120 The next one is...

 Information about the countless undead that had appeared on the barrier separating Quama and the Quama Demon Realm reached the Quama nation before the date change, and was passed on to the Yugra religion, and then to Taze.
 Mejis decided to dispatch a team of clerics to reinforce the invasion in other directions via the Quama demon world.
 What we know now is that a great number of undead are invading the walls, filling the land, and Quama is doing its best to defend itself.
 The undead have a tendency to aim beyond the wall as a unified will, but fortunately, they don't seem to be communicating with each other and are attacking as a mob.
 So the burden on the soldiers is much greater than it has been in the past, but there is still no danger of the wall being breached.

"You're right, Ao has moved. But it's a foolish attack.
Isn't it? I'm not sure what to do.

 I'm not sure what to make of it.
 After Marito called me and informed me of the invasion of Quama, I was consulted by Pope Euparo.
 He said that the anti-Third Camp, including Archbishop Serraes, had voiced their opinion that we should be allowed to assist in bringing this situation under control.
 Archbishop Ceraes said that it was his responsibility to quell the conflict if he claimed to be neutral, and the others agreed with him.

They're selfish, though neutrality also means freedom from interference, doesn't it?
You've agreed to this, but are you sure?
It's a good opportunity to gain credibility. And since there is a possibility that you can persuade the Blue Demon Lord, you need to be in a position to get involved.

 You'll be able to find a lot of people who are willing to help you out.
 I'm sure it's not, but there is a possibility that the other Demon Lords will not be able to respond to your request for help.

What, are you taking Ao's side?
"It's not that I don't feel a connection with you as the first Demon Lord to know your background. But more than that, it's also a chance to get the Blue Demon Lord into the third camp, and if we can do that, our position will be more or less secure.

 The Blue Demon King is a person who has little independence and is easily influenced by the opinions of others.
 In fact, in the past, when the Murasaki invaded the human world, he instigated the attack on the humans too easily.
 In that case, he sacrificed many lives, but was stopped and destroyed by Seiya Yukura.
 And even now, it's safe to say that the Scarlet Demon King is still forcing them to act according to his wishes.
 If the Demon Lord has no autonomy, there is a possibility that he can be persuaded to join us.
 In the event that you've got a good idea of what you're looking for, you'll be able to use it to your advantage.
 This is the perfect opportunity to check out the Scarlet Witch King.
 I'm not sure what to make of that.

By the way, you'll be staying at home.
If another Demon Lord shows up in a land that's being invaded by a Demon Lord, it'll just create more confusion.

 Most of the people cooperating with Kuama are the Yuglas and the Mejis.
 It's not a good idea to show up in front of Archbishop Serraes and the other anti-demonic factions with Purple, the one who ravaged Mejis the most.

I'm sure the mistress can come to Gurne's aid, can't she?
I'm sure you're not the only one who's had to deal with this.

 Even at this point, the undead are making a show of charging in and leading the Mejis clerics to Kuama.
 It's also possible that the Scarlet Pimpernel will take advantage of the opportunity to launch an invasion of Mejis or Ghanaians if they see the Ghanaian army moving.

If the scarlet demon king is planning to invade other countries, he will be able to do so.

 If the Scarlet Demon King moves in line with this commotion, Garne and Taze will be the main force.
 If the Scarlet Witch is going to move in concert with this ruckus, Garne and Taze will be the primary forces. It'll be more efficient to have Purple help with the coordination.
 I'm not sure what to do, but I'm not sure what to do.

It's a great way to get the most out of your time and money.
You can't take him to Quama because he's already been exposed to the colorless demon lord before.
Let's do this for .......

 I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that.
 I don't know what she's doing, but I'm slightly taken aback.

"I'll leave you with the demon I've adjusted? --Yes, let's put it in that wooden sword of yours, shall we?
Won't it be detected by sensing magic or something?
No problem, I've tampered with it so that it doesn't react as a demon at all. I'm not smart enough to have any greed, so I'm at your mercy, but I can do everything a demon as advanced as ...... can do, can't I?
I appreciate that, but ...... are you sure you'll do what I say?
"I'm transferring the Lord's authority to you. Can I have a drop of your blood?

 I'll offer you my palm in reply.
 The purple transformed a piece of his clothing into a fine needle and stabbed his thumb shallowly in the belly.
 When it bleeds, she puts a shredded piece of clothing on top of it and soaks it up, muttering something in a whisper.
 Then the scrap turns into a wriggling shadow and clings to my partner.
 After a while, it returned to its original state, unchanged.

"Is that better? I think it responds to your voice, can you try it?
"Yeah, ......, answer me.

 But my partner doesn't say anything.

It's not responding.
You have to say his name. If he only responds to your voice, you'll get in trouble, won't you?
Oh, yeah, what's this demon's name?
I don't. I can control it with my will, so why should I bother calling it a name?

