192 Then, he gets dumped.

 I keep my distance from the Scarlet Witch King and check on him. Leaning against the nearest wall, he makes no move to stand up, but continues to deploy his kuto forward. There is no doubt that his leg is broken, and his pained expression shows that he has sustained multiple other damages. There is a limit to how many wards Kuto can put up. It is possible to escape at a certain speed even if you do not do anything yourself if you order Kuto, but it will put a considerable burden on his body, which cannot strengthen its own magic power. And from the conversations they've had, it seems that the Scarlet Witch King's goals include him. If he were to run away, he would move to incapacitate Kuto, and in the aftermath he would be further injured.

I can see the distraction. You can see his distraction. If he doesn't show the slightest sign of attacking, he can afford to do so. If that's the case, then we'll hit them as well.

 The Scarlet Witch King says this and walks towards you without even taking a stance. The Scarlet Witch King said that, and walked towards us without even taking a stance. Is this a sign of leeway, or is there no stance to begin with? I'm not sure what to make of this, but I'm sure it's a good idea.

You can't do that!

 Concentrating on the initial move to strengthen his magic power, he leaps in front of the Scarlet Witch King. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for. Not only does it have high reaction speed, but it also anticipates the attack that will be launched based on your movements. Unlike demons that only rely on their individual abilities, this man is certainly skilled in combat. So I stepped back, rotated around my foot, and aimed for his leg from the other side.

Good move.

 In the event that you've got a lot more than one, you'll be able to get a lot more. In order to read the trajectory of the spinning sword, I had to determine the moment it appeared from behind me. But he has already raised his knee, and he knows perfectly well that my aim is my foot. He immediately drops and creates distance.

I was going to smash it, but it's a tough sword. The quality of the weapon is not bad either.
I was under the impression that you were an egotistical demon lord, but I see that you admire humans more than I thought.
I was simply stating a fact. In all my years on the battlefield, I've never seen a weapon with so much magic enhancement and strength.
"Of course. Humans have been accumulating and refining their fighting techniques in preparation for the arrival of a new Demon Lord. As long as there are traces of the demon world left behind, we will not neglect our efforts. You must have some power that you honed after your defeat by Yugra. You should not be afraid to use it.
I'm afraid I don't have any.
"...... What?
"My body, strengthened by the power of the Struggle, has long since reached the end of its development. My strength is no different than it was when I was defeated by Yugra.
I'm sure other Demon Lords are making progress, but you're being lazy!

 The first priority is to assess the opponent's moves. The first priority is to assess the opponent's moves. Attack with a number of moves and draw out as many of their habits as possible. Swing your sword from above, below, right and left, without cutting deeply. You will be blocked by one or two strikes in succession, but you will gradually begin to see which attacks your opponent is blocking and how he is blocking them. Gradually, you begin to see their movements. You continue to slash and slash.


 The sword is stopped. It's not that the attack was blocked. I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but it's a good idea. It's not like he's going to be able to catch a sword with his skin, even if it's a strike where he's not putting any power into the sword because he's focusing on speed. I was able to catch a roughly swung axe with my sword. But the impact was so strong that it easily lifted the body that had been rooted to the ground. There were no traces of magic enhancement in the attack. No, there was something different about this Demon Lord to begin with.

"Let me correct one mistake. My power is not something you can train if you want to. My body is already perfected. The true nature of the power of combat is to raise a person's strength to the limit. Therefore, it is activated in battle and does not need to be strengthened. Even without magical enhancement, the body's movement will always be at its best.
You don't need to strengthen your magic. ......?
Exactly. You don't even need to use such a technique that was invented by the weak to overcome the strong.

 I'm not sure what to make of that. It was as fast as or faster than Lord Raggedy-doo's dive, but the force applied was far stronger. But it's not an attack that can't be prevented.

"How can you speak of strength when you were defeated by Ygras?
"It's a transcendent being. He knows the truth of this world and he violates it. It is inevitable that there is a difference between those who have transcended their own reason and those who have been led outside of it by others. You may be convinced that you have been defeated, but you will not feel inferior.

 The power of Yugra that I experienced in the "Index of the Brave" that I saw in Kuama, the power of the dark side that protects His Majesty. Surely that was beyond the dimension of power to compete with. But if the story is true, then this Scarlet Witch King also has power that transcends the reason of the world.

The Scarlet Witch King, you're strong. "Scarlet Witch King, you're certainly strong, but you don't seem to have any power beyond reason!
Of course not. Of course not. You haven't shown it yet. But an opponent of this caliber is not going to be shy. Experience for yourself the essence of the power of struggle.

 The Scarlet Witch King swings his axe again. Its speed is the same as before. It is difficult to avoid, but possible to receive. You can catch it without losing your posture, assuming that your body will float. The impact was certainly unusual, but I was able to prevent it. I'm going to fight back.


