190 And show it.

 It won't be long before the goblins leave the front lines and come to the nearest village, here. It is said that the majority of the enemy is being severely depleted by the machinations of a man who is said to be a close friend of His Majesty. After all, the enemy soldiers who appear in this place are also in a state of severe exhaustion, and it is the perfect opportunity to intercept them ....... ....... This year, I became a knight and was assigned to the Leanor Corps. That was all well and good, but I didn't expect to be sent to war against the Demon Lord within the same year. I hadn't been included in the squad when we defeated the bandits, and I had no real combat experience. I was told not to be nervous, but there was nothing I could do about it.

"Cael, how can a knight of the Targs tremble in the face of the enemy?
"Sir Léanor! I'm sorry, sir!

 Sir Léanor will blame you for your hesitation. It is already inevitable that this place will become a battlefield. You can't let yourself be consumed by it. He holds his sword at his side and claps his hands on his cheeks.

"That's all right. When the battle begins, your first priority is to not die and to make room for yourself. Only then will you be able to work well with your comrades. Remind yourself of what you should do and what you must do.
You're overreacting. You were not brought into this war for numbers, Cael. You've been given the opportunity to fight for His Majesty because I know you're a worthy addition to my army. Have confidence, but do not be proud.

 Sir Léanor said and went to check on the rest of the troops. Sir Léanor, the captain of Léanor's squadron with the largest number of knights, knew every single knight in his squadron. The reason why Léanor's squadron has the most knights is because of Sir Léanor's ability to manage his troops. I myself have learned many skills through the training that Lord Léanor imposed on me. One of the most important things he taught me was how to avoid serious injury in battle and how to increase my survival time. I had learned from Sir Léanor's teachings, not so much the art of fighting as the art of surviving, and I was able to fight with the other knights in my squadron in a way that made them struggle, not win, but never lose badly.

"The opponent may be powerful, but I believe in the teachings of Sir ...... Léanor, and I will fight until ......!
"Come on, newbie. Have you forgotten Lord Léanor's encouragement? He told me to relax my shoulders. If you're fighting next to me and you're so strained, I'll be strained too.
"Senpai! I'm sorry, sir!
I'm not telling you to relax. I'm not telling you to get all worked up, but you need to breathe slowly and relax to get a better view. It's not just the front you'll be fighting on the battlefield, you know.
Yes, sir!
You're all tense. It's no use, I'll tell you a story that will help you relax.
Is it ......?
Actually, Lord Reynaud's wife is very beautiful. Lord Reynaud is a very loving wife.
Ha, ha. ......
But one day we got into a little fight. But one day we had a little fight. He spent hours in the Oval Office practicing his apologies. "Oh, my wife! In every way, in every way, I'm sorry for everything! Please, please, forgive me! Please forgive me!

 It's hard to imagine the story from the Lord of Léanor, but I couldn't help but imagine it, and I almost blew up. Seeing this, the older man grinned and patted me on the back.

By the way, if Sir Rhiannon finds out you're talking about this, you'll get a serious spanking. I haven't eaten in three days.
"Yes, yes, .......
"That's a funny story to tell a nervous newcomer in Léanor's unit. Next time you tell it to the new guy, you'll survive it better.
"...... Yes!

 Thanks to my senpai, the unnecessary tension in my body disappeared. At the same time, a distant roar reached my ears. If you look closely, you can see an army of goblins charging towards you, spreading their killing energy.

"All hands! Deploy the wards! Strengthen magic only around the arms and legs!

 Lord Léanor's order echoed from a short distance away. At that order, all the troops took up their weapons and deployed their wards. The battle was about to begin, but there were already things to be done. The first thing to do is to check the armament of the enemy in the front line. They are mainly spears and swords, and it is the spears that will be the first to charge. Next, check to see if there are any archers or magic-using opponents behind them. Check the appearance of the archers, and from the shape and size of their bows, estimate the distance they can reach you and how long it will take them to attack. In the meantime, the enemy is closing in on you.


 Don't rush to attack. The enemy's first move will be to reduce the number of soldiers in front of you as much as possible. In other words, they will unleash a full-blooded blow aimed at a vital point. If you take evasive action, your line will be disrupted. In the event that you've got a lot more than one, you'll be able to get a lot more.

I'm not sure what to say.

