108 First of all, a nostalgic technique.

 Ecdysium is looking awful, let's leave it alone.
 I couldn't follow most of the movement with my eyes, but it seemed that a surprising development had occurred.
 Within seconds of their meeting, Duvraeori's arms and legs were severed.
 It may have been Lakra's work, but the process upset Duvraeori, who then took a direct hit from Ilias.
 He saw some sort of object being blown far away, but it seemed to be Duvraeus.
 Ilias did not follow up, and if you looked closely, you could see his severed right arm sticking out of the shadows in pieces.
 He must have taken a direct hit and used the severed right arm to connect the shadow to the ground.

"Hey, compadre.

 However, while Duvraeor's basic specs were high, it was also impressive that he had all the peculiarities of a great demon in his condition.
 Even though some of his abilities can't function properly against Ilias and Lakra, the addition of abilities specialized in interpersonal skills such as Ramugresca's nose is a threat.


 But even more astonishing was Ilias's progress, as he was able to hold his own against Duvraeus, who was as good as Lord Ragdor.
 The story of his victory over Lord Ragdor, and the reason for his overflowing confidence, is understandable.
 However, to be honest, I'm not sure if I should be happy about his further gorilla-ization.
 But I'm not sure if I should be happy about further gorilla-ization.

"Don't ignore me on purpose!
"It's not on purpose, I can't speak properly when I'm wearing my metahuman glasses because my senses are too sharp!

 It's rare to see such dismay on the part of an Ex-Doctor, who takes off his glasses and looks towards the Ex-Doctor.
 It's not that I don't understand how you feel.
 I'm sure you've heard Duvraeori's cries, Lakra used the "blind eye", the peculiarity of a great demon given by the great demon Beguragud, the father of Exdoik.
 In addition, if it is at a level that even Duvraioli, who had Ramugresca's nose, could not detect, then it is the true "blind eye" that Exequim had just demonstrated for the first time.
 It would be a shame if he were to use the secret technique that he had prepared for in less than an hour.

"Did you know about this, compatriot?
No, of course not.
You didn't seem too upset. Explain that to me!

 Hmmm, you've got a good eye.
 It's true that when Lakra used his power, I wasn't too upset.
 I'm sure I didn't move too much when Lakra used that power.

I'm sure you're not the only one who's had it.
"What? ......

 I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that I'm not the only one who's had to deal with this.
 While Ilias and the others had their eyes fixed on Exoik and Ramugresca, only Lakra was staring at the center of the chain.

I wondered if she could see them in some way, that's all I could think of, but now that Lacra herself has used the eye, it seems to fit rather nicely.
I'm sure you'll agree with me.
"There are several possibilities, but I can't be sure. I'll have to ask him later.

 For example, it is possible that when Lakra defeated Vegragudo, he was given the power of the eye by Vegragudo, just like Ecdysium.
 However, this hypothesis is difficult to accept considering the current situation of Lakra, who doesn't even remember the existence of Vegragudo.
 There's another idea that's a bit of a leap of faith: ....... This one fits, but there are too many uncertainties.

It looks like there's almost no strain on the eyes, even though ...... that technique can't be used to project anything.
I'm sure you'll be able to figure out what you need to do. I'm sure you'll be able to find something to help you.

 I'm sure you'll be able to figure out how to use it.
 However, Exdoik's chain is probably stronger and more versatile.
 There are some advantages and disadvantages.

I don't know what to do with .......
I don't know if it's any consolation, but between you and Lakra, I'd definitely hire you.
Well, ...... that's okay for now. ......

 I'm sure you're not the only one.
 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.
 The fact that Lakra is quietly challenging you to a match, you can understand that he sees a chance to win.
 It's a good idea to take a look at the website and see if you can find any useful information.


 There is no follow-up.
 When Ilias-Lazzell's left hand fought with his sword, he simultaneously released his severed right arm into his shadow.
 Lacla-Sulph, who was following behind, also sensed this and did not advance alone.
 In addition, the impact of the attack allowed me to gain some distance.
 The first thing you need to do is to regain your stance and rapidly regenerate your body until you are fully recovered, including your crumpled left arm.
 Losing a limb is a heavy burden.
 The exhaustion caused by the pain is not a big problem, but when you have to regenerate several percent of your body, the inherent magic power you lose is not insignificant.
 Even if you recover to an unharmed state, the exhaustion cannot be hidden.
 It is an undeniable fact that Rakhra Sarv used the Blind Eye.
 But now is not the time to inquire the reason.
 Now is the time to win for the Lord, and not to add unnecessary personal feelings to the mix.
 As soon as he regenerates, the remnants of the right arm that held Ilias-Lazzell in place are destroyed.

"I'm surprised, Lakra. Isn't that the same technique that Ecduk used?
"Yes, well, I tried it and it worked.

 Analyzing what I could hear, it was doubtful that I could have a conversation with him.
 It's a good thing that you're not the only one who has a problem with this.

You're taking your time. You think you've won?
"No, I don't. I never meant to lose.
Well, then, let's continue!

