146 Next time, she sneaks in.

 I've already warned Jestaff through Harkdock, but I don't think a man who wants to overthrow the country will be swayed by a few threats.
 So I've decided to have Ecdysium and Girista monitor his movements.
 I also reminded Gillista to refrain from fighting for the time being.
 I've left Mikus and Lakra to continue their investigation in Morgana.
I was going to send Purple to Taze, but he insisted on staying here, so he's staying behind with Duvraeori.

And the three of us can proceed with the Schneid attack.
"...... You're the only one who belongs to the Schneid. You're the only one who belongs to the Schneid, and if Jestiff finds out who you are, he'll talk to the other guilds.
I'm sure you're not the only one who's a member of the Riod, and Jestaff himself has seen what I look like. I'm not sure what to do, but I'm sure I'll be able to do it. Is that what you're saying?
"Yes. Wolfe stood out in his own way when he joined Riode, and I am not completely unknown in Quama. And I'm not completely unknown in Quama, since Harkdock saw my face in the first place.
What's the problem with being inconspicuous?
It's only a problem if you don't stand out. ......

 A few minutes later, there was Wolfe, a brown-haired subhuman, and Ilias, dressed as an adventurer.
 They had used the pigment-changing magic that Nora had developed in Tarz to change the color of their hair and eyes.
 Wolfe's white fur stood out, while Ilias's knight's armor stood out.
 Then all we have to do is change that.
 If they wore scarves that covered their mouths, disguised their faces, and changed their hairstyles, they could fool even their acquaintances at a glance.
 Fortunately, both of them have impressive long hair, so tying it up would give them a very fresh impression.
 Naturally, I asked Wolfe to change my hair color to blonde and my eye color to blue.
 I'm afraid of my perfect safety.

I'm afraid of my perfect safety. "You look terribly ordinary. But why do I have to go to ......?
You've got to disguise yourself if you're going to be working with me as an escort, right? I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I'm not the only one who's had it.
"Here we go.

 As he said this, Ilias bent his hips and knees limply from his tight posture.

That's a drunk who can't stand up straight. You'll have to teach him how to act later. Wolfe may be cramped, but when you go out in that form, do your best to keep the magic in your body as low as possible so that you look presentable.
Yes, sir!
Oh, how I've missed you. It reminds me of when we first met.
You don't look like that very often.

 Purple appeared in an apron, a dress and an apron.
 I'm not sure if you've heard of it or not, but I have.
 Duvraeori has a very complicated expression about the fact that the Lord is serving, but he can't help it since he wants to.

The three of them are completely different people, aren't they? But I do have a question, if you don't mind.
What is it?
You're so ordinary, you don't even look like an adventurer.

 They all nodded in agreement.
 The only thing that stood out was her dark hair and dark eyes, so it was only natural.
 But I know all about that.

"No problem, I'll just be an intelligent character.
"Intellectual ......?
"Well, well, well. You all look so strange. We'll see.

 He grabbed some hair straightener, changed his hair style to all back, and put on a pair of superhuman glasses with no magic power.
 Finally, he straightens his posture, holding a book with a difficult title under his arm.

"Oh, Shisho, you're so smart!
"Yes, you do look more intelligent by a factor of two, don't you?

 This kind of acting is an everyday skill that I have acquired, and it's not like I've been hiding behind a false identity to get into rich people's parties.

"What kind of adventurer carries around a book?
You're right, the book was a bit much.
And you're dressed in a way that would make you sound like another you.
"Don't worry, I'll keep my tone deliberate. Don't worry, I'll keep my tone deliberate. If I'm too uptight, I'll come off as competent, and I'll play the part of a man who's easy to handle.
What kind of acting? ......

 So, I took the meal that Murasaki had prepared for me and headed for the Schneid headquarters.
 When I arrived at the Schneid headquarters, I spoke to the woman at the reception desk.

"Hi, I've got a letter from the Taze branch!
"Oh, you're not the usual person, are you? I'll check the letter for you. ...... Yes, it's signed by the head of the branch.
I was in Quama on business and thought I'd drop by. I have a good relationship with the branch manager.
I see. There's also a letter of introduction for you, to mediate your request.
I'm not much of a manual laborer, but I can help you with the booth work!
"Well, considering ...... the branch manager's letter of introduction, ....... Do you have any requests from this list?

 The receptionist then laid out several sheets of parchment.
 There were many requests of the type we were looking for.
 The ones that are likely to be a hit are this one, this one, and ...... I'll take this one, too.

"So, can I accept these three?
"Yes, it's no problem to take them all. Do you want to take some more?
"No, no, thanks to the letter of introduction, I'm in a position to receive requests smoothly, so I'll give priority to responding to your arrangement first!

"Okay, I'll take your guild card.

 The rest of the time, I simply accepted the request and left the headquarters.
 In the background, Ilias and Wolfe were quietly watching, but they looked like they had no idea what was going on, so I showed them the request form I received.

"Here, it's a perfect request to get in touch with Lobito. This one is for exploring the surrounding area.
"Oh, yeah?
......, what's the connection?
Why do you think I've been doing chores at Taze? It's all for this.

