77 meet by chance at the moment.

 He spewed out the fruit wine he had been drinking at the sudden remark of Eckdoik, and coughed and sobbed as well.

You're .......
"Oh, sorry. I'm sorry.

 At any rate, he gives Ilias a handkerchief and asks Cyra for something to wipe with.
 I don't care that Ilias has ordered the same drink.

No, of course not. What makes you think that?
It's the only reason I can think of for my people to cooperate so much.
I mean, I'm working with a lot of people.

 He's working to improve Lacla's status, but when it comes to someone else, he's also working to improve Ilias' position and help Wolfe become independent.

He's indebted to Ilias-Ratzel, he feels sympathy and potential for Wolfe, and Nora and Mikus are more like collaborators, so he's aware of those relationships.
I've already told you that Pope Eupharo left me in charge of Lakra because of my careful analysis and to make sure that you don't become an enemy.
I told you before that it was to prevent you from becoming an enemy. I don't owe much to Pope Eupharo either. In other words, the compatriot is cooperating with Lakra Sarf for his own personal purposes. Why do they do so much for Lakra Sarf? It seems to me that the only advantage he has is to marry her.

 Well, I guess that's a good analysis.
 It is true that at the time, Exarchs were enemies, and since they could be driven to the point of being deeply wounded, it would be quicker to kill them.
 He and Marito were asked to do it, and I don't think they had the right to veto it, but there was a way to put it on hold.

I'm not looking for any benefits from Lakra, he's just a guy who's comfortable in other people's places. If you wanted something in return, you'd be uncomfortable there.
Is that why you're here?
I'm not sure if you've seen this before, but I'm sure you've seen it before. For example, if you weren't friends with Marito, you wouldn't have to worry about Taze, and you would be free to explore this world.
I don't get it, why don't you just give up on him when you see all the downsides?
"There are benefits, because they feel comfortable with where we are, and they even show it in their attitude.

 This is what makes Lakra so hard to hate. He just wanders into people's places and looks comfortable.
 He'll wreak havoc, but at the same time, he'll make you feel at home.

Yeah, it's like a cat.
"Oh, like a cat." "Like keeping an ornamental beast. It's like having an ornamental beast, only more tiring to watch.
Once you get used to it, it's cute. ...... I wonder if he's doing well on Earth.

 I've been thinking about the ecology of Lakra, and I've seen similar people on Earth, not human, but they look like Lakra.
 He's much smarter and nobler than Lakra, though.

"Hmm, did you have a cat?
"No, a stray cat. I used to name him Pluton, but he's all over people's houses.
Isn't that because you're feeding him?
No, I didn't because human food has a strong taste. I didn't bother to buy cat food for stray cats. I've seen a lot of high-minded neighbors trying to feed them, but they never ate.
And yet he stayed in your house?
Yeah, to cool off on hot days, to keep warm on cold days, to get out of the rain, to sleep quietly. By the way, he was surprisingly unfriendly. If you pet him for more than ten seconds, he runs away.

 It's possible that he's still there, since he mainly lives on the balcony, or maybe he's moved his base to another place.
 It was a stately cat, and I'm sure it's doing well elsewhere.

You've got a very kind face when you talk about that cat, don't you?
Is that so? I'm trying to be normal. Well, that's just the way it is, Exoik. It's hard to hate a man who appreciates his place in the world.
But don't they just use you for their own gain?
Maybe, but as long as we're okay with it, we're okay with it. But it's okay as long as we're okay with it.

 Ilias and Wulfe are serious, and Lacla, who is inherently unserious, would not be comfortable with them.
 Even so, Lacla is getting along well with them, and she likes to be where people are.
 That's enough of a reason for him to help Lakra, as long as he can live in peace.

I don't really understand it, but it's something I'll work on. "I don't really understand it, but it's something we'll work on.
"Which one?" "Don't get hung up on that one, ....... I don't see anyone I know now.
You mean there's no one you like? What kind of woman do you like?
You're pushing me too hard. What are you up to?
It's not so much a plot as it is a desire to return the favor, to do something for my fellow man who is working for my cause without much benefit. You're a grown man, you should have a wife or two by now, right?
I'm not a big fan of this ...... kind of thing, and I don't like it when people change their personalities to suit my tastes.
"I see, but you do have some, don't you?
We don't have a tradition of women being cuddly. ...... But I'm attracted to mysterious women.

