121 What are you planning next?

"Get out, the lord wants to ask you something in person.

 A few hours after his imprisonment, one of the soldiers opened the cell and asked him to step out.
 A few hours after his imprisonment, one of the soldiers opened the cell and urged him to get out. When he tried to stand up with Eckdœk, the soldier stopped him.

There's only one coming, you stay in your cell.

 The soldiers are not entirely incompetent.
 They must have sensed from Exoik that he was a reasonably skilled opponent.
 On the contrary, they seem to have judged that it would be easier to extract information from us, who are only complete amateurs, and advised the lord.

"If I'm going to meet the lord, should I leave this behind?

 When I pointed to the kuto on my waist, the soldier snickered.
 If you're in Japan, you'd naturally be told to leave it behind. ...... I wonder if it's too funny to carry a wooden sword in this world. ...... I've been walking around Tarz in that outfit a lot. I've been walking around the TARDIS in that outfit for quite a while now, and it's something I should consider getting a sheath for.
 Ecdysius is looking at me with his eyes.
 So far, so good.
 If you are interrogated in a disturbing manner, just give a strong shock to the piece of chain that Ecdysius gave you, and Ecdysius will consider it an emergency and come to your aid.
 Even so, he doesn't like the idea of leaving as an escort.
 Perhaps I should give him some reassurance, and let him know that I'm ready to do the same.
 I slap myself lightly on the cheek with both hands and change my mind.

"Hey, get out of here.
"Yeah, I know, I know. ...... Ecdysium, try not to act up while I'm gone, okay?

 I'm sure you'll be able to find something that will help you.
 But there was no need to worry about Ecdysium now.
 Let's think about what to do with the lords we meet now.

 ◇ "Sir Toxad, the

"Lord Toxad, I've brought your captive to you.
Thank you. Let him through.

 I heard reports from the soldiers that a strange pair of men have appeared in Rilbe.
 They said they had come to Quama at the request of His Holiness, the top of the Yugra religion.
 However, according to the soldiers, their appearance was clearly suspicious, and the only evidence they had was this letter of request that I now had.
 I read through it and could easily determine that it was a fake.
 The two men were probably bandits or something.
 They were a big bunch, but if they were planning to do something in this chaotic time, it was my duty as the ruler of Riluve to expose them.
 The person who appeared was a young man with black hair and black eyes, a very unusual appearance.
 I thought that he might be a demon from the lore, but he was clearly an amateur.
 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.
 The young man looks a little nervous, but he seems to have some confidence in this fake request letter.
 If that's the case, I'm going to shatter his confidence.

"I am Traffer Toxad, Lord of Rilbe.
Do I address you as Lord Toxad?
That's fine. Now, let me ask you straight out, what is your purpose here in Rilbe?
I've explained it to the soldiers. I'm sure you have a letter of request.
Are you referring to this?

 The young man nodded.
 The young man nodded, and I opened it and roughly read it out.

The young man nodded and showed the letter of request to the young man. In response to this, the headquarters of the Yugra religion has decided to officially dispatch a person with this letter of request to Quama. ...... I don't understand.
I think the letter of request is correct.
What good does it do to attack demons to send a man with dark hair and dark eyes who looks like he belongs in the underworld?
"He's a good man, so I'm a negotiator.

 He's a good man, and I'm a negotiator." The report said the other man was very dangerous, and he was probably a very good man, but he was obeying the words of this man.
 This man is probably the brains of the operation, and he certainly seems to have a good head on his shoulders.

But I still don't believe it.
Isn't the letter of request properly signed by the Pope?

 Yes, the letter of request is signed by His Holiness.
 It's very well done, which is why the young man is so confident in his opinion of me.

"Yes, but let's have a look at this one.

 He takes out another piece of parchment he has prepared.
 The parchment is a slightly different color than the letter of request I confiscated from the young man.

It was a slightly different colored parchment than the one I had confiscated from the young man, "I donate money to the Yugra cult, and it is rare that I receive a letter from the Mejlis. This one was issued by the Yugoslavs when they went through the formalities.
That's right. What about it?
It also bears the signature of the Pope, who made the final confirmation. If you compare the signatures, they are indeed very similar. But yours seems to be slightly distorted.