 This is a great way to make sure that you don't get caught in the middle. You'll be able to use your sword to deflect a spear thrust into your face. The goblin wobbles, but does not immediately follow up. If the enemy's advance has reached us, then the archers in the rearguard have already fired their arrows. Take a half step back and keep a wide field of vision. Check the trajectory of the arrows coming down from above and distinguish the arrows that are approaching you. Use your sword to block the arrows that pierce you, and use your armor to repel those that only graze you. As soon as the rain of arrows stops temporarily, you focus on the enemy in front of you again. Some of the goblins are hit by errant shots from their allies, but their momentum shows no signs of slowing down. You carefully fend off the repeated attacks and wait for them to lose their balance.

Cale, right side together!

 I saw that the goblin that my senior had blocked was in a bad position, and the two of us slashed at it. The older man's attack was blocked, but my attack went deep into the goblin's throat. But it's still not a fatal wound. His eyes are not dead, and he has not dropped his weapon. I quickly draw my sword and stay in line. While I attack the goblin in front of me, the goblin in front of me does not stop attacking. Again, I stay calm and prevent the attack.


 With a command from Lord Léanor, the archers behind him shot their arrows into the enemy lines. The distance between the arrows fired by the knights of Léanor's squad was constant, and they pierced the goblins in front of them with precision. If they were human, they would have fallen, but the goblins were unaffected. However, if they were hit by the Tarzan's arrows in the knees or elbows, their bodies would move in reaction. If they tried to fight back, they would be in an unreasonable position.


 You've got to be careful not to get caught. When you see that the enemy's posture has collapsed greatly, you cut off his legs with your sword. He thrusts his sword into the neck of the enemy who has lost his balance and fallen, and steps back again. That was a good shot. It's dead ....... No, it's still moving. I've heard that demons are healthy right up until the moment they die, but this is just too healthy.

"Kale, don't panic. I'm not sure what to do.

 The older man's voice brought me to my senses, and I turned my gaze back to the front. The goblin in front of me had fallen, and the goblin behind me was targeting me, raising its weapon. I hastily raise my sword and parry the attack. That was close.

Thank you very much!
"They're not afraid to stomp on their fallen comrades. So thank you, let's keep stomping on them!

 The enemy doesn't even look at their fallen comrades, but that doesn't mean they don't want to work together. If you step on a comrade's body, it will cause him to fall or lose his posture. Those who are trying to get up will not be able to stand up well if they are stepped on. In a crowded battle, the number of times you have to check your footing will decrease. That's why it's important to keep your feet on the ground to gain an advantage. Your opponent's goblins are mainly intermediate and advanced. As I said, the lower level goblins seem to have run out of steam along the way. Pay attention to the knights on your side who are dealing with higher level goblins, and make sure to kill the intermediate level goblins in front of you. It's an enemy that doesn't die easily, but I've gotten used to its movements as we continue to fight. However, it doesn't make any difference whether you're an intermediate or an advanced player, if you're directly hit by an attack, you won't be safe. He remained calm and unhurried, keeping his eyes and ears focused on the battle. If this was a soldier from another country, he would have allowed the enemy to invade and brought the battle to a standstill. However, the ranks of the Tarzan knights would not be broken. They thoroughly refused to engage in a melee that would give the enemy an advantage.

"Cael, should we fall back?

 The voice of a comrade echoed from the rear. Even the knights on the front lines cannot fight forever. They need to fall back and catch their breath whenever they can. He checked his own breathing and magic power, and answered with his voice without looking back.

"I'm fine. I can go a while longer!
"Okay. Good move!
Thank you!

 The enemy numbers are not decreasing. But it's the same for us. Unlike the demons, who are repeatedly injured, the knights are not injured at all. If time passes at this rate, we will have the advantage...

"Watch out!

 Suddenly, my senior pushed me backwards. In my line of sight, I saw a huge rock raining down on the spot where I was. The enemy had thrown it from the rear guard! If it was a falling object, I should have been able to recognize it just like a bow and arrow. If it was a falling object, you should have been able to recognize it just like a bow and arrow. If you couldn't, it means that this rock was falling at an impossible speed.

"Oh, thank you, sir! But what is this?
"That's him, that goblin over there is throwing rocks at us from the sky!

 Ahead of the senior's gaze, there was a goblin more than a size larger than the other goblins. The equipment is of better quality than the other goblins, and the magic power felt by it is higher than that of the other goblins.

"Unique class: ......!
It's a shame that my army can't even break a human formation. I'm not sure what to make of this. This is how you break an enemy line!