 I'm sure you'll be able to understand why I've been so impressed with your work.
 The veil of mystery works on your imagination, so you'll be able to think better when you're with her.
 It's not easy to deal with them on a daily basis, so it's preferable to keep them at arm's length.

You're saying you want a mysterious, unidentifiable woman.
I'm afraid that's not a good way to describe her.
I don't know what he's thinking.
Hmm, that sounds a little crazy. I think we should stop talking about this, maybe you can't.

 You'll be able to find a lot of people who'll be able to provide you with a lot of information on the subject.
 I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not, but it's a good idea.
 After all, this is how the conversation with Ecdysius ends. From now on, Ilias and Lord Ragdoll will be changing escorts by watching their training schedules and contacting each other in advance.

 As for the means of communication, I've been told that if you put a certain amount of magic into Exdoik's chain, a simple call will be sent to him, and I've told Wolfe how to do it, so he should go through there.
 This chain can do anything, it's like it's going to use this as a starting point for instantaneous travel.

 I left Exequik and walked home with Ilias at night.
 In "Dog Bones", Ilias was on the verge of drinking himself to death, but he seems to have returned to his tipsy state after being exposed to the night breeze.
 I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I'm not the only one who's had it.

I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that I'm not the only one. He did look uncomfortable, though.
I understand my inexperience, and I've decided that it's better for my future to grow and become stronger than to stubbornly maintain my current status. I'm not going to like it.
That's an auspicious thing to do, because if you're not careful, the Wolfe might overtake you.
Yes, ......, and at the risk of rehashing our earlier conversation, I see that you like Lakra more than I thought.
"Love it or hate it, I guess I do.
I guess I do, considering how much she hated living with me.

 When Lacra tried to enter the Iliad house on the day she was kicked out of the church, this is the only one who opposed her.
 In the end, the landlord decided to let Lacla live with him.

We didn't have that much of a relationship at the time, and when you get close to someone, their likability goes up somehow. Even the Iliad seems to be very friendly these days.
It's true, their personalities are complete opposites, but I can't hate them. That's what Lakra is like.
"Slowly, our relationship is changing, even though we don't want to change it.
Yes, my relationship with you has changed a lot since I can remember the beginning.
It's not every day that a husband and wife have to ask me to understand you or you to understand me.
"Mugu ......

 Ilias blushes now, is it because of the alcohol or is it because he is mentally more receptive?

It's nice to know that I'm considered so important.
I don't know how to describe your relationship with me.
That's a bit abrupt, ......, but in a nutshell, it's more like love.
You're using a word I don't understand.
I mean like rather than love. It's not so much about heteros*xual romantic feelings as it is about liking each other as human beings. You like each other's strengths, and you wonder if you can't do something about your weaknesses. Because love accepts shortcomings.
"Well, ......, what are my weaknesses?
I'm rough and savage.
Well, what are your strengths?
You know my weaknesses, but you still like my strengths.

 Even the most likable person can be disillusioned at a moment's notice.
 Even though Iliad rejected me because of my weaknesses, he still wants to be next to me.
 It is a sign of strength of mind to accept what you know you cannot understand or tolerate.
 It is a sign of strength of mind to know that you cannot understand or tolerate something and still accept it. You are doing what someone else can only do if they project their own body and soul into the same position, while maintaining their own self.

...... It's embarrassing to be told this again.
It's not easy when you're sober.
I'm attracted to you because of what you have that I don't. I think I like you. I want to be a knight, but I also want to have the strength to stay by your side and protect you. Is this strange?
It's not uncommon to want a reliable companion or something like that.
"A partner, if you put it that way, might be a very desirable position. I can't forgive an outcast, but I can forgive you. You can't walk the straight and narrow, but I can. I have the sword, you have the wisdom. Maybe that's just the right amount to complement each other.
If we're just opposites, I'm afraid we'll never get along.
That's also true. Why do you think that is at ......?
It's just that we're similar in some fundamental ways. We have similar feelings for the things that are important to us, so we can accept our differences and make up for them.
"That's a tough one.
It's a difficult story.

 Ilias, who used to talk a lot less when Exoik was next to him, is talking a lot more today.
 I think he's inspired by him and wants to find an answer to his current situation and feelings.
 This is only a temporary understanding, but I have often experienced the feeling of seeking.

"Will you and I ever be in love?
You're getting a little drunk. I think it's time to stop talking about this so you won't regret it tomorrow.
"Don't make fun of me, I don't understand those feelings, but that doesn't mean I'm indifferent. What do you think?