 Yes, the handwriting and the characteristics of the letters are very similar, but the letters are distorted in some places.
 They must have tried very hard to imitate it, but the distortion must have come out.
 As I have a good eye, it is easy for me to distinguish the difference.

"...... The Pope is a human being, he can't have a signature that's exactly the same, can he?

 Of course there is such a way out.
 But that's not the only difference, no, the most important difference is that it's fake.

"Apparently, you don't know enough. When the Yugoslavs perform formalities, they use this parchment made in Mejlis, a custom-made parchment that only the Yugoslavs can use.

 That's right, the official documents issued by the Yugra cult use custom-made parchment that is manufactured under strict control to prevent fakes from appearing.
 As such, it is impossible for a young man to obtain one.
 You may be able to find something similar, but it is unlikely that a trained connoisseur would mistake it for something else.

...... The Pope is currently visiting Taize. That's why he used a parchment made in Taize.
"That's a lame excuse. The presence or absence of the Pope in Taiz has nothing to do with it. There is a branch of Yugraism in Taiz. It's not hard to arrange a special parchment. What are you planning to do in Quama with such a fake letter of request?

But look closely, that signature is definitely the Pope's--

 The moment the young man forcefully takes a step forward, one of the soldiers strikes him in the leg with the handle of his spear.
 The young man loses his balance and falls down.

"Don't move without permission!
"No! It's a genuine letter of request prepared by the Pope, I'm sure of it!
It's a shame to see such a bandit take advantage of the chaos. How dare you take advantage of the chaos and bring in such a bandit!

 It's really sinful, and yet this young man is still trying to claim that this fake is the real thing.
 Of course, for this young man, this fake letter of request is the only weapon that can break through the current situation.
 But that doesn't make sense to me. To make him understand that, I tore up the fake letter of request in front of him.
 The young man looked stunned for a moment, but then his expression suddenly disappeared.

If you don't want to tell me what you're up to, you can go to jail for the time being and repent your actions.
"Is that your decision?

 He spoke to me in an emotionless voice, which must have been a great shock to him.

Yes. Do you disagree?
...... No, if that is the decision of the lord, I will obey it.

 Suddenly you've become more reserved, as if you've run out of options.
 But if you're going to be straightforward, I have nothing to say to you.
 He was probably planning to commit some kind of fraud, even though he is still a young man.
 I hope this will make you feel better and more sane. ...... Hmm?
 The young man slowly gets up and brushes his knees.
 There's something strange about him, something's not right.
 Yes, something is .......

What's wrong? You can go back to your cell, can't you?
"What's with the sudden change in attitude?
"Oh, Lord Toxad, I have to ask: ...... is this the custom-made parchment used by the Yugoslavs?

 The young man reached into his pocket and pulled out a rolled up piece of parchment.
 ...... No way.

It's a...
"Yes, soldier. I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that I'm not the only one. I don't think I'm allowed to step forward, so could you hand it over?

 The soldier looked at me with a questioning look.
 I nodded, and the soldier brought the parchment to me.
 ...... Oh no, this is not ...... possible!

This parchment is definitely a Yugoslavian .......

 Yes, this parchment is the parchment used to issue official Yugoslavian documents.
 This parchment is definitely the parchment used to issue official Yugoslavian documents.
 You unfold the parchment and check the words inside, and the contents send a chill down your spine.
 No, no, no, no, no, no!
 I don't want this to ...... happen, but this is ......!

What's wrong with that? It's not difficult to understand, because it's the exact same text as the request letter. Yeah, but the number of signatures is a little bit higher, isn't it?
Not only the Pope's, but also the signatures of Archbishop Ucka and Archbishop Maja. ......
Yes, when we bring it to Quama, His Holiness' name alone would be of doubtful authenticity, so we have the signature of Archbishop Ucka, who has sent many letters to Quama, and the signature of Archbishop Maja to prove that His Holiness is in Rome.

 Archbishop Ucka is a man who is close to the nobility of many countries and has collected many donations.
 I know this because I have made donations to the Quama branch as well as to the headquarters in Mejlis.
 This handwriting is definitely that of Archbishop Ucka.

"Well, then the letter of request is .......
It's a waste of time, you know. It's just that the place where the request was received wasn't a Yugoslavian institution, but it was definitely signed by His Holiness.

 My mind went completely blank.

 That's it.