 A unique class of goblin held out his hand to the ground. Then the ground rises up and a huge rock is formed in his hand. Can that unique class even use magic? He understands that we have a magic seal stone in our armament, and uses it to create an object for his attack. It also seems to have a lot of wisdom.

"Cale, they're coming!
Yes, yes!

 A unique class of goblin hurls a rock at your team. The speed of the rocks is faster than the arrows being fired, and we must avoid taking them seriously. The knights can just barely avoid it with their reaction time, but the formation is falling apart.

What's wrong with you humans! What's wrong with you humans? Hahahaha!

d*mn, that's a rock!
Fool, stop it, Cale!

 He used his sword as a shield against the flying rocks. You can't be that hard if the rock is made of earth magic. I'm not sure what to do, but I'm going to do it. My body floated up with a strong impact to my whole body, and I was blown backwards. The rock fell slightly in front of me, but the momentum of the blow kept me slammed into the ground. I immediately tried to get up, but I couldn't do it. This is ...... a broken arm!

How does a direct hit from a spinning rock taste? I'm not sure. I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do this, but I'm sure I'll be able to do it.

 The goblin who called himself Zobelamitaya created rocks one after another and threw them at my team. When the knights saw that I was blown away, they were forced to concentrate on evading, and the formation further collapsed. The enemy soldiers charged into the gap, and the battle began to turn into a melee.

"Are you okay, Cale?
"Ahead ...... and ....... I'm still ...... fighting ......!
You idiot! You'll only die a dog's death if you fight wounded like that! You need to step back!

 The older man carries me up when I can't get up. But because of this, my reaction to the flying rocks has been delayed. One of the rocks is heading straight for me. There's no way to avoid it at this point. ......!

Your enthusiasm is admirable. Your enthusiasm is admirable, and I'd give you a pass on your first attempt.

 Suddenly, the rock's trajectory deviates. The next thing you know, Lord Reynaud is right in front of you. From the way he drew his sword, I wondered if Lord Léanor had used some kind of technique to catch the rock. How did he land such a blow? .......

"Lord Léanor!
"All hands! Fall back and hold your positions! I'll take care of that unique class!

 I'll take care of that unique class!" The knights fell back and re-formed as the order was given. Sir Leanor walked to Zobelamitaya by himself. On the way, however, other goblins raised their weapons and attacked Sir Leanor.

"Out of my way, you little bastards!

 Lord Rhianor swings his sword, and at the same time, the enemy's attack flies through the air. The enemy falls down with the momentum of the swing. Lord Léanor does not follow up, but heads for Zobelamitaya.

"Looks like we have a man who might have some answers. My name is Zobelamitya, and I will hear your name when I kill you!
"You can speak the language, but you are not a warrior. You have no name to call yourself, you filthy goblin.
How dare you! I will repaint your haughty attitude with fear!

 Zobelamitya throws a rock at him. Zobelamitaya throws a rock at him, but Lord Léanor swings his sword, changing the rock's trajectory. The rock retains its momentum and hits the other goblin who was closing in on Lord Rhiannon. There was nothing special about this sequence of actions. It was as if he was fending off an ordinary attack.

Not even a bandit would throw a rock at a goblin. It's just a beast with a bit of wisdom.
"Then let's see you take the beast's barrage!

 Zobelamitaya pulled out a pair of swords on his back and slashed at Lord Leatherneck. It was the first time I've ever seen such a thing. In the event that you've got a lot of time, you'll be able to take advantage of it. But Lord Léanor only lowered his sword and watched his movements.

I had hoped for a series of blows, but I suppose a single blow to the left or right will be enough? That's an exaggeration.
"...... Hahahahahaha! This is interesting! I really wanted to break that spare expression! --Sah! I'm not sure what to do.

 Zobelamitaya's appearance changed drastically. His body has grown even larger, and the muscles in his arms and legs have more than doubled in size. I had been told that the Unique Class would use the power given to them by the Scarlet Witch King individually, but this is ......! I can see it clearly just by looking at it like this. It's so strong that an ordinary knight would be no match for it. Just by looking at the amount of magic power, it is far more powerful than Sir Léanor.

"Sir, that's not good! We have to back up Sir Léanor!
How am I supposed to cover him in that condition? You should take a good look at our captain's ability.
This is not the time to be talking like that! It's obvious that the other guy...
"Lord Reynaud doesn't fight battles he can't win. If it were unwinnable, he would have ordered us to retreat long ago.

