214 That's why it appears.

 It's not enough to be a man of character to get ahead in the Yugra cult. You also need to be strong enough to step up to the plate for the demons that threaten those who have no power. Serraes, you're just like an archbishop. His basic abilities are far superior to those of most clerics.

That's a dangerous place, Masetta.

 I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not, but it's a good idea. Unlike the invisible attack, the crystal knife that Mixu used to kill the small fish, this was a blade that used wind magic. As powerful as it is, the time from activation to hit is quite fast. It's slower than Lakra's warding spell, so I can evade it in time after detecting it with my detection spell, but ...... Masetta's reaction time is a bit much.

I'm sure you're not the only one.
It's not strong enough! The wards I can cast aren't strong enough to block high-powered magic!

 I've heard of people getting their arms and legs cut off from the top of wards. I'm not sure what to make of this.

You'll have to be a little more careful with your evasion.
"It's an invisible attack! I'm trying to use detection magic, but there are too many feints in the mix for me to be able to judge properly.
Yeah, well, that's true.

 Ceraes is attacking us with multiple blades at once, all at different times. I'm sure he's thinking about the direction we're likely to avoid, but it's hard to avoid. I can tell which direction they're coming from by activating my detection spell, but Masetta's not as good at it as I am. It's too late to detect and react.

You don't have a ...... magic seal, do you?
No, you can't have one of those, it'll make your magic fail when you need to use it quickly.

 It's hard to handle without training like a knight of the TARDIS. I'm sure Mikus has one, but it won't do you any good if you start shouting for it.

I'm not going to be able to do that," he said, "so I'm going to step forward and you're going to do a little magic from behind. If I'm in front of you, you won't have time to attack Masetta that much.
How can you be so random?
In terms of simple strength, Serraes is stronger than me. But that doesn't mean he's unbeatable. The only thing necessary to make up the difference is how many other factors are lying around.

 If it's a bare knuckle fight, it's only natural that the stronger man wins. But if there's even a chair nearby, the game is lost. That's what fighting is all about. It's all about how well you read and how well you understand your opponent, like a brother.

"I'll try not to hit you, but don't hit me, okay?
I'll try to avoid hitting you, but don't hit me!

 I'm going to try to avoid hitting you, but don't hit me! He hasn't said much since the fight started. It's hard to keep your guard up when you're the type of person who keeps quiet when you're focused, so it's a pain in the ass.

I'm going to go now!

 I'm not sure what to make of this. Instinct warned me to stop. As soon as you honestly stop, the ground one step ahead of you rises up as if it had burst, creating a small wall in front of you. No, "wall" is not the right word. It's meant to blow me up. It's meant to blow me up. It's meant to keep me afloat and make sure the wind blade hits me where I can't move. He's got magic all over his feet.

I'll take this one.

 He thrusts his left arm out in front of him and prepares his inner workings. An earthen wall like this should be enough to shock Ceraes. Oh, you want me to stop? I'm not sure what to do.

It's not the easiest way to attack, is it?

 Before I could get away from the wall, the wall exploded first. The earthen wall you built gave you a blind spot, so you'd better remember to follow it up with a ranged attack. Ceraes was using his own wards to prevent the explosion. In the meantime, wind blades were being generated behind him.

I'll just focus on evasion!

 The stagnant wind blades attacked all at once. This trajectory is deliberately leaving an escape route in the air, isn't it? I'm not sure what to make of this. Leap to avoid the wind blade.

And when you float, of course you'll aim for it!

 I manipulate the demon in my right arm and extend my arm to grab the ground. And then return it to its original length at once to avoid the chase blade. I'm not sure what to make of this.

"You've got a demon in you. Nasty right arm.
Yeah, well, it's the only right arm I've ever had!

 As I evade, Masetha's fire snaps above my head. It's a good shot, but Serraes has no trouble warding off the attack. I'm not sure if it's the same thing, or if it's a combination of multiple spells. Masetta's flames stick to Ceraes' wards and keep burning. If you put a certain amount of magic into it, it will keep burning until the magic runs out. It's a hell of a spell against the Yugoslavs, who can't move while their wards are active.

I'm not sure what to do.

