167 And it's soothing.

It's been a long time since I've been in this house.

 I arrived at the mansion I had rented when I was in Garne. The servants are all the same, but I can't deny that I feel intimidated by the number of knights in front of me. After all, there were a few before, and now there are dozens.
 The knights are already looking around the house. This is where the king will spend a few days. They're cautious in case something goes wrong. It's a house arranged by the Demon Lord.
 The Demon Lord seems to have escaped from the box while he was out of sight. He's probably wiping his tears at Garne Castle.

"Your Majesty, I've completed the investigation of the house.

 The two knight captains who appeared were Sir Léanor and Sir Fowl. I'm used to Sir Léanor, but I'm not used to Sir Fowl's strong face.
 He has the same strong face as Godz, but his character is more stern. We've interacted with him a bit, but he hasn't opened up to me as much as Lord Léanor.

"Good work. But it's a bit cramped with all these people staying in one house.
That's no problem. We'll arrange for you to stay at one of the nearby residences.

 Mr. Rudolfine was about to give instructions to his servants, but Lord Fowl stopped him.

No need. We are all knights who have come to protect you. Those of us who cannot fit in the room will set up a simple base in the garden and stay awake.
"I see. If there are any supplies you need, please order the nearby servants to bring them to me.
...... Oh, yeah.
Well, I'm surprised you don't mind letting your guests sleep in the garden.

 You really shouldn't have said that yourself. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for, and what you can do to help.

"A knight is a good guest who keeps his manners as long as his needs are met," my king said.
"Mr. Ludfain, say it like you mean it.
"Excuse me, 'A knight's actions have a certain meaning. I'm sorry, I meant to say, 'The knight's actions are meaningful and should be respected as much as possible.
...... Something doesn't add up here.

 Mr. Rudfein is not afraid of knights, is he? Sir Faul also looks like he can't be angry. Well, he's actually the minister of this country, and his position is higher than Sir Fowl's.
 Mr. Ludfeuin left the house briskly, saying that he had to deal with guests from other countries.

"And as for your room...
"I'll be in the same room as my friend. Have Lord Latzell and the others take the next room.
"But, sir...
"Sir Faul, don't make me say a word.

 Marito glared at Lord Fowl in annoyance, and Lord Fowl took a step back under the pressure of his sword.
 Just before he spoke, Lord Fowl turned his gaze to the Iliad. The reason why Lord Fowl was trying to bite down was because he was against the fact that he was trying to keep the Iliad at his side rather than them.
 From Marit's point of view, "Lord Ratzel is a friend's protector, and it is only right for him to be close to him. And above all, don't make a meaningless show of yourself when you have the most powerful man in the dark guarding you.
 The captains of the knights are aware of the dark lord's presence. Their strength is unknown, but since Sir Raggedy-doo approves, there is no room for doubt.
 Oh, and one more thing. If I say I'm worried about leaving you alone with someone, he's going to say it's an act of taunting someone.

I'm sorry.
"Don't let your ego get in the way. The rest of the room assignments will be at your pleasure. At least give him what he wants.
As you wish.

 The two knights bowed deeply and left. After watching them, Marito lets out a sigh.

Oh dear. It's not a bad thing to have a strong competitive spirit.
It is natural for a knight to want to protect you closest to him.
Yeah. --"Well, Sir Ratzel, this time there will be other knights watching. I'm sure you're not the only one.

 Ilias was also more nervous than ever. He must have been thinking about himself when Lord Fowl was almost scolded in front of him.
 It would be a little while before he realized that Marito was trying to follow up on his half-hearted comment, and that he was meddling in a caring way.
 I went straight to my room and unloaded my luggage. The room layout is the same as the one I stayed in before, but I guess the difference is that there are two beds.

One bed would have been fine, though.
That's quite a scary thing to say.
"No, no, that's not what I meant. No, I didn't mean it like that. - I mean, two people can sleep together in this size bed. I was hoping it would be like a sleepover party.

 I'm sure you'll have a lot of questions.
 Once, when I said, "Okay, let's go stay at Lord Ratzel's house," Ilias got down on his knees very quickly and stopped me.
 When the king comes to stay at your house and you are in the room next to him, your heartache must be at its maximum.