 In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can contact us at our own web site.
 In Schneid, where adventurers are widely accepted, requests that involve such special parties are not posted on public forums, but are managed by the guild's receptionists.
 As for how to show trust, in Morgana it is rank, but in Schneid, it is connections.
 The person I used was the head of the Taze branch.
 He is a very sincere person, and his motto is "Take everything you are involved in seriously.
 He cleans up the guild branch every day, and at first sight, you may often mistake him for a cleaner.
 Incidentally, he was wiping the floor out of sight on the day I joined Schneid in Taze.
 In order to protect the trust of Schneid, he was doing a lot of work that no one else would take.
 That's why I decided to start out in a position where I could only take on menial tasks.
 So I started out in a position where I could only take on chores, and I was willing to take on chores and accomplish them diligently.
 I also pretended not to notice the branch manager when I went to and from the guild, and helped clean up.
 I continued to act as if I was a young man who was inexperienced in my abilities but was sincere in everything I did in the eyes of the branch manager.
 In this way, I succeeded in gaining the Branch Chief's trust and obtained a letter of introduction that allowed me to carry letters to Quama and to mediate requests in Quama.
 It would have been great if I could have gotten a request to sneak around Lobito, but I was very lucky to get a request from him.
 Incidentally, although it sounds bad to say that I took advantage of him, it was an action that suited my nature.
 I'm sure that my friendship with the branch manager will continue even after this incident is over.

You're right, Shisho!
"But I didn't get a request to contact the guild master. You'll be able to get in touch with the guildmaster by completing the requests you get through your connections.
"......, was that all a calculation?
I told you, everything is going according to plan.

 But this is where the real work begins, and as the people around me are full of superheroes, I need to be active in these areas to show my worth.

Now let's see what I'm made of. It's going to be exciting.
"Iliad, you look bad!
Yeah, well, he's always up to something terrible in these situations.
I'm sure he's up to no good!

 I'm sure you're not the only one.


I don't have time for this.
"Don't complain, surveillance is a good job.

 I've been keeping a close watch on Jestaff's house, but there's been no movement.
 It's a good idea to keep a close eye on your friends and family, as well as your family and friends.
 The fact that he defeated Gilista in a one-on-one match suggests that he has a certain level of ability.
 The defeated Gillista has only minor damage to his organs, but he has already recovered to the point where he can fight.

You can see the house from here, but I can only see it vaguely.
The reason you and I are working together is because my people want me to keep an eye on the house and on you at the same time. I'm sure you're not the only one who has a problem with this.
"You're a great husband, you know me so well.
"You may do as you please as long as your people allow it, but if you do anything to disturb them, I will not tolerate it.
I know, I don't want to kill each other with you. I don't want to kill you. I don't want to be killed like Pershing.
That's a harsh thing to say.
Yes, Parshero was a capricious and self-aggrandizing man, but he also hung out with dangerous adventurers like me.

 My compatriots decided that Parshulo was nothing but an enemy, and that's why they used me to end Parshulo's life.
 But even before that, I had some association with Parshero.
 But even before that, I had known Pershero in some small way. During the time when I was locked in vengeance against Lakra and the Great Demons, only Pershero and Gillista wanted to work with me.

Yes, but if you ask me if I had any regrets, I can assure you that I did not.
I don't have any regrets either. I don't have any regrets either. If I did, it would have been regrets, because it was rather fun chatting with Parshero.
Yeah, I was a bit quiet back then, so you only had Pershero to talk to.
"Yes, yes, that's why you can talk to me, too.
...... All right, I'll join you in conversation as long as it doesn't interfere with my surveillance.

 It would not be a good idea to keep frustrating Gillista, who doesn't feel that much indebted to his fellow man.
 There's no need to make enemies, as long as things can proceed amicably with my flexible attitude, I should spare you some trouble.

I'm sure you're not the only one.
This is an abrupt question. ...... He has lived his life without finding any value in it. I thought it was unforgivable to see him wanting to die like that. So I wanted to give him a chance to find that value. That's all.
"Explanatory tone, don't you have anything more relevant to say?
I'm not sure I'd call it relevant. I'm sure you'll be able to understand that I'm not the only one who has a problem with this.
"Hmm, the Blue Demon King has a long way to go. ......
"What do you mean?
Because you said so much, but did you do anything for him?
I'm busy helping my people right now. I haven't done anything.
You must be frustrated.

 Complaints: ...... It's true that the Blue Demon King may not be happy that you've been neglecting him while he's fulfilling our requests.
 I'm sure you'll be able to find a lot of people who are interested in this topic.

"I also want to help my people. But I can't help but understand that the Blue Demon Lord is frustrated with me. What should I do?
You already know you're loyal, so why don't you start with something simple?
Simple things?
Why don't you just compliment her on her looks?

 I'm not sure what to do, but I'm going to do it.
 I'm sure you'll find a lot of people who'd like to know more about this. .......
 It's not a bad look for the blue demon king, and even if it's not flattering, praise will only be taken for granted.
 ...... No, that's why Gillista said to start with something simple.
 I've never even done something as trivial as praise, so I guess I should try something first.

"Well, that's helpful.
Oh, you're so naive, aren't you?
You're far more experienced in socializing than I am. You're far more experienced in socializing than I am, so if you're giving me advice, I should believe it.
I'm not sure if that's true, but ...... might be a good idea. I want to meet a nice man too.
I'm sure you're not the only one. You're not the brethren type, are you?
I like your husband as a person, but he's too weak as a man. The last guy was a bit bloodthirsty, too.
"Oh, so I should think of him as your equal?

 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.