 The only thing to do at this point is to abandon the option of waiting.
 You don't know when or where the wards will be placed, so if you are there when they appear, you will be cut off again.
 Indeed, the power of the true "blind eye" is astounding.
 The eye cannot see, the nose cannot smell, and the ear cannot hear.
 You may be able to feel it with your sense of touch, but by then it will be too late.
 But it's not a perfect power, and Ramugresca has already shown signs of attacking it.
 Her nose sniffed out danger, and she could see that the usual wards were in place.
 We should be wary, but even more wary is not here.


 The moment his instincts kicked in, he slammed his tail into the ground and changed the trajectory of his lunge.
 Yes, even with the previous attack, I had already prepared a countermeasure for the true "blind eye".
 She acted on reflex, surrendering to the appeal of her death-avoiding instincts.
 With the power of danger perception that surpasses even the senses, as long as you can avoid it, the rest is not a problem.
 You feel its tail being severed, and it seems to have escaped the danger zone in the nick of time.
 I'm going to close the distance and attack it.

"I won't let you!

 Ilias-Lazzell also followed our movements visually and tried to block our path.
 Ilias-Ratzel follows our movements visually and tries to block our path. He holds out his right arm in front of him, instantly compresses his magic power, and blasts.
 The shattered bones fly apart and hit Ilias-Ratzel.
 It's not a decisive blow, but it's enough to blind and frighten him.
 Without pausing, he unleashes a lightning spell from the corner, further blinding him.
 Once again your instincts tell you that you are in danger, and in this instant you have set up a ward around you.
 But it's impossible to create an offensive ward at the same time that you're depriving me of my sight, and if you try to force it, Ilias-Lazzell, who was about to collide with me, will be within range.
 I regenerated my tail again, splitting it into two tails, and fixed one of them on the ground as an axis, adjusting its position slightly.
 The Iliad-Razzel is now directly in front of me and Rakhra-Sarv.
 With all my strength, I will pierce them both at once.


 But I can't feel it.
 It can't be, because when I came back from the lightning spell, I saw that both of them had been pierced, but this is different, this is--

Is this the traditional blind eye?
Yes, that's right.

 My left arm flew in the air.
 Ilias-Ratzel's flash suddenly appeared in my vision and severed my left arm.
 I hadn't even considered that I could use my original power of conjuring, or even that I could use it!

That's shallow!
"Don't you dare!

 The moment he tried to slam his remaining right leg into Ilias-Ratzel, his tail was severed.
 I'm not sure what to look out for if you use the true one this time or the alternate one.

"How's this for ......!

 Ilias-Ratzel's sword cut deep into his body, reaching from his neck to his abdomen.
 A huge amount of magic power rushed into my body, causing deep damage to my insides.
 That's when my consciousness--

 What is this? When did I remember?
 Yes, I remember. I remember.
 Just before you were defeated by Yugra, before I became a great demon, when I was in the form of a demon no different from others.
 Your form is the same now as it was then.
 The Demon Lord who gave orders to our budding selves and achieved overwhelming domination.
 Even though I couldn't join his front row, I always felt his greatness.
 I was the most inept of the demons.
 My growth rate was significantly inferior to other demons.
 Perhaps that's why I felt lesser, and slightly wiser for it.
 Oh, to one day fight for this Creator who created us.
 Even though I couldn't even put it into words, my instincts, my soul felt it.
 But the Lord was defeated by Yugra.
 The remaining demons scattered and fled.
 So did I. I ran from Yugra out of fear of death.
 I left my master to save my own skin.
 I was ashamed of my incompetence, but relieved to be alive because of it.
 My obsession with life, my anger at my miserable self, gave me meaning to life.
 He would surely appear before us, and I would show him that I was worthy of being his pawn.
 To be able to protect him, that's why I was born as a demon.
 I continued to accumulate my power to be close to her, to be close to her.
 That thought alone kept me alive for hundreds of years, and before I knew it, I had become one of the great demons.
 That's why when I heard the Lord's request, my heart was filled with excitement and I let out a cry of admiration.
 I thought, "The time has finally come, the day has come when I can serve and protect the Lord.

And this is what I get?

 A memory from the past held my consciousness from jumping for a moment.
 What am I doing now, what kind of foolishness am I exposing?
 He was risking his own life, and I was just wasting my own life?
 I poured in my remaining magic power and regenerated the wound.
 The sword is still lodged in the abdomen.
 So I regenerated it and seized the sword with my body.

"I am...
It's a good thing I'm not the only one. I will not allow myself to die as an aide to my master, the Purple Demon King!

 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.
 I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's a good idea.

"Well done, Knights of the Order of the TARDIS, the Ragdolls are alone, Ilias-Ratzel! I will crush your lofty resolve and willfulness head-on!

 Ilias-Lazzell took another step forward.
 The sword is already sealed, it won't be easy to pull out.
 No, wait, why, why are you letting go of the sword?
 Ilias-Lazzell is letting go of the sword he was holding in both hands, and putting his hands around his waist.
 His scabbard was in his arms as he came into view.
 And just like that, the steel sheath leaps high over my head.