You've stayed in castles many times before.

That's true, but... But I never slept in the same room with you, did I? At most, we'd spend the morning together.
"The way you say it, the way you say it.

 Marito liked the experience of staying up all night to decipher the book left behind by Seiya Yukura.
 The act of staying up late at night with a friend whom he usually only sees in the daytime is indescribably fascinating in adolescence. But Marito, how old are you? You must be in your late twenties.

You didn't have to just stare at Lord Fowl there. Why didn't you just tell him you were happy for him?
"But you don't want Lord Fowl and the others in this room, armed and on guard duty for the next few days, do you? If I hadn't shunned them so tightly, it's quite possible that I would have.
You're confident you'll get no sleep.

 There are countless old men with sharpened nerves looking at you in the room, and torture is a good thing. I don't think I'll be able to sleep well even if Ilias and Wolfe do.

"It's all right to compare yourself to Sir Ratzel, knight to knight. But I'm afraid I'm going to have to call your bluff about being alone with you.
"For being a friend.
"Friendliness. ......

 Marito falls into his bed, facing the ceiling. I'm feeling sentimental, but what can I do?

What's up?
No, no, no. Sometimes I wonder if I'm behaving properly as your friend.
You call me a friend, and now you're calling me a friend.
I have a good track record as a king. That's why I can carry out my duties with confidence. But you're my only friend. How do I know if I'm right?

 He doesn't have any friends, does he? Is that too sad to say? It's true that he's a king, but Marito is still a human being. He probably has the same sense of longing for what he doesn't have.

"If you care about your position, why don't you get along with other kings?
"When it comes to relations between kings, friendship must be secondary. Well, he's the one who's after you. I'm not going to bother getting to know them.
I don't like friends who hold me back too much. ......
Yeah. I'm not sure I like what I'm saying. But it's true that we won't have much time together once you go to another country. Isn't it okay to be a little greedy?
"As long as there's no harm done...

 I fall down beside Marito in the same way. It is true that this size of bed is spacious enough for two adults to sleep in. Although it's awkward to sleep on the same futon.
 I can't think of anything to talk about, so I continue to stare blankly at the ceiling. Marito did the same, but began to mutter in a soft tone.

You can't help but feel deeply moved just by looking up at the ceiling like this.
It's just a ceiling.
I'm not sure what to say, but I'm going to say it.

 These words remind me of the ceiling I stared at in Taze's castle during the Purple Incident.
 I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but it's a good idea.
 It was like he hit me so hard that my teeth were knocked out. I can vividly recall the memory of that day. Even the plain sight of the room.
 From Marito's point of view, just looking up at the ceiling with someone like this must be a comparably special event.

You're a cheap king.
Right? I hope you buy a lot of stuff.
"Well, I'll tell you what. There is no right or wrong relationship with a friend. There are a hundred different ways to have a hundred different friends.
"A hundred friends. ...... That sounds like a lot of fun. ......
"That's a lot of fun. Too much space is a problem.
That's true, I suppose. So it's not so bad to be the only one. ...... Yeah, I'm glad you're my only friend.

 It's a sad line to hear. In many ways.

One is too few.
"You're a king before you're a man. You have a limited amount of time to enjoy your life as a human being. Don't you want to make that time more valuable?
"I understand. But I'm not the king.
You're a great friend just because you understand kings, really.
Really? Well, from my point of view, you're a good friend. I think you're a good friend, even if you are a little awkward.
Haha, that's harsh.

 I've sensed for a long time that Marito has been acting strangely. I have a pretty good idea why.
 From now on, the major powers will cooperate with each other to fight against the Scarlet Witch King. Marito is a bit anxious about that.

 Even though he was called the Wise King at a young age and was recognized for his abilities, he had no experience in war.
 But considering the war potential of each country, Taze's position is quite important. That's why Marito can't whine to anyone. It's not allowed. Not even to the people he calls friends.
 That's why we're having this rambling conversation. I'm trying to fill my mind and find peace of mind. It's too awkward. It's too awkward. You're showing your anxiety.

