85 First, the strength of the mask.

 I become more aware, and I see two large mountains: .......

"Oh, did you notice that?

 It seems that after eating the food, I lost consciousness and fainted.
 And now you're lying on the couch with the Purple Demon King on your lap,......, and you want to jump up but you can't move because your head is buried.

Oh, how long was I unconscious?
"About ten minutes, I think.

 I'm not sure what to do, but I'm going to do it.
 I'm not sure what to do, but I'm going to do it.
 In the distance, I see Lakra and Gladna drinking their cooking brew, but I ignore them.
 Apparently, I've worried some of them.

When your friend fainted, I panicked!
"Shishou, that's not food.

 Shisho, that's not food." Wolfe was puking, had he tasted it?
 The purple demon king turns to face him again, and before you know it, the two big demons are behind him.

Now, we can finally implement the results of the victory or defeat, right?
I'm sure you'll be pleased to hear that.
If you think so, wait until you've eaten all of it.
If you think so, wait until you've eaten all of it. ...... It's because you didn't cast your vote first, Gugu Gugu Derestuf! If you had voted for the Lord first, you would still have a chance to win.

 No, that's not true.
 Duvvlei, you were out cold too, so you can't speak so highly of me.

I'm not going to let the outcome of this farce affect me, Purple Demon Lord.

 I'm not sure what to make of that.

I'm sure you're right. You will now play your final role as a pawn, and regardless of the outcome of your fight against them, you will be free with the power you have gained - I promise that I will not interfere with your way of life from now on?

 So that's why the demons who were brought here by force are obediently following.
 The Purple Demon Lord gave them power in some way and ordered them to be pawns in this game.
 Every time the Purple Demon King loses, one of the demons is forced to take the fight head-on.
 But regardless of this victory or defeat, their duty is done, and they can return home with new power.
 It's not a bad deal, except they'll be used.

"Very well, then, mortals, choose one to challenge me. I don't care if it takes all of you.
Oh, you're a tough guy, aren't you? But since I said I'd give you a fair fight, you'll have to take one of us, right?

 To be honest, I wanted to take on all of them, but I don't think it's that easy.
 In the event that you have any questions regarding where and the best way to get in touch with us, please do not hesitate to contact us.
 I don't know much about Mixu's abilities and I don't know how much he's grown.
 Just as I was thinking that, Ecdysium stepped forward.

"Compatriot, will you leave this game to me? I have some history with the Gugge Gugdelestaf.
"Exodus ......, you have a history.
Yes, that Gugge Gugderestuf is one of the unforgivable ones who mocked the death of my father, Beguragud.

 I'm sure you've heard of it, but I'm not sure if you have.
 The fact that he was facing an unknown Lakra was one of the reasons, but the slander of the other great demons must have also had a great impact.

"Beguragud? So he's the little human boy he's been raising for fun. I've heard that you've disappeared from the Mejisu demon world, but I didn't expect to find you here! I'm not sure what to make of this.

 By the way, that clergyman's lackey is drinking. It's time to get serious, so I'd like to see him straighten up.
 But that's the way it is. Ecdysium has a chance to win, so I'll leave it to him.
 It's safe to assume that the demons have been given some sort of power. It probably has something to do with the masks they're wearing.
 As expected, it's conspicuous that all of them wear the same mask.

As for the winner of the battle, I'd like to just say I'm done and be done with it.
"Well, I'm going to let you and the Great Satan do whatever you want, but I'll let you have it, okay? 
"Hmm, fine. But I won't hear a peep out of you if your words are delayed.

 Considering the speed of the big demon's battle, it might be difficult, I'll ask the Mix to take care of it quickly.
 And so, with the city walls as a backdrop, the battle between Ecdysium and Gugeg Delestat began.

"I, Duvraeori, will give the signal to begin.

 Ecdysium lowers his arms and spreads his chains on the ground, while Gugeggelestaph transforms his form into a deformed demon.
 It's probably his true form, larger and more fearsome than the other demons we've seen.
 The one to watch out for is its left arm, which is lined with hideous claws.


