84 First of all, victims.

 Three days is a short time to prepare for a game, and the day of the game arrived in a flash.
 By the way, during the daytime, I naturally spent a lot of time with the Purple Demon King, and we even went shopping together for cooking tools.
 The Purple Demon King was happy to see me, but after I returned home, the Iliad asked me what I was doing for three days.
 He was shaken by the temptation, but he succeeded in enduring it by giving Lakra alcohol and watching her depravity.
 I didn't know Lakra had such a use, I'll make use of it for a while.
 A simple venue had been set up outside the city walls.
 I wondered if it was the work of demons, but decided not to pry.
 Exarch had checked the equipment and facilities beforehand and found nothing wrong.
 The potatoes, and the ingredients gathered on the large table between the two cooking areas, were freely selected and the cooking began.

"Well, let's get on with it.

 I quickly transferred the water and potatoes into the pot and smoothly lit it with a flint.
 I'm not the only one who's been making food in this world.
 The speed of his work is as fast as the gods, and the purple demon king, who is a beginner at cooking, cannot achieve this speed.

I'm sure you'll be fine. --It's not fair to use magic?
It's not fair to use magic?
"Oh, I'm free to use what I have.

 The purple demon king is using magic to start fires and wind magic to process even vegetables at great speed.
 He doesn't even have a knife in his hand, which is terrible.
 However, no matter how convenient magic is, it doesn't make a difference if the food is good or bad, you can't lose.

I'm sure you'll be able to figure out the best way to get the most out of this.
I'm sure you're not the only one.

 It's a good idea to take a look at the website and see if you can find anything you like.
 Ilias, Lord Ragdoll, and Marito are not in attendance this time because they are wary of the power of "caging".
 They said to be cautious until they found out what the Purple Demon King's intentions were in this farce of a game.
 It's a good thing I was allowed to bring Gladna along just in case, though she's too busy drinking to do anything about it.

I wonder if the potatoes will be used as a garnish. I can hardly see any other ingredients.
I'm not sure what to make of this.
"Gradna-sensei, I will take care of you.
I'm sure you're not the only one.

 I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's a good idea.
 On the other hand, on the Purple Demon Lord side, two people can be seen in the observation seats.
 One of them is Duvraeori, and the other is a newcomer.
 They may have been transformed into humans, but they are huge, over two meters tall, and there are parts of them that are not humanly possible.
 Perhaps he is the Great Demon, the judge this time.
 When I looked at him, he stared back at me, as if he had noticed me, and apparently he was intent on killing me.
 I'm not sure what to make of this. .......
 In the event that you have any questions regarding where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site.
 The purple demon king looks so innocent in his apron.
 I'm not sure if this is a good idea, but I think it's a good idea.
 Normally, she would be looking at me with a passionate gaze, but right now she's concentrating on cooking.
 If she's serious, I'll take her up on it.

"Okay, this one's done. How about you?
"Yeah, this one's done too. It's on the grill. Can I serve it first?
Sure, why not?

 You cover each other's dishes with a clocher and place them on the judging table.
 They sat down at the judging table, and Lakra raised her hand.

I want to eat your food. I want to eat your food!
You know, ......
It's okay if you only cook your own food.

 I'm sure you're right.
 The only people who can eat my food are the Purple Demon Lord and one of the Great Demons, and the rest can be our personnel as appropriate.

If you are so inclined, I'll feed my food to Duvraeori as well as Gugge Gudelstaff.
"I would be honored, sir.

 So the first three judges were the Purple Demon King, a great demon named Gugueguderezstaf, and Lakra.
 I can't help but think that Lakra looks unworthy, but this guy has a history of defeating great demons, so in a sense he's my equal.
 He lifts the cloches, from which crackles and steam rise.

This dish is a hamburger steak mixed with ground meat and vegetables, and the sweet potato purée.

 Puree is a French dish made of mashed potatoes, a common garnish in French cuisine.
 However, nowadays, chefs in famous restaurants prepare it as a dish, and it is simple yet profound.
 Milk, salt, and butter are used in this dish, but since milk is not produced in this country, goat's milk is used.
 The butter was made on a trial basis when I made a temperature-controlled container as part of my research on magic with Nora.
 The puree goes well with strong-flavored meat dishes, and when I asked Ecdysium about the devil's preference, he said meat, so I decided on this combination.
 I thought steak would be fine, but since Taze is rich in spices, I chose hamburger steak.
 I've already found out that the Purple Demon King can also eat meat dishes, but I don't know about Lakra.

"Ho ......

 Gugu Gugu Derestuff, perhaps interested in the smell, held up his hand to the hamburger.
 In an instant, the hamburger was split into six equal pieces.
 A lot of juice and aroma spread from inside.
 Without saying a word, he grabbed a fork, stuck it into the hamburger, and took it to his mouth.

The meat itself is very tender, and the sweetness of the vegetables and the aroma of the spices in the meat make the meat's own odor and fatty taste into its strength. The meat itself is very tender, and the sweetness of the vegetables and spices in the meat give it an edge over the odor and greasiness of the meat. The juices that come out of the meat are also an element that brings them together ......, and what makes them stand out more clearly on the tongue is the ...... salt. If the mighty meat, with the help of vegetables and spices, wears an aura of salty gravy, and speaks of its prowess on the tongue,.......

 What the heck is this guy, the devil is a reviewer or something, as was the case with Ecdysium.
 I'm not sure if he's a reviewer or what, but he's eating happily next to me without saying a word, and I think he's losing the judges' contest.

Next is potatoes. ......

