finally get around to it.
"...... I see. But isn't it natural to prioritize one's own country over others?
I don't deny it. Serende was also reluctant to send help to prevent damage to his country. But Mejis could have helped Spinet. No, only Mejis could have saved Spine. We were going to take over the role of stopping the demon invasion just as long as Mejis protected Spinet. But Mejis refused to even allow us to enter his territory. As a result, we lost a friend who shared our ideology, were shamed that we couldn't save him, and became angry at the one who could.

 There must be a reason for this on the part of the Mejis. In order to resist the demons that are constantly attacking them, they need to gather forces on the demon world side. If they create a hole to save Spine, their own people will be attacked by demons.
 Serende's words about taking over the defense in the meantime were something that a human being would want to believe, but it was not something that a country could easily accept. It is the country that has to consider the risks of accepting such a proposal.

So you had no choice but to hold a grudge.
Yeah. The people of Serendipity understand that. But they still have to be aware of the wall of the country.

 Once a rift is created, it cannot be bridged easily. If we continue dialogue, it will be bridged someday, but it will take a lot of effort just to prepare a seat for two countries with different ideologies.
 Raheit was working in the dark to find the bastard. The deeper the rift between countries, the weaker their cooperation with each other, and the easier their activities would be. Maybe he was thinking that far ahead.

"Well, if it's any consolation. "Well, if it's any consolation, thanks to Washekht's help, we were able to defeat the one who destroyed Spine.
"I'd rather go public with it, though. I would have preferred to go public with it, but that would have made some people wonder if Mejis was letting the culprit get away.
This country is a pain in the ass.
Indeed. And you know why I choose to love the ruins?

 A country is a group of people. In a gathering of people, the atmosphere often has a greater impact than the right argument. To rule a country, you must read the atmosphere and guide the people's consciousness in a better direction. But if you do not choose the right action, the repercussions will surely appear. It is only when you can do both that you can properly lead a group.
 You have to deal with the atmosphere created by your predecessors. Just thinking about the effort is frightening. He would need a pillar of support to keep his heart from breaking. For Washekht, the ruins are that.

If you love the ruins, don't run to them.
"You don't need to be told. Well, we better get going. You three, can you check if anyone's following us?
No. Negative. I've used my locator spell, but there's no one within earshot.
Thank God you're so good. See, that's what you wanted, isn't it? Try to finish it on the move. And burn it before you leave.

 Washekht flings out a sheaf of parchment. This is ...... a document about the Selende royalty. There are also other documents about some powerful people. How did you manage to get all this in such a short time?

Thank you. But memorizing it just for today is ......
"Good luck. I believe you can do it.
What are you really thinking?
Try not to be a disadvantage to me. If you can't do that, then I'm afraid you're on your own.
I'm more motivated that way. Mix, help me remember.

 Washekht wanted to cooperate with us, but he didn't want to make enemies in Serende. It is not surprising that the mere preparation of information about other royals could be seen as a way of saying, "You are also a candidate for the underling.
 That is why he is using his position as a 'pathological lover of ruins' known to all to provide information.
 There is also a means of transcribing them, but he would like to avoid letting people know that he has these materials. Now that they have done all this, let's just memorize them.

Normally, I would prep you with the knowledge of the ruins on the way, but you seem to have a good insight. But when you get to the ruins, look at the ruins.
If you don't know what's there, the others will know.
That's true. But to disrespect the ruins in front of me is purely unacceptable.
I don't need you to tell me that I'm in it for the sheer pleasure of seeing the ruins.

 In the worst case scenario, I should consider taking pictures of the ruins with my hidden camera and use them later for review. After physical labor, I would have liked to do something more dreamy, like immersing myself in rote learning or practicing ...... magic.

As I've said before, I suspect the first prince, Noufsa, the first princess, Yumyess, and the second prince, Chisanthe.
What is your reasoning?
The ruins are protected by the state. Maps showing the inner structure are also kept by the state. It's not easy for an ordinary authority figure to introduce which ruins are suitable for a hideout.

 Aside from the original hiding place, the ruins where the battle took place were deep underground and quite intricate. Nektohar and his men had made the ruins their home and were coming for us.
 It is true that without the copy of the map that Washekht had prepared, it would not have been so easy to take advantage of.

But by that logic, you are the most suspicious.
"What do you mean? I, who love the ruins the most, would never surrender them to the stronghold of another country's people.

 From what I've read in the documents, those three people are indeed suspicious. There are enough elements to make me think that there is no harm in including them as candidates for now. But ......?

"What's wrong?
No, it's okay that you don't have your file, but I thought you didn't have your beloved sister's file.
She'll be fourteen this year.
Oh, I see.

 Rahite destroyed the Spines twenty years ago, and Nektokhar attacked the Targs ten years ago. If Raheit had tried to contact her after that, Washekht's sister would not even have been born, and if Nektohar had contacted her immediately, she would have been four years old. No demon race would ask a four-year-old to help them, right?
 You can estimate that Nektohar has been based in Serende for at least five years,......, which is still nine years old.

If you're still not convinced, I'll introduce you later. Of course I won't let you touch him.
Don't worry, I don't think you can beat a fourteen year old.
...... I think that's a weakness to worry about.

 The possibility is not zero, but it is extremely low. But in this case, it is more appropriate to say that he was seduced rather than a collaborator. .......
 For the time being, I enjoyed the sightseeing tour of the ruins while looking through the materials.