 Duvraeor's signal, and at the same time, the figure of Exdoik disappeared and an explosion sounded on the castle wall behind him.
 I looked over at him and finally understood what he meant.
 You'll be able to find a lot more than just a few of these in the marketplace.
 The speed was so fast that my eyes couldn't catch up, and even the sound was delayed.
 That is to say, at more than the speed of sound, Exequik was hitting that left arm with--

"Hmm. Boring opponent.
"I understand your desire for a quick fix, but that should only be done with a lesser opponent, Gugge Gugderrestaf.

 I'm sure you'll be able to understand why I'm here.
 You'll be able to find a lot more than just a few of them.

I've heard of your left arm, Gugge Gugderestuf, the Piercing Left Arm. You can't hit me if you're not careful.

 You can't avoid attacks that exceed the speed of sound, right?
 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for and how to get it.

"Then how about this!

 The left arm of Gugge Gugderestuff shrinks to about a dozen meters and swings it around itself like a whip.
 The speed of the swing is such that in an instant it appears as if his left arm has been lost.
 But the fact that the ground around him is occasionally exploding suggests that it's constantly being swung around him, which means it's a kind of ward.
 This is the first time I've ever seen such a thing.

You can't do that! I'm not sure I'm going to be able to beat the whip of my claws, which can break even ore, with a chain like that!
You're right, the hardness is top-notch, but the skill to wield those claws is not.
What are you--?

 I'm not sure what to make of this.
 There were puffs of what looked like smoke coming from everywhere.
 I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's worth it.

"Guo ......
I'm sure you'll be able to understand why. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're doing and how you're doing it. How does it feel to have the cleansing magic soak into your arm?

 He explained carefully. It is true that it is not only the claws that are being wielded at a speed that is invisible to the eye, but also the arms that are covered in skin and flesh.
 There is a limit to the amount of hardness that can be given to them as they are moved like a whip.
 Ecdysius had exploited this point to his advantage.

I'll take your left arm.
I'll take your left arm then.

 At the same time as Eckdruk nimbly slammed one foot into the ground, the piece of chain that had been stuck in Gugge Gugderestuf's arm exploded.
 The impact of the explosion caused Gugeggelestag's body to turn upside down, and his left arm became a piece of meat, with only the claw part sticking into the ground.
 It is a remote detonation, an action that would normally be impossible without a magical connection, but Exoik has a rare knowledge of magical manipulation.
 Perhaps he had created a magic wave when he struck one foot on the ground, and had worked the corresponding explosion magic into the piece of chain.
 The magic construction of a real warrior is too tricky for the brainy knights of Taze to imitate.

"You! How dare you!
"Because the pain of the cleansing spell distracted you from the other magic in the chain. Now, Gugge Gugderestuf, you've lost your prized left arm. How dare you insult my father in such a manner?

 Despite the fact that he was dealing with a great demon, Ecdysius was undaunted. Are there different kinds of great demons, or is Ecdysius just purely strong?
 Gugegg Delestaf growled in annoyance, but eventually regained his composure.

"Hmm, I thought you were a small, insignificant fish, but you've done it. But that kind of trickery is no match for my great demon - or even my transcendent demon!

 I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's a good idea.
 The haze spread to Gugeggelestuf's entire body.

I'm not sure what you're trying to do, but you've lost your left arm, what can you do?
"Left arm? What?

 The torn flesh rises up and expands endlessly.
 Eventually, a huge arm, and then countless arms like trees branching out, will grow.
 Each of the new arms has sharp claws that click and clack.
 The demon had taken on a humanoid form, but this form was no longer human, it was a creature in human form.

"So that's your new power?
Yes, the Purple Demon King gave me the Mask of the Pawn, an artifact that improves a demon's status by infusing it with the pure magical power of its creator. With this, every demon can gain a level or two of power!

 It's a very detailed explanation. .......
 But I'm convinced, he probably put the mask on a higher level demon to force the big demons to follow him.
 If you equip it to a unique greater demon, it will have jumped two levels ...... to a realm where it no longer even has a name.
 It's not a good idea to fight any more.
 Surrendering at this point would be letting him off the hook, but you can't let him die in vain.

"Don't panic, compadre. It's true that his internal magic power has increased by an order of magnitude. Perhaps the speed and destructive power of his left arm is also much greater. It's literally more powerful than any demon that has ever existed.