 He scoops up a bite of the potato purée and puts it in his mouth, showing a little less motivation than the hamburger.

This is a ...... potato, but is it a potato? If the previous dish is a warrior who raises bravery on the tongue, this is a maiden who faces her final moments fragilely on the tongue, a tragedy in the mouth that sadly bids farewell to this world, leaving behind a mellow and gentle taste - no, wait, if you put both in your mouth, it will be a tragedy. In the event that you have any questions regarding where and the best way to get in touch with us, please do not hesitate to contact us.

 I'm sure you'll be pleased with the results.
 I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's a good idea. .......

I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that.
It's delicious! Why don't you make it all the time?
I never thought you'd complain.

 I'm sure you'll agree that hamburgers are a pain in the ass to make, and even the butter used to make the puree was only made in small batches as a test run.
 By the way, the Purple Demon King ...... seems to be eating quietly.
 After a while, everyone finished eating.

It was very good.
Thanks for that.
I'm not sure if I'd be able to do that if I were a human, but I'm no match for you, Demon Lord.

 I'm sure you'll be able to find something that works for you.
 At any rate, I let Lakra stand up and I sit down.
 The Purple Demon King also stands up, and Duvraeori takes his seat instead.

"Shosho-sama, I want to eat too...
You can sit down now.
This is what I'm cooking.

 A plate appeared from underneath the cloches, and as I suspected, it was a soup .......
 In a word, it's .......
 You can see the remains of the potatoes in some places,......, and the color of the soup is purple, which is quite funky.
 The smell is ...... mildly pungent, which may ...... possibly be poisonous.

"Well, here you go.

 I glanced at the Lakra to be sacrificed, he had already taken refuge in the observation area.
 It's unforgivable, remember that when you get back!
 I looked at the other two demons, and as expected, they had confused expressions on their faces.
 Just when you thought the food was going to be good, you get this: .......
 It's a good idea to take a look at the website and see if you can find anything you like.
 Now, what kind of food report will he give eloquently?


 He fell down!
 It tastes as good as it looks, I guess.
 I'm not sure what to make of this.

I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it'll be fine. Watch and see, this is how we eat.

 I'm not sure what to say, but I'm going to say it.
 But he's shaking, he's shaking, he's shaking so much - no, that's a convulsion!
 Oh, I've stopped moving.
 Duvvreoris, silent, looking at the blue of the sky, certainly a better posture than Gugu Gugu Derestuf.

...... You don't eat, do you?

 I had made a big mistake, this was not a cooking competition.
 Yes, this is to force you to be a judge and to put you in a position where you have to eat any dish.
 Even a great devil would be killed if forced to eat such a dish, but if he refused, he would be abandoning the game.
 It's a ploy to exploit a hole in the rules: ......!

I thought, "...... aren't you going to eat me?

 But the expression on his face suggests otherwise.
 I'm not sure if this is the result of normal cooking, but no matter.

I'd like to ask you a question. You've tasted it, right?
"Did you taste the ......?
After you've ...... seasoned it, you can try it for yourself to see if it's okay.
Oh, so that's how you cook it?

 This is no good. It's not about what, it's about everything.
 So this is a dangerous dish cooked by an amateur without tasting it at all.
 No, I'd say it was processed rather than cooked, although no one knows what it was processed into.
 But now that I've accepted the challenge, I have to eat it. ...... Yeah, yeah, yeah!
 Grab a spoon, your arm shakes.
 You take a sip of the liquid and finally take a bite. .......

I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that.

 Oh, the Purple Demon King took a spoon out of nowhere, took a sip of the soup left by Duvraeori ......, and gracefully moved to the shade of the kitchen.
 Oh, he's back.

I'll take my loss.
"I'll take my loss.

 He has a terrifyingly serious face, and if you look closely, you can see a hint of tears in the corners of his eyes.
 ...... It must have tasted so bad that you threw up in the back. It's horrible to say that you really wanted to compete with this dish.

I'm sorry. ...... I wanted you to try my home-cooked meal, but this was just too much.

 I'm not sure what to make of this, but I'm sure it's a good idea.
 I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that.

We'll get rid of this food, right?
"No, a game is a game. I'll at least have a bite.
Don't worry about it, okay?
The demons next door ate it too, and it's not good to wake up and not eat a bite of food that was prepared for you.

 He closes his eyes and throws the soup into his mouth.

 --I closed my eyes and threw the soup into my mouth.
 There is no sensation in the mouth, the jaw is trembling slightly. ...... This probably means that the mouth is paralyzed.
 I'd like to think that it's not poisonous because it's made with prepared ingredients.
 But this is still bad, worse than when you eat charcoal.

I'm sorry, I couldn't taste it. I'll take another bite.
"Wait, what?

 Second bite, yeah, there's something wrong with my whole body.
 Third bite, my arms feel like lead.
 Fourth bite, my stomach is in uproar.
 Fifth, sixth, and seventh bites: ...... I no longer feel like I'm eating.
 This is a stoic practice, it must be.
 No matter how many bites I take, the bad status of my body increases and I can't taste anything, and I find myself finishing my meal while leaving behind palpitations that make my whole body feel sick.

"...... Thanks for the food.
"Are you insane?
A game is a game. ...... And needless to say, my food tastes better than yours. ...... So two votes, we win.

 If your opponent is genuinely challenging you to a match, take it, and follow the rules to the letter.
 The Purple Demon King ate both dishes and declared the winner, so we should do the same.
 And if he really wanted me to eat it, I couldn't refuse.
 This is the first victory, a complete victory.
 But the moment I was sure of victory, I lost consciousness.
 After all, tasting is important, isn't it?