 I was about to jump in, but Instinct warned me to step to the right. A wind blade flew at me just as I was about to jump. The flames should have obscured my vision, but you've got good instincts. The flames enveloped the ward and burned, but were gradually extinguished. There must have been some magic left in it, but it was extinguished by some kind of magic. I'm jealous that you can use multiple spells at the same time. While Masetha was casting a follow-up spell, I stepped back and returned to Masetha's side.

It's not going to work, is it? It's the most powerful magic I can use. ......
Don't be so downhearted. That's a pretty interesting spell. You've given me a chance to win.
Really? Honestly, Serraes, there's no room for error. ......

 I'm not sure what to make of it. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for. I'm not sure what to do, but I'm going to try.

"Spread the flame around so that Ceraes can't avoid it. There's no need to target Ceraes.
"Okay, okay!

 Ceraes has extinguished the flames of the chase and is resuming his attack on me. If you attack from a distance, you can somehow avoid it. But if you get too close, you'll have to follow your instincts' warnings to be able to react.

But I need to buy time for Masetta to finish her preparations.

 "But we need to buy time for Masetta to finish her work!" At long range, Ceraes will attack Masetta. You'll be able to see the difference between the two.

I'll try to shake her as much as I can first.

 I'll try to shake her as much as I can first." I'll jump in the same way, and fly backwards as soon as I get close enough. The timing of the earth wall is perfect. You've already died twice without Honnou-sama's warning. To avoid being caught in the explosion of the earthen wall, you move further away and try again through the smoke screen. Step forward this time, not back-- yes, back!

I'm going back!

 The mud wall that appeared had a wider range than before, and they knew that I would be able to read and avoid the mud wall. I don't stand a chance in a battle of wits. I'll just admit defeat here.

Hark-dog, let's go!
Come on, Hark-dog, let's go!

 As I fall back, Masetta finishes building her magic and unleashes a wide spread flame. The flames split in front of Ceraes and spread in a circle around him. Serraes deploys his wards and calmly flies his wind blades. But I'm going to twist that facade!

I'm sure you'll be fine with this. What are you doing?

 Ignore Masetta shouting behind you, and jump into the flames. The flames are all over me, even though I'm using the Tarzian warding technique that I learned to use. It's too hot! My magic arm is too thick to cover myself with cloth.

But that's better.

 "But this is good!" She finishes her preparations while running through the flames. Masetta seemed to have created this magic with the intention of sticking to her opponent's wards and even taking away their vision, but it's the best. The fact that I can't see beyond the flames means that Ceraes can't see me, my whole body on fire. The only thing I can judge is the sound of his footsteps, but thanks to his warding, he can barely hear them. I stopped in the flames and pointed my left arm in the direction of Ceraes. There's still a lot of distance between us, but I don't care, I'm going to unleash my deepest move from this position!

I'm not going to care.

 It blows out the flames and destroys the ward of Ceraes. It's powerful enough, but it doesn't have enough range. The impact of the inner hand doesn't reach Ceraes.

I must have misjudged the timing.

 But that's why it shattered the warding. He knew where my inner hand was, he wouldn't have thought to fire it from out of range!

I'm not misjudging you. It's not my technique to make it reach you, it's Masetta's technique!

 In the midst of the shattering wards, a fireball the size of a human head rolls to the feet of Ceraes. I'm not sure what to do, but I'm sure I'll be able to do it. But what about the amount that's in it?

Just inside the warding range!

 The flames overflowing from the exploding fireball envelop Ceraes. What the fireball is, it's part of the demon in my right arm. As I ran through the flames of Masetha's fire, I caught it and wrapped it around me. Ordinary flames would burn up quickly in an enclosed space, but Masetta's flames would keep burning as long as the magic power contained in them remained. I've collected and compressed a lot of them, enough to burn you!

"No matter how experienced you are in battle, you've never fought while burning. I've only had one experience, when a drunkard sprayed me with strong alcohol.

 Ceraes used his magic to extinguish the flames that surrounded him. I'm sure you're not the only one. I've been wanting to get into the whirlpool, and I'm going to do it without hesitation!

"Because I don't know how to extinguish it! "I don't know how to put out a fire, so I'm going to hit you without hesitation!