 That's what this is about.
 I took advantage of the fact that Lord Toxad was a wise lord in his own right.
 Of all the lords in the Quama region, Lord Toksad was the most likely to do this, and he seemed to fit the mold nicely.
 I learned from Maja a long time ago that the official documents of the Yugra religion are made of custom-made parchment.
 So first, I asked Pope Eupharo to write a tentative request on the parchment that I usually use on the rude table of Dog Bone.
 Of course, Pope Eupharo advised me that a tentative letter of request would not be effective, but I explained that I was showing it to Marito for confirmation.
 I guess he thought that Pope Eupharo would use it for something.
 After that, I asked him to prepare a formal parchment and to prepare a formal letter of request.
 The formal letter of request was swallowed by Kuto and kept hidden.
 It was immediately put to use as a hidden pocket using the characteristic of hiding inside a wooden sword.
 It can't hide anything that big, but it can easily hide a small item or a parchment or two of this size.

Here we go.
"Wait, wait, wait! Not if you have this official request!

 Sir Toxad is leaning forward with a blue face, completely unable to hide his agitation.

The conversation is over, and I will return to my cell quietly. I'm sure that's your decision, right?
I take it back. Of course you do!
"Oh, you fell earlier and are now deaf. I'm sorry, but you're going to have to rest in your cell.
No choice. The letter of request handwritten by His Holiness was torn up, I was injured by a soldier who poked me, and I was told to stay in jail without any explanation. ...... I'll be quiet until I can explain the situation to my friends who are coming later. I'm sure you'll be able to get in touch with the Pope as soon as you do.

 The soldier is not so foolish as to not understand the situation, and tries to leave the room alone.

 It's impossible to forcefully stop us from leaving.
 Lord Toxad stood up hurriedly and rushed towards us.

"Wait, please! I admit that I was wrong, and I apologize!
"Sir Toksad, please don't worry.

 "Sir Toksad, don't worry." "Sir Toksad, don't worry.

I'm used to living in a prison.

 The look on Lord Toxad's face was a very good one.

 ◇ "So

"So ...... what's the situation here?

 He and Eckdruk were on their way to Quamah to gather information, and we were following them in a carriage when the horse of the messenger came rushing in.
 We were told that he and Ekuduk were staying in Rilbe, a town close to Quama.
 We headed for Rilbhe with our heads tilted back, and were greeted by the lord of Rilbhe, Lord Toxad.
 He welcomed us with a very complicated expression, and when we asked him where he was, he led us to his cell with a tearful look on his face.
 I was then reunited with him and Ecdique in the jail. .......

Yeah, I thought I'd set up a base.

 The jail was furnished with unsuitable luxury furniture, and he was waiting elegantly, looking at a lot of papers.

"Why are you in jail ......?
"Well, did Lord Toxad tell you to go to jail and repent your deeds?
No! That's not true!

 When I asked him about the details, he told me that he was captured by the soldiers on purpose and trapped Lord Toksad so that he would tear up one of the two letters of request.
 Then, after making him understand the current situation, he stayed in the prison as a harassment.
 Fearing that the rest of us would find out about it and report it to Yugra, Lord Toksad tried to get him to leave the prison, but all negotiations failed.
 As a desperate measure, he turned the prison into a comfortable room.
 It's a very bad man's trick.
 When he promised to move the room later, Lord Toksad left with a very uneasy look on his face.
 He seemed to have been quite upset by him, poor fellow.

"You are the one who preceded ...... me for this?
"Archbishop Serraes is the leader of the anti-third camp. If we had gone straight to Quama, there was a good chance that he would have made it difficult for us and restricted our actions. That's why I decided to secure a temporary base here in Rilbe, which is close by.
I never thought I'd see the day when I'd have to beg my lord to let me out of prison.

 Ecdysium has a very complicated look on his face.
 I'm sure I'd make the same face if that day ever came, hmm.

"Did you have to go this far?
"Naturally, the nobles of Quama have access to Archbishop Ceraes, as any half-hearted cooperation would be met with a turnabout.

 I'm sure you'll be able to understand that I'm not the only one who has a problem with this.

