80 First of all, the digits are weird.

There is nothing unusual about your friend, and the same goes for Ecdysium.

 Marito lets out a sigh of relief at the report of the unseen Dark Lord, and the others are equally relieved.
 I'm sure you'll be glad to hear that.

I will now transcribe the conversation between my people and the Purple Demon Lord.

 With that, Exduk manipulated the chain to make him hold multiple pens.
 Then he began to write at high speed on several sheets of paper at the same time, are you a typewriter?
 No, the superiority in this case is the high computing power of Ecdysius, who has memorized the conversation so far and is outputting them simultaneously.
 Just to be sure, I also read the text, and it is correct word for word.
 In addition, as a note, it describes in detail the movements and the observations of Ilias and Mix, who were monitoring them.

"Hey, Exduk, why don't you volunteer for the Taze's dark side?
It's true, we could use a few good men like you.
I have an ambition to improve the position of Rakhla-Sarv, and I'm not going to work for anyone until I've done that.
Hmm, I'll have to let my friend do the talking there.

 Dear Mr. Lakra Sarf, there is a man who is wasting his skills and talents for you.
 I'm not saying that you should become someone else, but you might want to keep up appearances for him.
 By the way, today Lakra is making homemade fruit wine at home, I wonder what he is doing.
 I don't know what he's doing. But I can't scold him too strongly because it was someone else who gave him wisdom.
 I suggested to him that if he wanted to drink so much, he should make his own wine at home.
 I gave him an introductory book, and he immediately took action.

Hmm, he seems to like me more than I thought. It's as if Yugra is trying to get the Demon Lord to like Chikyuu people.
I thought so, but I guess not since the Golden Demon King hates Seiya Yukura.
What is your honest opinion?

 I'll tell you what I've learned from dealing with the Purple Demon King.
 It's worth noting that he lacks the ability to build relationships with humans.
 Because of the power given to Yugra, he doesn't have the effort and experience necessary to do so.
 This is the same as the Golden Demon King's ability to use the virtual world for highly accurate planning, but his lack of awareness of real events.
 He is doing what he can to achieve this, but he is relying on the power of cajoling, which is highly effective, to explain his reasoning that the tragedy of the past may have occurred.

You're looking at it in a lot of detail, .......
"Don't worry, Ilias, I haven't used my usual one yet. Don't worry, Iliad, I haven't used the usual one yet. This is just an inference from the simple information in front of me. On the contrary, if I had used the usual one, I would have been able to assert it as something close to definite information, but this time it's no more than an inference.  
"Well, that's good, but you can think without using .......
I'm not sure what you're talking about. A powerful knight who has been using external methods will not suddenly weaken just because he fights in a straightforward manner.

 As long as there is no act of understanding on the level of the opponent, there is a possibility that this reasoning is off.
 If the opponent is intelligent, he may be able to take advantage of this.
 So far, the Purple Demon King's actions have been consistent, and I don't feel that he has more than one hand in the game.

But what a disappointment, it will be easy to get the Purple Demon Lord to accompany us to the Kuro Wolf Village. Now we just have to figure out how to settle this.
I'll leave that to the members who are good at fighting, I'm not an expert.

 The message I sent to the black wolf village will return this evening, I've made an official appointment but it will fall through after this conversation.
 If Mr. Torto is back to normal, we may be able to let him trade with us, but it will be difficult.
 Should I say what I'm thinking, but .......

You're not looking too happy, are you emotionally attached?
I'd like to say that I'd be willing to let a little ...... gold demon king slide, but given the scale of damage in the past, I'm not sure.

 I'm not sure what to make of that.
 He has read our day to day correspondence, and I'm sure Marito will be able to detect any changes in our emotions.
 The Golden Demon King's only crime was to create a small demon world, after which he was instantly killed by Yugra.
 In comparison, the Purple Demon King has taken more territory from humans than any other Demon King, and has created a demon world that still causes a lot of damage.
 He has caged and betrayed the heroes who had been fighting against him.
 Even though he was condemned by Seiya Yukura and lost his life once, there are few who will forgive him for his crimes.

You can't help but feel sorry for him because you were not born into this world and you probably have little prejudice against the Purple Demon King, so you can't help but imagine what his life would have been like.