 I can hit him without hesitation! This feeling, you're doing a good job of strengthening your body's magic. You don't know how many rounds my whirlwind club attack alone will take. Then the right arm. Feeding on my magic. You'll have to work hard for it.

Let's just give it everything we've got!

 The demon in my right arm is transformed into a bullshit demon with the simple intention of 'killing the guy in front of me'. In response to my will, the demon on my right arm changes into a messy horn or claw-like blade, which pierces Ceraes' body. If you can't make precise changes, then let the demon do what it wants!

"Gah, ha......

 He slams the whirling club into the head of Ceraes, who bends down. Ceraes is knocked to the ground and does not move.

I don't think he's dead, but I'm sorry if he is.
"Don't dress like you're on fire!

 I was hit from the side, and before I knew it, my whole body was drenched. I'm cold.

Oh, it's Masetta. That's a really messy way to put out a flame, man.
It's a special water to put out the flame. I mean, jumping into those flames, that's insane!
I figured you'd have the means to extinguish the flames. That's what I thought.
What if you didn't have the means?
No, I was sure you had it. Masetha's very handy and cautious. Masetha's very handy and cautious, and I'm sure she's got a way to put it out, in case we start a fire or something when we practice building that fire.
...... You're right. Does the burn hurt?
It f*cking hurts. Get it fixed.
Yeah, yeah. ......

 Masetha's casting a healing spell. Oh, it's soaking in. ....... I haven't had a bath in a long time.

You're amazing at ....... I can't believe you beat Master Therese.
I'm not sure what you're talking about, but your magic is amazing. I could only buy myself enough time for Exduk and the others to come back for me. Thank you!
Yeah, ......, that's what I'll say.

 No, that's what I'm talking about, isn't it? I forgot to mention that Ceraes' men are ...... already wiped out, dude.

Hark-dog, looks like you're done, too.
"Oh, you're ...... good at taking down former archbishops!
No, you guys are done with the bastards and cleaning up the mooks. ......

 I was so focused on the fight with Ceraes that I didn't see him at all. I'm really glad these guys are strong. I don't even want to think about the bastard intervening while I'm fighting Ceraes.
 Ecdysium says Ceraes is still alive. Like the bastard, he'll be tied up with a rope and fitted with a lock containing a magic stone. They also gave him a paralyzing poison. That's no way to treat a dying man. Serraes' men decided that Exoik's chains were enough and left them lying around. Quama's men will retrieve it for him.

But well, we've achieved our goal, haven't we?
Yeah, I guess so. ...... By the way, I heard that Duvraeus was coming to support us.
"Well, he didn't show up, by the way. I wonder if it's taking longer than expected?

 It's strange that Duvraeus couldn't make it in time. Did your brother ask you to do something else? I'm sure you're not the only one. There was also the possibility that we might have delayed the battle in hopes of reinforcing Duvraeus. .......

I'm not sure what to make of that.

 I'm not sure what to make of it. I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's worth it. I'm not sure what to do. He seems to be a serious guy, but surprisingly ...... what?

I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not.

 It's no wonder that Exoik is in a panic. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for. If this is a human, it's a wonder he's still alive.

You guys seem to be done with ....... We don't have much time, we have to leave now!
What's that supposed to mean?
I'll explain later. He's coming!
I envy you your ability to fly. I envy you being able to fly, you can move so fast without shuffling your feet. I'm so jealous of your ability to fly. Oh no, Rithyal is going to give me a hard time. ......

 I'm not sure what to make of this, but I think it's a good idea. A short distance ahead of Duvraeoli, a man stood with a bloodied sword in his hand. Even a fool like me can understand why this man has driven Duvraeori to this point. After all, his instincts were kicking him in the back, telling him to run. He reflexively used his detection magic and the man in front of him--!

Everyone, let's get out of here! That thing is no good! Even we can't beat it! This guy's just as bad as Yugra!

 As a knight, adventurer, or clergyman, I know how strong my opponents are, and by touching their magic with my detection magic, I can get a feel for their characteristics and tendencies. The man in front of me was the same as the one I had seen only once before, a being with an incomprehensible strength. It's a great way to get a better idea of what's going on in the world.