150 Next, one move.

It's time to get serious.
What's the matter?
What's so urgent, Master Shosho?

 Our approach to Lobito has been sufficient. I decided it was time to get to the bottom of the invisible enemy and muttered something about getting serious, but Lakra and Ilias both gave me a hard time.
 I wish they would at least let me get into the spirit of things quietly.

I've made some predictions about Raheit's group. We need to find out who the real enemy is.
When the hell did this ......
It's not like we're just going to sit around and pretend to be something we're not. I've been studying the history of this world and everything.
A friend of yours asked me to gather up some books on the history of various countries. ...... Have you found the answer?
"It's not a definite answer. Lakra, can you give us a brief description of the teachings of Yugra?
Is it me? I'm not very familiar with it.
Hey, priest.

 Seiya Yukura, a hero, compiled various lessons for the future and left them to future generations. This is the teaching of Yugraism.
 The background is a simplified version of Christianity, mixed with the good teachings of Buddhism and other religions.
 There is a God who created the world. The souls of those who die are taken to heaven and sometimes reincarnated as new life.
 Depending on the sins committed, they are invited to a place where they will be judged after death, and they can alleviate their sins by repenting and praying to the Lord.
 There, the Demon Lord is prepared as an absolute evil and a common enemy.
 The skill of detecting lies is also taught as an assistant to the teaching of "The Lord sees everything", and it is taught that it is one of the jobs of the clergy to detect the truth as a representative.

It's like that.
Well, it's a little late for that.
Yes, it's all very familiar. I have some mixed feelings about it, considering what the Yugra did, but I know it's not a bad teaching.
The teachings of the Yugra religion are deeply rooted in the Iliad. In fact, these teachings are a combination of parts of famous religions in my world that are easy to take in and make them morally and ethically safe.

 Well, it's a bit of a tongue twister for the higher-ups in the religious community here.

"In that way, it's a bit of a jagged teaching.
"It's a good mix of religions that have been around for a long time. It has enough elements to last for a long time in this world. It's not a bad teaching, either.
"So what's the point of checking the content of Yugraism now?
"Rahite's purpose is to find the Bastard. I'm not sure what that is, but I think it's safe to assume it's the goal of Raheit's gang in general.
That's right, and that's why he's using the Guild to stage a coup.
I feel like I'm suddenly losing my bearings.
That's because Lakra is a Yugoslav.
What do you mean?
Let's say the bastard is a person. And one of them wants to put a lot of effort into finding him. The most widespread force on this continent is the Yugra cult. If Lakra is looking for someone, the most efficient way to find him is through the Yugra cult.
That's true.
But Raheit's people don't want to use Yugraism, they want to ingratiate themselves with the guild's counselors and have them take the country. They're probably trying to get you to cooperate with their search.

 Rakura tilted his head.
 The Yugra religion is the largest religion with roots all over the continent, and its network of people is probably larger than the size of a country.

Is there any reason why we can't rely on Yugra?
Yes. But Raheit had previously infiltrated the cathedral in Mejis and manipulated Archbishop Ucka with mental manipulation magic. Wouldn't that be an ideal environment to search for the bastard?

 The Archbishop of Ucka, whom Raheit had brainwashed, is a well-connected man who is unparalleled in the Yugra cult.
 If his true identity had not come to light because of the incident involving Lakra, he would have been able to conduct his activities in a reasonable manner.
 However, there is no information, not even a trace, that Raheit was using Archbishop Ucka to look for a person who looked like a 'bastard'.

Isn't it possible that he was prioritizing retrieving the book that Docola took from him at that time?
"It's possible. But, Ilias, for Lahite, the Scarlet Witch King's order is like a bonus to fulfill his original purpose. If he could prioritize it, he would prioritize reaching out to search for the Bastard. He never wanted to drop the information to Yugra cult. That's what you'd think.

 Raheit is not the type to be overconfident in his abilities.
 It should be seen that he did not use the Yugra cult in consideration of the risk of a breakdown.

Are you saying that you didn't want the Yugra cult to know about this?
"Yes. In addition, the fact that Raheit made that decision suggests that Raheit has a boss.
Boss, as in my Master Utka?
The fact that Raheit was able to manipulate Archbishop Ucka is an undeniable fact and achievement. However, he could not take action because of the risk of being discovered. Considering Rahite's character, it would not be surprising if he had acted a little more if he had a personal goal and a peer with the same ideology.