 After analyzing his abilities to that extent, Exarch let out a big sigh.
 He then spoke clearly for all to hear.

"But they are small fry.
"Ha-ha-ha-ha! You've got nothing to do but act tough in the face of an overwhelming power differential, kid!

 Guggegg Deresstuff raises his left arm high in the air, and it instantly expands, stealing the sun's rays from its surroundings.
 A mountain of arms appeared from his shoulders.

"Duvvleiori, put up barriers for everyone.

 Just as I thought I saw a slight purple haze appear from Duvraeori's mask, a translucent membrane was put up around all the spectators.
 It seems to be similar to the warding of Lakra and the others, but it feels a little more disastrous.

I'll be fine if I get caught up in this. I'll get rid of it later.
"No need, just let it breeze by, will you?
Yes, sir.

 It looks like we're not going to be harmed, but I'm not so sure about the ecu... Oh, I know those eyes.

I've seen that look before... "Crush like a bug and die!

 Gugeggelestaph thrusts his chest forward to swing his huge left arm.
 And then, with a blow from which there was no escape...

"What? What the hell are you doing ......?

 It's not swinging down, and Gugge Gugdelestaph has stopped moving.
 I'm not sure what to make of this.

 Ecdysium's eyes are cold.
 They're just as condescending as they were when he saw how bad Lakra was.

"Let me show you just how small a fish you are. You've taken no precautions after I've taken the trouble to show you that I'm skilled in magic. Have you even forgotten my father Vegragudo's specialty?
"Beguragud's... no way!

 The shape of Ecdysium's eyes is changing, normally they are circular, but now they are stretching out to the sides.
 It looks like the goat's eyes used to describe demons.

"Yes, Beguragud, the blind eye. My father's eyes control the pupil magic that blinds the eyes of others. I have been given a share of that power.

 Ecdysius places his hand in the void, and chains begin to appear from that point.
 The chain continues to spread in all directions, revealing its full form.
 There are six towers made of chains around Gugeggelestag, and countless chains extending from these towers are twisting Gugeggelestag around.
 Even his mountainous left arm, raised high in the sky, is covered with chains over most of its area.

The "Six Towers of Chains," which bind even dragons, are towers woven with chains of gravity magic, force field magic, barrier magic, warding magic, sealing magic, and regeneration magic. It is one of my profound techniques that binds any mass, power, magic, sharpness, even peculiarity, and continues to regenerate and restrain the opponent from external shocks. The weakness of this technique is that it takes a very long time to initiate, and the fatal flaw is that it requires the opponent to be held in a specific position.

 I'm not sure if you've ever seen a tower of this size, but I'm sure you've seen a tower of this size, and I'm sure you've seen a tower of this size.

It's a good thing that I'm not the only one who can't see it. At the same time, I used invisibility magic to build the Six Towers of Chains, and the rest will unfold as you experienced it. If you were smart, you would have seen that I was stalling and moved on, which proves that you are a small fish.
This kind of chain ...... transcends even the Great Satan!
I'm not sure what you mean by that.

 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.
 In the event that you have any kind of questions regarding where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site.

"Oh my god!
It's not easy to strangle a body like that. Well, I'll give you a hand with that.
What are you doing?

 The chain restraints forced Gugge Gugderestuf to lie on the ground.
 It was a posture similar to that of a condemned man being executed by guillotine.
 A new chain wraps around the cut surface of his left arm, which floats in midair.
 A chain dyed white, a chain to defeat the demon with purification magic.
 The chains intertwine intricately, and then transform into a pointed cone.

With that much mass, it should be enough to pierce you, and you will die pierced in your own left arm.

 At the same time, the restraint on her left arm loosens.
 The gravity magic must have reduced its overwhelming mass, and it accepts the gravity of the star and falls freely.
 At the tip is a cone of cleansing magic, and at the end is the head of Gugge Gugderestuf.

No, no, no, I give up, I give up!
"Well, the game is ours to win. Well, you win the game, but you also die.
No, no, no, no...

 With a roar, his left arm falls to the ground.
 The thrusting left arm wriggles and then shrinks in size as fast as it can.
 The only thing that remained was a black and white chain that was left in a giant crater.