 I try to completely separate myself from the other person when I act overly understanding, because if I don't, I can't come back after being infected with the thoughts of an evil person or a madman.
 But this time, I'm blocking it out, feeling her situation in its pure present state.
 It's hard for me to imagine her lonely life as a demon king because I have such a rich imagination.
 If it weren't for the example of Wolfe, I doubt if she would have stayed.
 If it were possible to reconcile, I would, but since we've already invaded the TARDIS, we have to settle this the best way we can.

As long as we're on track, this is the only way to go. I'm not aware of it, but I'm not necessarily under the influence of the power of caging. We've made contact, so use us and Exoik as pawns.
"All right, you'll serve as pawns. I'll do the killing.

 I knew I shouldn't get too involved, but things took an unexpected turn.
 The next day, the message from the Kuro Wolves' village had not returned.
 In order to reach the forest where the Kuro Wolves lived, it was necessary to enter the forest and pass through a cave in the mountain.
 Since its discovery, the knights had cut down the trees in the forest and made a path for a small wagon to pass through.
 A wagon would take a long time, but a warhorse should be able to make the round trip in a day.
 The messenger is moving with the warhorse, and five knights are heading to the village of the Kuro Wolves under Marito's orders.
 However, there is no sign of their return even after midday.

I can't help but think something is wrong here.

 I've told them that I'll be meeting Tort-san soon, and that I'll be bringing a document signed by Obaba of the Kuro Wolves, but that's not going to happen.

I'm back now.

 Eckdruk appeared, he had sent five knights to follow him just in case.  

Eckdruk, what about the messenger and the survey team?
"They're fine, but we're in a bit of trouble.

 According to Ecdysium, a number of demons have been spotted in the caves of the mountain of Tarz.
 The five of them made their way to the Kuro Wolf village and were able to get through without incident.
 When they tried to leave the cave, they were attacked by demons and had to flee to the village.

 In fact, when the five of them and their messenger went to the cave again, a large number of demons blocked the way and attacked from the darkness.
 Overwhelmed by the sheer volume, they retreated to the forest on the side of the Kuro Wolf Tribe's village, and the demons did not pursue them.
 The knights are still in the village of the Kuro Wolves.

How did Ecdysius get back?
I flew.
Oh, yeah, you can do that, can't you?

 Eckdruk says that after he assessed the situation, he flew through the air, over the mountains and back to Taze.
 A very human man indeed.

I could have taken a few of them with me, but I was told to follow them covertly, so I returned alone.
That's fine, but demons. ...... How many and what quality?
They're all pretty insignificant, low-level demons, but the numbers are insane. From what I could tell, there were over a thousand.
How can there be that many demons in that small cave? ......
Demons are basically capable of blending their appearance into the darkness, which is probably why they were unnoticed on their way here.
I don't know how Ecdysium was able to follow the demon without it noticing.
The quality of the magic is different, they can only hide in the shadows, but I can hide in the shadows.

 I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's a good idea.
 I'm not sure what caused it, did it realize our intentions, but it's behavior is strange.
 It's a good idea to assume that actions have meaning and to anticipate what will happen.
 ...... Oops, I see what you mean.

I'm not sure if the Purple Demon King's purpose is to buy time, or if he can't take Torto-san with him to the Kuro Wolf Tribe's village without his messenger returning.
It might be natural to think so, but you've taken a bold step, there's no point in delaying ......, maybe he wants to spend more time with you?

 I'm sure you'll be happy to know that we're going to the black wolf village, and once we've concluded our business deal, Tort will return to Quama to set up a branch office.
 In the event that you're not sure what you're looking for, you'll be able to find out more about it here.
 No, they probably want you to come and see them.

I didn't know he liked me that much.
But this is a serious matter, the cave to the Kuro Wolf Village has already been taken over by demons. We need to organize our knights as soon as possible.
If you want to get rid of the demons, it's up to Maja, a priest of the Yugra religion, and Lakra.

 We need to organize the knights as soon as possible.

Can you believe I don't like Lakra? Oh, I see Lakra-Sarv's turn to be valuable!
"Oh, I see Rakhra Sarv's valuable contribution!
No, not at all. My father, Beguragud, had a demon den with more than ten thousand demons. There were more than ten thousand demons in the demon's den of my father Vegragudo.
"Lakra who eradicated them is pretty amazing too.