 Duvvleoris is a unique kind of demon that has given itself a name, but the others are nameless.
 You can name them as you wish,......, but if you give them a name that's too twisted, they'll be hard to call.
 If you name it something like Gugugedelestaf, you might find yourself in trouble while calling it.

"Kutou, answer me.
"Hi, Al-Jissama.

 Oh, he answered.
 I took it from a wooden sword, but I don't think it's a bad name.
 I'm kind of excited that my partner is responding to me, yes.
 But what a neutral voice. Does the demon have a gender?

"Hey, does this demon have a gender?
Demons don't reproduce, so there's no such thing as gender.
But Duvvleoris and the other great demons had a male appearance, right?

"I guess you're right, aren't you? Now that they have power, do they take the male form to show it off?

 I've never thought of women as being powerless in this world.
 Especially the Iliad, which is a gorilla beyond gender.
 I mean, .......

Why are you sucking a man's thumb?
I've never had a problem with that. Then we have to sterilize it with spit in a primitive way.

 It's not hard to understand, but isn't it better if he does it himself?
 Well, I'm not going to complain about it, since you're going to treat me.

I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I'm not the only one.

 In the event that you're not sure what to do, you can always ask your doctor.
 In fact, the only ones I've seen are the ones with sheep horns that could be called devils.

What kind of demon is that?
If you don't know, then you don't exist.

 I'll give you a brief explanation of succubus and incubus.
 It's not that I don't know anything about them.

If you're going to go to the trouble of interfering with someone's mind in their dreams, you might as well just eat them while they're sleeping.

 In the event that you're looking for the best way to get the most out of your business, you'll want to look at the following: .......
 In the event that you have any questions regarding where and the best way to get in touch with us, please do not hesitate to contact us.
 In the first place, this world is clearly divided between the human world and the demon world.
 There are not many demons that can blend into human society and do bad things. ...... There was a demon king.

Do you want a demon like that?
I'm not sure I want one personally, but it might come in handy for cajoling the nobility. Well, I don't want it.

 If you're serious about cajoling them, the power of the Purple will suffice.
 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.
 There may be some temptation to enjoy a night with a succubus, but it's not a good idea to let Purple prepare for it.
 There's no way you can ask the opposite s*x who wants you to provide you with tools for your s*xual desires.

Well, if you're saying that Kutou doesn't have a gender, that's fine. Can you take the form of a demon?
"I can create claws and wings and other parts, but I don't have a form of my own. I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but it's a good idea.
"Hmmm ...... Kutou, take out your wings and float.

 I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not, but it's a good idea.
 This will give you the feeling of floating like when you use an Equidistant Taxi. .......

My arms are tired. ......

 It seems to be able to levitate your weight, but you have to hold on to it at all times or it will fall off.
 Should I hold my arm in place? No, that would be too much for my arm and shoulder.
 It seems that you have to think about how to command it.
 However, if it can work as well as a high level demon, I have high hopes for it.
 It may improve the situation where Exduk and Ilias have to be conscious of their own safety even against small fry.
 I don't want to be overconfident, though, so I have to remember that this is just a consolation prize.

It's good to have a sense of nurturing, to let them learn things from scratch like this. Thank you, Purple.
I'm sure you'll be able to find something that will work for you.
I'm not sure what to do with it.

 My partner, whose name was changed from the Spiderweb Cleaver Sword to Kuto.
 The power of the name has been reduced, but it is not bad, like an intelligence sword.

I'm not sure if you need bait or not.
I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I'm not the only one who has a problem with this. I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that. I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that.

 It seems that there is a possibility of running out of gas, so use it with caution.

"Mmm, I wish I could give you something to do with your ...... little mistress alter ego.
That's a quick answer. ......?
I don't want to make a scene.

 I'm not sure if I'll be able to do it.
 In the first place, Archbishop Serraes knows the face of Gold.

"Too bad, Gold?
"Gee, don't you have a plan!
"Why should the recipient of the parting gift suggest anything?

 In the end, they settled on the idea of attaching a string made from a piece of the tail of the gold to the head of the handle of the kuto as a lucky charm.
 When I was about to prepare a sheath with a butt sheath, I decided not to.
 Partly because a wooden sword doesn't need a sheath, but also because I don't like the idea of shaving off all that fluffy tail hair.

By the way, I don't mean to stop you from going to Quama, but are you sure you can handle it?
"To a point, yes. I'll get around it.

 I'll get around.

 The Blue Demon King has begun his invasion of Quama, and my people have agreed to help stop him.
 If we use my chain wings, we can get there in less than a day.
 However, due to weight restrictions and the need to carry luggage, the four of us who were supposed to accompany Ilias, Wolfe, Mikus, and Lakra were forced to travel by carriage.
 If you have any questions regarding where and how to use the internet, you can contact us at our website.
 But .......

It's not a laughing matter.
It's no laughing matter, .......

 The first thing I did was to go to the city of Quama to gather information about the area.
 In the event you've got any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can contact us at our own web site.
 I explained to them that I was someone who had been asked to help the Yugra cult, but I don't think they believed me.