 If it were an unwinnable opponent, he would have ordered us to retreat long ago. But while I was worrying about that, the battle had already resumed. Zobelamitaya's attack was much faster than before, and it was impossible to catch her trajectory without looking at her from a distance. Lord Leanor is just in time to parry the attack, but he doesn't look like he can fight back.

"Come on! You're moving too slow! This is the true power of the Demon Lord! I'm afraid! Shake! You'll regret it!
"You talk a lot. I'm sorry, but can't you fight more quietly? My sword will be soiled if I have to cut off your spit.
A true barking sacrifice!
You're the one who's barking.

 They seem to be fighting while having some kind of conversation, but to be honest, I'm on edge just watching them. The momentum of the enemy's attacks seemed to be unstoppable, and if even a single blow were to hit, it would be ....... However, the other knights watching Sir Léanor's battle are unfazed. It's a good idea to keep your eyes on the prize.

How can you watch so calmly? Sir Léanor is certainly a great knight, but he's not that famous for his bravery. ......
I'm sure you've heard of it. It is true that the most famous knights of the Tars are those of the Ragdoll Squadron, made up of Sir Ragdoll and other old knights. But the captains of the other squads are appointed because of their abilities, which are recognized even by the members of the Ragdoll squad.

 The older man's words are full of confidence. No one who has been in Léanor's army for a long time doubts Lord Léanor's victory. If he doesn't choose to retreat, then victory is there. Zobelamitaya's attacks continued unabated. But if you look closely, you can see a change in their movements. The timing of Lord Leanor's attacks is gradually becoming ...... faster? It used to look like he was on the edge of his seat, but now it looks like he has some leeway.

It was just the other day. I've fought a bunch of undead in Tarz. They regenerated when you slayed them and would not have died without the power of the cleric. You don't die easily, and you're much faster when it comes to movement. But if you ask me, the undead that don't die are more trouble.
I'm not sure what you're expecting from an attack that's only based on physical prowess and not even a hint of skill?

 In the event that you're looking for the best way to get the most out of your business, you'll want to take a look at the following tips. You can find a lot more information on this topic in the following article. The current attack of Zobelamitaya is much stronger than the rock throwing attack that I could not prevent. I wonder if he saw through that attack completely.

"Nooo ......! What are you doing?
What's the matter with that?
You can't use your human strength to block this attack.
That's what the magic is for. In the event you're not sure what to do, you can always ask your doctor. I'm not sure what to do with it.

 Zobelamitaya tried to resume her attack, but was further dislocated by Lord Reynaud's slash. This time, he was knocked off his feet before he could launch his attack.

"And you're attacking too hard. And you're attacking too hard. You've enhanced your abilities, so why are you showing all your moves so quickly? You're asking me to learn your moves.

 Lord Léanor thrust his sword into Zobelamitaya's right knee as she slumped. Zobelamitya quickly moved away, so the wound was light. The wound should be shallow, but he falls to his knees. He grunts, as if he doesn't understand the changes that have occurred to his body.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!
"I told you the undead are more trouble. They heal quickly. But you can only move when you're wounded. A little disruption to your magic reinforcement through the wound and you'll be moving like amateurs. You've probably only been trained to pick up weapons and compete with other demons. I'm sure you're not the only one who's had to deal with this.

 For the first time, Lord Léanor was the first to strike. Zobelamitaya tried to block the attack, but was immediately caught by Lord Reynaud's feint and tore off a part of her body. Her movements slowed in that area, and she was hit by another blow. Unable to defend or evade, Zobelamitaya's entire body was knocked down one after another. The new wounds became deeper and deeper, and his movements became even worse. The other goblins, sensing the captain's danger, also attacked Lord Leatherneck, but Lord Leatherneck was able to handle the attacks with ease.

"Honoree...... Honoree......!
"Oh, I have one thing to thank you for. In the event that you've got any questions regarding where and the best way to get in touch with us, please do not hesitate to contact us. Although there is a slight margin of error, the other captains of the knights should be able to defeat them without any problem. I'd like to thank you for dispelling that concern.

 Zobelamitaya roared and attacked Lord Leatherneck. But the attack was so one-sided that it shattered my initial fears, and it wasn't long before Lord Leatherneck chopped off Zobellamitaya's head.