 In the meantime, a team of clergymen, including Maja of the Yugra religion, was immediately formed.
 Lakra complained that she hadn't finished soaking the fruit wine yet, but Maaya took her away by force.

 After that, I went back to Ban's mansion to talk with Tort, and of course the Purple Demon King was with me.
 There was no change in the two of them, the Purple Demon King's gaze was hot.

In fact, the messenger who went to the black wolf tribe's village returned late, so we're going to be a little late heading to the village.
I'm not sure what the problem is, but I'm sure there's something wrong with them.
I'm afraid I'm having trouble negotiating. I'm sorry to keep you waiting.
You don't mind, do you, Tolt? I'd love to do business with the Kuro Wolves, but isn't there at least some benefit to having a branch here?
"Well, even if we don't have any special products, we can still be a bridge between Taze and Kuama, so there's no problem. Of course, we'd like to continue negotiating with them.
I'd like to continue negotiating with them, of course. May I ask you to take care of that?
"That's all right. It will be a long relationship for the time being, but I look forward to working with you.

 I'm sure that the purpose is to maintain contact with us.
 In the event that you have any questions regarding where and the best way to get in touch with your loved ones, please do not hesitate to contact us.
 There were three of us, but Ecdysium's background skills were amazing.
 He's in my line of sight, but I don't feel like he's there when he's out of my line of sight.
 He's completely behind the scenes, and the Purple Demon King seems to like that, though it could just be that he's not interested in Ecdysium.
 I walked around the city again, taking in places I hadn't been able to visit the other day.
 I also brought up the subject of messengers, but he didn't seem to mind, and I didn't feel any agitation.
 I wondered if he was cautious, bold, or both, but his behavior toward us was both ladylike and aggressive.
 The only thing that keeps us together is the intention to genuinely enjoy our time together.
 She may be inconsistent in her actions to achieve her goals, but her intentions are single-minded.
 Looking at her smile, the guilt I feel for contacting her for the purpose of scheming grows hotter and hotter.

"Now, where do we go next--there?
That's a bookstore. Why don't you buy a few books to pass the time?
Well, you can't always be around, can you?

 I've never been in my favorite bookstore with anyone else.
 There is no one in my family who does not read, but only one person buys books, and Wolfe basically only borrows books.
 It is quiet in the bookstore, and the old man who works there is also quietly reading a book.

There are many different kinds of books. ...... Do you have any suggestions?
"If there is something you want to do, I recommend you to buy an introductory book about it. It will give you a concrete idea of what you want to do.
You don't have many hobbies, do you? Can you help me with that?
I'll take a look around and see if there are any books that interest you, Yukari.
Yes, I will do that, won't I?

 I'm not sure what to do with it.
 I'm not sure if it's too much to ask for Wolfe to understand the essence of it, so I'm letting him grow some vegetables.
 However, it seems to be a hobby that the Purple Demon King would like, and frankly speaking, if a Japanese bookstore recommended romance novels to him, he would probably get into it.
 Horticulture doesn't really suit me. Beautiful flowers suit me, but I don't feel like growing them.
 I'm more of a storybook princess, not really a sweaty hobby. .......
 I look at the title, picture the purple demon king immersed in his hobby, and search for the next book.
 You'll be able to find a book that will help you pass the time, and you'll also find some miscellaneous books that will help you pass the time.
 I look for Yukari for a while and find her looking at a book in the corner.

 It seems that he is looking at a book in his hand, what book ...... is a history book about Medis.
 I've read that book once, it's a rather popular one, and it was used for studying by Wolfe.
 I'm pretty sure it mentioned the damage caused by the Mejis, and of course, the Purple Demon King.
 Is this the first time you've read about how you've been treated in human history?
 It's hard to tell how he feels from his facial expressions, but .......

"Sorry to keep you waiting, but is this a history book on Medis?
"Yes, I used to live around the city, so I was curious about it.
Would you like to buy it with me?
Yes, please?