 We also showed them the official letter of request that our compatriots had received from Pope Eupalo, but it was successfully confiscated.

What's the matter with those guards, they didn't believe in us at all!
I'm not sure what to make of that.

 I'm not sure what to make of this.
 If you are able to fight a little, you can be sure that you are not in danger from the amount of magic inherent in them, but I forgot to mention that you might be in danger if you are not a good fighter.
 Of course, my appearance is also not something to be looked upon favorably.

Why didn't you just run away? Why didn't you resist?
"I'm here to help you, why are you fighting with the person you're helping? Even if you could have escaped without hurting the other party, it would have been bad for your reputation if you had escaped without proving your innocence. You just have to stand your ground.
It depends on who you're dealing with. The city of Rilbe is in Quama territory, but it is ruled by a nobleman. The extent of their rule can be seen in the attitude of the guards just now, can't it?

 The Blue Demon Lord's army is currently invading Quama.
 However, the troops staying in this city are in full force, and they have hardly sent any troops.
 Even with the help of other countries, they are only considering the protection of this city.
 I'm not sure if it's Quama's decision or this Rilbe's, but it's clear that she's trying to protect herself.

"Well, compared to Taze, which is a serious knightly nation, it does seem twisted. This is what you would expect from a city ruled by a nobleman.
...... Your countrymen are quite calm when their original goals are being thwarted.
In the event that you've got a lot of money, you'll be able to take advantage of it. And I've got Kutu.
"It's only natural since I originally left my luggage with Lakra and the others. The only reason they haven't confiscated your wooden sword is because it's such a crude weapon that they'd laugh at you.

 A wooden sword is a child's training tool, there is no need to confiscate such a thing.
 My chain is not confiscated either, the stake that looks like it could be a weapon is a modification of the original chain.
 As long as it is just a chain, there is no problem.
 The confiscation of your street money may be due to the fact that you won't be able to escape far without it, or it may simply have gone into the pockets of the guards.

I've been in jail a few times, it's not like it's been used much, it's clean. --I've been in prison a few times.
I know a little bit more about how the ...... Iliad used to feel when it was occasionally overflowing.
He's been complaining to Exoik too?
I'm sure you've heard of it. He advised me to be careful because my people have a habit of acting without explaining the important things.
You can't tell which of the many plans you've considered will fit the mold until you actually try them. There's no point in explaining all the plans you've come up with in your head, there's always the possibility that you might have to change them on the fly.
That's a good point.
Well, there's still time to make a move. I'll explain some of my predictions for what will happen next. If it comes down to it, I've got a plan to force my way out of here, if that's what it takes.

 Then, the compatriot explains the events that are expected to happen.
 Most of the explanations make sense and make sense to me.
 But there are so many of them, I wonder how many other possibilities they have considered.

"Do you really need to take into account the ...... possibility of that happening?
"Of course not, don't underestimate a coward. So far, the most likely scenario is the first one I described or the third one I described.
Hmm, ......, but is it my imagination or does my compatriot seem a lot quicker-witted this time around?
I'm not sure what to make of this. If you have a lot of prior knowledge, you can act with some understanding without having to act with understanding.

 One of the strengths of our people is the ability to understand our opponents.
 I have experienced firsthand the precision with which you can control developments when you are completely in the mold.
 The fear of being in control of everything that happens is something you don't really feel until you know it.
 My people may seem harmless, but if you make them your enemy, they can hunt you down without you even knowing it.
 I am alive today because my people have decided that they can use me.
 If I had been judged to be as difficult to control as Parshero, I would surely be .......
 I can feel a cold sweat running down my spine as I slightly recall the past.
 It's not uncommon to feel this way when confronting an opponent with a power disparity.
 The most frightening thing is ...... that our fellow countrymen, who are supposed to be powerless, are able to hunt down the powerful ones.
 Even a being with no fighting talent like our fellow man can be a threat, which proves that every opponent we meet in the future can be a threat.
 A powerful person can sense it, but how can a powerless being like my people sense danger?

"What's the matter, Exduk, is something bothering you?
...... No, I was just replaying the information in my head.
You didn't seem to have that look on your face, but ...... let's just say you do.

 I've been understood once by my own people, they might have seen through my current thoughts.
 I can still clearly remember the eyes that stared at me at that time.
 At first I thought it was a hostile, creepy look, but now that I understand what it means, I have a definite fear of being looked at like that.
 Yes, not everyone is a threat, and no one can be sane enough to live with such anxiety on a daily basis.
 But the prudence of our people is ...... not something we should dwell on right now.

What will the lord of this city do ...... if he can do it without guilt?
"...... Yes.

 I'm not sure what to make of this.
 ...... No, you don't have to worry about that.
 If the life that has already been picked up and spent for the sake of your fellow man, you can simply take a more worthwhile action.
 At the very least, I'm certain that it will produce more results than me living on my own.