 My body is heavy. My body is heavy. I can't put as much energy into it as I want. You'll be able to find a lot more information on this subject in the future. The Scarlet Witch King is standing right in front of me. I can't fight back, no, the axe is already upon me. I managed to slip my sword in between the Scarlet Witch King's attacks in time, but I couldn't catch him properly and my body was blown away. He was slammed into the rubble, and a strong pain flashed through his body.

"Are you okay, Ilias?
"You avoided instant death. That's impressive.
What the ...... is ......?
My body is the power of the Struggle. If you wield it with power, those who receive it will be affected by its power. It's not that I don't like it, it's that I don't like it. That's all.

 I see. The roar of the demons under the power of the Struggle made many soldiers lose their will to fight. So his blow can have the same or even a greater effect. The power to forcibly incapacitate the target of the attack ...... is not a technique or magic, but a power unique to him. It is not a technique or magic, but a unique power. The damage is substantial, but not physically destructive. Breathe and concentrate on the flow of magic throughout your body. It's okay, it still works. The effect seems to wear off after a certain amount of time.

You can take away the freedom of the body, but you can't take away the ...... fighting spirit itself.
That's because you're a strong man. If you were an ordinary man, your heart would be broken even if you could avoid death.

 It's a nasty power. You're shaking, even as the effect wears off. When was the last time you shivered at the sight of someone you were fighting? I hate that it reminds me of my past, when I was weak.

"No matter how many times I am attacked, my resolve as a knight will not waver!
Then let me prove it to you.

 The Scarlet Witch King goes on the offensive. The Scarlet Witch King goes on the offensive. Even a single blow would leave him almost defenseless, and he would be sure to be finished off next time. Abandon your preparations for a counterattack and concentrate on evasion. This way, he could somehow avoid being attacked. ......! As soon as the wind pressure from the axe cutting through the air touches your skin, you will feel the same sensation as before. I'm not sure what to do.


 I get some distance and somehow avoid the next attack. It's not as bad as being on the receiving end of an attack, but if you continue to evade at close range, you will definitely be caught. Don't let them attack. We have to initiate and get away from him before he can counterattack. That's the only way I can think of.

"Good eye. Let's see how long the light in your eyes can hold out.
d*mn you!

 He evaded the Scarlet Witch King's attack and swung his sword at the Scarlet Witch King. I'm not sure if you've seen this before, but I'm sure you've seen it before. If you keep your distance, your attacks will be more easily blocked. No, that's not all. Once again, I'm losing power.

"Even if it's defended--?
"Of course.

 The Scarlet Witch King swings his axe. No good! I can't evade in time! At this rate...


 The Scarlet Witch King, who should have been right in front of me, is flung to the side. I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not, but it's a good idea. This magic power, there's no doubt about it.

Ilias, are you okay?

 Ilias, are you alright?" Wulfe, who had rushed to support him, had no hesitation in striking out at the Scarlet Witch King. Thanks to the sudden surprise attack, the Scarlet Witch King stopped attacking and took a defensive posture. However, the fist of Ulfe that was released with magic power was moving the body of the Scarlet Witch King that was in an inadequate defensive posture.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you.
"Where's Shishou? I'll be back. Shishou! Are you okay?
He's not okay, but he's alive.
He's injured, but not life-threatening at the moment. But he's not so naive that he can't escape from this place.

 The Scarlet Witch King's expression did not falter even after being attacked by Wolfe. But there is a slight hint that he is checking the axe he used for defense.

"This amount of magic power: ....... So, you're the bastard that Yugra and Blue created?
You're the one who ......should ......!
Wait, Wolfe! It's dangerous to attack him carelessly! ...... No, are you all right?
...... What do you mean?

 I'm not sure what to make of this. But that's not all. It's not only that, but my body, which was exposed to the magic power released by Wolfe, is also recovering much faster than before. What does this mean? As I was pondering, he spoke up.

"Ilias, you're releasing magic!
I see! Wolfe, there's something I want to try. I'll slash first. If it slows me down, follow me!
I'm not sure, but ...... understand!

 I'm not sure, but I understand !" He slashes at the Scarlet Witch King in the same manner as before. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for. You can't see any abnormality in his body. It's not that I don't like it. If I release the magic in my sword immediately, his power won't be able to reach my body. The amount of magic power consumed is not ridiculous, but it is enough to fight. It's probably because of the nature of Wolfe's magic that my condition was restored by his magic. Wolfe's magic permeates others more easily than usual. The fact that it penetrated deeper into my body than the Scarlet Witch King's magic, which had invaded the outside of my body, must have mitigated its effects. If the magic of the wolfe floods the surrounding area, it will provide a certain amount of buffer even in the unlikely event that our magic is not released in time.

I've never thought about it because I've never had to deal with it before. ...... I see. I hadn't thought of that.
I'm not sure if you'll be able to do this, but I'm sure you can. Then you can fight as usual!
Got it! But Shisho, please don't shout too loud! It'll hurt your body!
Don't worry! I'll endure it with my good looks!
That's not okay!