 After making my purchase, I relaxed again in the square, reading the book I had bought instead of leaning back.
 It's a history book of Medis, not as exciting as a novel, of course.
 It's just a learning process of reading a history written in a simple manner, and those with a rich imagination can imagine the scene, but what about you, Yukari?

Do you know anything about the history of Mejlis?
"Yes, a little. I have a friend who is a Yugoslavian priest.
So, do you know about the ...... Purple Demon Lord? What do you think of him?
I'm not from Medis, so I don't know much about it. It's a good idea to take a look at a few of the things that are available in the marketplace. It's just--
I've wondered if all Demon Lords invaded the human world for the same reason.
"Oh, aren't all Demon Lords harmful to humans?
In the event that you're not sure what you're looking for, you'll be able to find a lot more information on the web. The Purple Demon Lord is said to have given priority to expanding his territory, while the Kuro Demon Lord only repeatedly slaughtered humans. This is the reason why I think that each of the demon lords have different goals.

 Hatred, struggle, peace, their purposes are different.
 The Golden Demon King's reason for doing this was that everyone around him was doing it for no good reason.
 She told me that Yukari's goal was to gain absolute control, but is that really the case?
 It is true that the Purple Demon King's camp expansion speed is abnormal compared to other demon kings.
 It is not surprising that he wanted to have a larger camp and more people under his control.

"In your opinion, what reason does the Purple Demon Lord have for wanting to destroy the world?
"At least I don't feel he has a grudge against anyone, or maybe it's not a grudge, maybe he's just not that interested.
Oh, why?
"It's like the way people live, some people try to have shallow and broad relationships, some people try to have deep and narrow relationships. A deep and wide relationship is difficult to achieve, so it depends on your own ability. I have learned that the Purple Demon Lord expanded his territory at any cost, but the damage he caused to humans was less than other Demon Lords. Perhaps he didn't pay much attention to humans.
"Could that be right?
Back to the purpose of ......, maybe they didn't.
You think you left a big scar on the world for no reason?
Yes, I think they did because they could. He could control many demons and even people. So I ruled. I don't think he was looking for something, but he was working in the hope that he could get something out of it.

 That's my analysis at this stage.
 Yukari flipped through the book and nodded quietly.

I'm sure you're right. But what did the Purple Demon Lord get out of it?
You can find a lot of things that you can do to make your life easier. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for. But still, something can be gained.

 I'm not sure if I'm right or not, but I'm pretty sure I'm right, and Yukari is listening to me quietly.

"The Purple Demon Lord you speak of sounds like me, doesn't it?
It's not on the same scale, but looking at your hair and eyes, I'd believe you if you said it was.

 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.
 It's not that rare in this world to have purple hair.
 But the only purple that shines so brightly is probably Yukari's.
 Even if you've never seen her before, you'll be convinced when she introduces herself as the Purple Demon Lord.
 Perhaps satisfied with this story, Yukari went back to the inn.

 She was checked again and found to be safe.
 Perhaps, Yukari is not intentionally relying on the power of cajoling.
 Perhaps she wants to enjoy her relationship with us without relying on it.
 If you make it a puppet, it is no different than a puppet that responds to your will.

So Marito, how's the cave going?
"It's not looking good, I just got word from Maya through the communication crystal. The demons responded to the cleansing spell and began to fight back, deciding that a prolonged battle in the cave was impossible and retreated. The demons are still fighting, maintaining a distance that is not too great. Due to Lord Léanor's command, no one was killed, but they were exhausted to a certain extent.

 I guess they can't show their full potential in a small cave, and I wonder how far Lakra can go.
 I'm not sure how far Lakra can go.

How's Lacula doing?
"Sir Léanor is so good that he can't keep his mouth shut. He says most of the demons in sight died while the knights raised and lowered their swords.

 In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site.
 And combat is a skill that Lakra has really honed in her life, and her skill level is probably second to none, even the Iliad.

If we leave it to Lakra, we might be able to settle this quickly.
"No, Lakra retreated early and told Maja. She told Maja that the total number of demons in this cave was not even a thousand.

 Eckdropped that the total number of demons in the cave was more than a thousand, but I wonder if the expert Lakra had any idea.

"How many is that?

The scale alone that Lakra has been able to ascertain is ten million, and he has already created countless cracks in the cave, and the number is still growing.