If you don't want to go directly to Quama, you could have taken us with you.
"Wouldn't it have been more credible to have Ilias, who has the appearance of a proper knight, and Mixu, whose ornaments bear the crest of the House of Taze? As for Lakra, she's wearing the clothes of a Yugra cleric.
"Shosho-sama, this is actually an original, you know? It's much more breathable and lighter than the existing ones, thanks to Sila's handiwork!
What about it?
It's terrible!

 His appearance was certainly suspicious to the uninitiated.
 If the only one accompanying him was Exoik, the suspicion would be even greater.

"Shishou, I wish Wolfe could have gone with me.
Wulfe, he's too cute to be suspicious in the other direction.
I see. ...... Can Wolfe be more suspicious like Mr. Ecdysius?
No, no, no, no.
"No, no, no.

 He and Exoik are saying the same lines beautifully.
 I agree with you there.

I had some other insurance, like this one.

 Then he takes out a ring.
 ...... Hmm!

It's ...... not .......
Oh, isn't that the ring of affection with the Taze family crest on it?

 Yes, Mixu is right, the ring he's showing is the Ring of Love.
 The ring is one of the most valuable medals that the King of Tarz of the time was said to bestow on those whose achievements were recognized as having truly contributed to Tarz, that is, knights and nobles who would leave their names in history.
 It is an object of admiration for knights and nobles who devote themselves to Tarz.
 Of course, as a knight of Tarz, I admire it too, but I never thought I'd see it here.
 No, it's more than that.

How did you get that?
Marito gave it to me.
What's that? ......

 The only person who still has the ring is probably Lord Raggedythe.
 What is it about such a precious thing .......?

It's true that it can only be given to your brother.
I was told that showing it to you would prove that I was in good standing with the Taze royal family. If I show it to them and say I'm in good standing with the Mix, and the Mix comes after me, it will be effective enough, right?
"My friend, you don't get that ring just for being friendly with royalty! If you give that ring with that explanation, it's like declaring yourself engaged!
"Seriously, that's dangerous.
It's not something you can get just by being good friends with the royal family, it's something you can only get if you're close enough to join the royal family, or if you do something that's equivalent to that.
"If I accidentally explain that I'm close to Marith, the royal family tree of the Targs could be in trouble.
"Your brother's betrothal to your friend will go down in history. Well, if it was a friend, I would have agreed with him even if he said he was close to me!
I'll try to refrain from lying about things I might be held accountable for later.
How dull!

It hurts.

 Master Mixu is laughing and slapping him on the back, but I guess she thinks she deserves the ring.
 I, personally, have very mixed feelings about this.
 But when you think about his accomplishments, ...... he was instrumental in defeating the bandits that were tormenting the Targs, he gave them the wisdom of Yuggra's planet and raised the level of civilization in the Targs, he proved that the Demon King, a threat to the world, was back, and he even got them to join him.
 The ring has become a source of comfort for the lonely king.

It may not be so strange that ...... you were given that ring.
I'm not the type of person who gets attached to things, so I can't say for sure, but it must be important to the Iliad.
"Of course, if he was using it to do evil, it wouldn't take more than a fist or two.
...... I'll keep that in mind.

 Even though he knows the value of the ring, he still doesn't seem to have that much love for it.
 It's a good idea to make sure that you have a good idea of what you're getting into.
 ...... At any rate, it is true that I hope the ring will not be used for his devious purposes.
 I'd like to pick it up and take a look, but ...... no, it's too early for me.

But when your compatriot's tone changed, it gave me a chill.
"Well, that's not a very nice thing to say.

 Judging from Exoik's reaction, he must have changed his tune.
 From this incident, we can understand that he acted in an evil position when he trapped Lord Toxad.
 That makes me worry that he might have used it. .......

I didn't use any understanding behavior. I got the information about Lord Toxad from the Purple.
"Mmm, I believe you when you say so. ......
"In this case, I just switched my way of being. I didn't abandon myself. I'm just showing Ecdysiac that I've changed, to show him not to worry. I'm going to do it right, so don't worry about it.

 With that, he went back to reading the information on Kuama that Lord Toxad had prepared for him.
 We came to Quama to stop the invasion of the Blue Demon King.
 But the first person he had set upon was the Lord of Rilbe here in the territory of Quama.
 The fact that he has prepared multiple letters of request suggests that he has already anticipated this development.
 He is the same as usual, but there is something different about him.
 In this case, he's probably up to no good, yeah.
 I'll see what I can find out.