 Well, even so, there is no doubt that Raheit holds a reasonable amount of information.
 He's not a low-level agent, but he's not a top-level agent either. He's more like an agent in a spy movie.

So he didn't have the authority to act on his own. And the gang as a whole considered Yugraism to be particularly dangerous.
"The Bastard is someone the Yugoslavs don't want us to know about. This is the point I want to focus on. Rahite's people are the ones who consider the bastard important and can judge that it is not something that can be understood by the Yugoslavs. What kind of people do you think could make such an interpretation?

"Are they the ones who have different standards from the teachings of ...... Yugraism?
"Yes, those with distinctly different standards. They're from a different religion. So I looked up the types of religions that exist in each country and their history. It was less than I expected, thank God, but it still cost me a lot of sleep.
Did you do all that?
Well, there were a few religions that I left out at no time. There was one that was founded by a drunken adventurer that worshipped alcohol that made me want to throw the whole book away.
I didn't know that existed.
Personally, I've always wanted to visit the holy land of Mulpoch Choctaw.
What's that?
I don't know. I hear it's pretty cool.
Is it awesome? ......
Read it later. I can't get anything into my head, but I know it's great.
"On the contrary, I'm intrigued. But let's get back to the point.

 No, really, the history and teachings of the Mulpoch Chochon Sect were amazing.
 I thought that this guru would be a great comedian.

There are two main areas in which Yugura Naruya deliberately played with existing religions after combining them. The first is that the Demon Lord is an enemy of humanity. The other is that we should not touch the abomination he has created. When I looked at religions that have an "acceptable" viewpoint, several candidates came to mind. The most promising of these is this one.

 He throws a book of scripture on the table.
 No one tilted their head when they saw it. It's much smaller than Yugraism, but it's not a teaching that everyone here knows about.

"Reithis is a nature-worshipping sect that worships natural things and natural phenomena. In their teachings, they believe that the Demon Lord is a natural disaster created by nature, and that it is a punishment for humanity's continued killing of each other. It is not that sharp as a moral or ethical sense, but it has a different subjectivity directly in the parts that have been modified by Seiya Yukura.
It's a religion that has many adherents among adventurers and forest and mountain dwellers, but I don't think it's a strange interpretation of .......
It's not as if the whole of Reitis is black. It's a great organization to use as a front for someone who knows that Seiya Yukura created the Demon King. And the sanctuary of Rhaetys is in Torin.
This is the country that you said was suspicious based on your intuition. ...... What percentage of the country do you think is black?
Sixty percent, I'd say.
That's surprisingly low.
It's possible that Raitis is also an organization that's being used. It's hard to say for sure that Raitis is the real deal. But I'm confident we'll find a trail.
So what do we do now?
We've got a pretty good idea of the course of action for Raheit's people here in Kuama. It's about time. It's time to break down their pawns, the guild's advisors.

 Lobito, Cheneyas, and Jestaff, after messing around with the means of communication with Rahite, each kept their heads down and didn't take any significant action until now.
 However, if we don't take care of this before the Scarlet Witch King makes his move, it will be difficult for the nations to deal with him as one.
 If it's too soon, they'll have new pawns, and if it's too late, it'll all be too late.

It's time to move! So what am I supposed to do?
The Mix will wait for now.
Yeah. ......
Master Shosho, what about me?
You're on standby. Gilista, too.
I don't know why I'm not exactly thrilled about the prospect of a day off. ......
Am I right?

 The other day I was telling them to take the day off, but they're so demanding.

Ilias and Wolfe will be escorting you as usual. There's nothing in particular you need to learn.
"Shishou, that means only you can move, Exoik?
Ecdyke is on standby for another matter.
Wait a minute, so you're saying you're going to do this on your own?
No, of course not. You can't just do it with your brain at the desk. We've got the manpower to do it. You'll only be on ...... your third move.

 Put on your glasses, change your hairstyle, and get dressed as posters.
 You're all set, and now it's time to get crafty.

"First to fall is Lobito-Goshenite. He's not a bad guy. He can be tricky.
"I have a feeling that Master Shosho's manipulations will be more than perfunctory.
You know exactly what I mean.

 I've been in contact with Lobito and I'm well aware of his character.
 Honestly speaking, if he was not a member of the family of a former powerful man who is trying to stage a coup d'etat, I would like to say that I hope we can be friends in the future.
 I'll ask him to give up as soon as possible before he introduces me to his daughter and I have to deal with the aftermath.