 It's not just Wolfe. He's fighting with us too. Even though he can't move well, he's analyzing the Scarlet Witch King's power in order to give us an advantage. Thanks to his efforts, there was a sign.

"Three against one, but I wouldn't call that cowardice, Scarlet Witch King.
"Do the star people of Yggra count? He's smart, but he's far from smart.
"With his wisdom, we can do more than one. Even three is not enough!

 He and Wolfe teamed up to slash at the Scarlet Witch King. They know each other's movements so well that they don't need to wait for a signal and can match each other as if they were their own limbs. The Scarlet Witch King's protection is strong, but it's still easier to fight than before. Light attacks were not even evaded, but attacks that I stepped in firmly were defended. The Scarlet Witch King is also defending well against Wolfe's attacks. This means that as long as our attacks hit, they are sure to do damage. Unlike demons, the Demon Lord has a human structure. If we can hit the right spot, we have a good chance of winning even with a single blow!

I'm not sure what to do.

 He swung his sword with more force than ever before. I'm not sure if you've ever heard of it or not, but I'm sure you've heard of it. Each blow of Ulfe's attack has an unusual power due to the release of magic power. I'm not sure what to do, but I'm sure I'll be able to do it.

I'm sure you'll be able to figure out what's going on.
I'm not sure what to do. Waiting for your magic to run out is a fool's errand!

 I'm not sure if you'll be able to find a way to make it work, but I'm sure you can. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for. However, if time passes at this rate, the Scarlet Witch King will become accustomed to Wolfe's movements. If you're not sure what to do, you can always ask for help. The Scarlet Demon King is looking around, and you need to somehow exploit the gap.

This is it!

 I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not, but it's a good idea. It's the fastest and strongest blow I've ever made to the Scarlet Witch King. A blow that the Scarlet Witch King can see. But if he understands that it is more powerful than ever, he will naturally have to defend himself. The sword and axe clash violently. At the same time, the magic power is released to the maximum, and the pressure of the magic power stops the Scarlet Witch King's movement. It is only for a moment, but it is enough to stop the Scarlet Witch King's movement for that moment.
 I'm not sure what to do, but I'm going to do it. The Scarlet Witch King is still holding my sword in place. If he tries to defend himself against Wolfe's attack, I'll swing this sword at him!


 The Scarlet Witch King's axe remains motionless. I don't think this will be enough to kill him, but it's a good start.

It's a shame that you guys were so inexperienced in the face of the Demon Lord.

 I'm not sure what to say. The Scarlet Demon King's posture remains as he catches my sword. The Scarlet Demon King's posture is still holding my sword, and there's no room for him to turn his body to face the fist of Urufe, which was fired from behind. But Ulphe's fist didn't reach him. Wolfe's fist stopped just short of the Scarlet Witch King's head.


 I'm sure you've heard of it, but I've never heard of it. It's not just one layer, it's multiple layers.

I'm not sure what to say. The size of the magic sealing stone adorning your sword has a range that cancels out magic up to a short distance from the sword. If you use your sword as a shield, it will just barely be able to block the magic. If it is larger than that, magic cannot be used even with the sword in the waist. On the other hand, the subhuman woman's weapon is not adorned with a magic seal stone. So you can simply use your axe to block your sword and use a ward against attacks coming from behind. Of course, I understand that it is powerful enough to shoot through one layer. That's why I used ten layers of warding.
It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.
You may have thought you were going to settle this before the subhuman woman's movements were discovered, but you misjudged. It's a good thing that you're not the only one.
"Ah! Wolfe, get away!

 I'm not sure if you'll be able to see the difference, but I'm sure you can. I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not, but it's a good idea.


 The power in the axe increased rapidly, and my body, which should have been under pressure, was thrown into the air. I regained my stance, landed, and turned my gaze toward Wolfe. I'm barely moving, but it's obvious I'm not going to be able to stand up. Wolfe has an enormous amount of magic power, which allows him to be highly mobile and unleash powerful blows. However, Wolfe mainly fights to evade his opponent's attacks, and is inexperienced in protecting his body from impact. I'm sure you'll be able to find something that will help you out.

You're not the only one. I've said that I'm brilliant in terms of pure strength and speed, but I'm only a man who has lived in peace compared to times of war. Neither of your attacks has enough weight. You must understand that a sword that only hopes to slice at the drop of a hat will not be able to stop my movement.

 I can see the magic power concentrating on the Scarlet Witch King's axe. I can tell immediately because I have a similar technique myself. The next attack is definitely a ranged attack that releases a lot of magic power from the axe. It will be the same blow that destroyed Garne's gate. If it's a full-body attack, it's definitely not something that can be defended against. You'll have to leap as he swings his axe and avoid a direct hit.

"If you want to avoid it, go ahead. But whoever's behind it won't be safe.
What the hell?

 Behind where I landed. Behind where I landed, there he is, still immobile. There's no way I can evade with him from this position. If I try to evade alone, he'll die for sure. I tried to think of a countermeasure, but the Scarlet Witch King was already swinging his axe.