But it's the right way to use a friend. Feel free to use it for that.
"Thank you. I'll thank you someday.
What are you talking about? You blackmailed me before, I'm blackmailing you now.
Yeah. That was settled by you getting strong and beating me up, right?
Are you sure you want to do that? ......
I'm expecting pain I'll never forget.
If you hit me at that level, Mr. Darkness will kill me!
It's okay. ...... It's gonna be okay, right?

 Probably not. I'm sure you'll be able to find a way to get rid of it.

I'm sure you're not the only one.
You're here, aren't you?
You're here, aren't you?

 And from the sound of your voice, you're standing by my bedside. Are you my ancestor?

I'm sorry to interrupt your honeymoon.
The way you say it, the way you say it.
It's okay. I've had enough. I'm sure it's hard enough being watched.
"Say it, say it.
Don't worry. I'm the kind of guy who gets satisfaction from looking.
You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?


Oh, ......, that's soothing. ......
I see. ......

 After the room assignments were made, Lord Mixu insisted on sharing a room with us.
 Lord Fowl was confused at first, but there was no way he could refuse Mr. Mix's request. .......
 As a result, the four of us, including Lakra, ended up staying in a room for two.
 I don't know what to do. To be honest, I can't help but be nervous. Wolfe and Lacra are fine with it, but I'm a knight.
 I'm in the same room as His Majesty's sister, Mixu-sama. ...... Just when His Majesty told me to be careful how I behave, this happens. ...... Is this going to be okay?
 I'm not sure what to make of this, but I think it's a good idea.
 I don't think he can hear them because of the thickness of the wall, but he must be using magic to strengthen his hearing. I should say that he is very impressive.
 He has a look of ecstasy on his face, but I wonder if he is having a very virtuous conversation. He sometimes talks about things that are beneficial to him. I'm curious to hear what he has to say.

"Mixu-chan, do the Shosho-sama have any interesting conversations?
"They're just rambling on and on and on!

 I've suddenly lost the urge to ask. I'm going to clean my sword.

You must be jealous of that.
"Yes, but I'm more than jealous. I gained a lot of experience when I gave up my identity and became an adventurer. I can share some of them with you. I'm very happy!

 I see. In that light, the sight of His Majesty having such a conversation might seem special. And he's the only one who can do that at the moment.
 I am ashamed of myself for thinking that he might have a bad influence on His Majesty. Far from being a bad influence, he is giving you an invaluable experience.
 ...... No, if you think about it, he is the reason why Her Majesty wanted to stay at my house.
 There are some bad influences as well. We mustn't be too careful. Yeah.
 Still, his relationship with you reminds me of Saira. I'll invite her shopping again when I'm free.

"Mmm! Your friend ...... is in the same bed as my brother!
Oh, no! I want to hear it too!

 If the two of us are going to linger and talk, we'll sit closer. His Majesty mostly sits beside him and talks with him. Why is Lord Mixu so excited?
 I'm sure it's something I don't understand, something that has value only from your perspective. By the way, his expression has been changing a lot since a while ago, he's really busy.

I'm so happy for you. Brother.

 Suddenly, Master Mixu's expression became very soft. His expression was very gentle and full of love.
 When I saw that expression, my breathing stopped and I felt my chest tighten.
 I had never expected to be moved by such a gentle face. ...... It reminded me of the time I was intimidated by His Majesty. As expected of His Majesty's sister, you have a great talent for expressing your emotions through your face.
 However, the fact that she can make such a face from her heart must make you really happy. I felt a little jealous that he could express his emotions so well.
 He must be in a very important position for you and Mr. Mixu.

"......, that's too much, ......!

 Wow, he looks really uncomfortable. There's no sign of anyone coming in or out of the next room. Perhaps the dark side of Her Majesty's guards had entered the conversation.

"No, this is what ...... is for!

 Yeah. I guess it's interesting to watch this change in expression.
 If you look closely, you can see that Wolfe is also enjoying watching Mix-sama and Lakra's reactions. I guess it's a better way to kill time than eavesdropping.
 In the end, I too ended up killing time while enjoying the reactions of Mr. Mix and the others.