 I'm not sure what to say, but I'm sure you're right.
 For the time being, let's end the conversation on a decent note.

It's not uncommon for a couple to become a couple with this level of distance. In our world, it would be more difficult to develop romantic feelings. There's no way to read this.
That's how it is.
It's useless to be conscious, because people fall in love all of a sudden. Even if you are aware of it, it won't move forward quickly. It's best to just let it happen.

 It's not uncommon for a person to be aware of something, only for it to end without the other person feeling the same way, and for the other person to become aware of it after they've grown tired and cooled off.
 If the Iliad acts with this in mind, it doesn't necessarily mean that we will be inclined to do the same, and vice versa.
 It's also possible to be unnecessarily conscious and ruin a good relationship.

"In that way, have you ever been in love?
"Yes, I have, and you can guess how it ended, being single.
Did you get dumped?
You've been dumped. - You're talking out of your ass, you drunk.

 It's not uncommon to fall in love with and become aware of the opposite s*x.
 It is not uncommon to fall in love with the opposite s*x and become aware of it. Whether it is love or not, it is sometimes clear in retrospect, and sometimes it remains vague.

"It seems too early for me now, I don't even want to abandon my knightly ways to shed my feelings for love and romance. ....... For now, I'll just think about being a good buddy to you.
This is the best partner I've ever had.

 The best partner is this one, though," he says, pointing to the wooden sword he has hanging from his waist.
 He's the only one I usually call my partner, even though he's the second generation.

This is my nemesis. ...... Easy to break or burn.
If you don't know the value of this, you're no match for him.
You know, if you don't see the value in this, you're not going to beat this guy. Value? ...... I've heard stories about it reminding people of their first love.
That's not all. This has its advantages, as Mr. Torrid said.
He did. I don't know about that. ...... Let me borrow it.
Absolutely not.

 I don't even like the Iliad in general, I can't stand it when it's broken in a drunken stupor.
 I remember the end of Exoik's chain!
 I still dream of the inorganic chain popping with a scream like a demise.

I'm going to go home. ......

 In the corner of my eye, I saw a woman sitting on the edge of the road, leaning against it, as if she was in a bad mood.
 Ilias noticed it, too, and seemed to have sobered up a bit.
 We looked at each other and nodded, then I walked up to the woman and called out to her.

I walk over to the woman and ask, "Um, are you okay?

 Observation #1: The woman's clothing is that of a noblewoman, and she is a wealthy person in her own right.
 But this is the time of day, and this is an area where the general public gathers.
 Some aristocrats stop by "Dog Bone" or the like, but this is the opposite of a return trip.
 Observation #2: The woman's hair is a lustrous purple, and while I've seen many similar colors, this is the first time I've seen it shine like a jewel in the light of a lamp.
 Observation number three, her style is good, she's as good as Lakra.

"Oh, I'm sorry? I got a little lost. ...... I was sitting down for a break and I dozed off, right?

 The woman looks up, her pale skin somewhat unhealthy, her face well-shaped, and her purple eyes even more glittering than her hair color.
 In short, she is a very beautiful woman, and I was thrilled to see her for the first time in a long time.

"Are you a nobleman? You don't look like that often.
"Yes, I met Taze the other day. I came to Taze the other day to see the sights accompanied by a merchant friend of mine. ...... He was away on a business meeting, but I was bored alone. It was boring to be alone, wasn't it?

 The intonation is strange, or perhaps he is always speaking in a questioning tone. .......
 I've heard of someone with these traits before, but I don't know where.

If you're lost, I can show you the way. ...... Excuse me, what's your name?

 That's what the woman said.
 Ilias didn't respond, and he shouldn't have.
 There is no knowledge in this world that the Chinese character for purple is read as Yukari.
 Only Japanese people have that knowledge.
 The only other Japanese who does is Seiya Yukura, the person.
 If you are related to him and associate him with the color purple, you can find him at ....... Or should I say "human"?

You're Yukari, do you remember any of the buildings or sights in the area?
I'm sure you do. In the area of the aristocracy, near the square where you could see the fountain, ...... did you pass by a church on the way?
The church would be Maja's place, and I believe there's a plaza just beyond that, right?

 I don't want to mention Ilias's name, just in case. Ilias nodded, not seeming to mind.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's where it is.
I wish I could have arranged for a carriage, but ...... time is of the essence.
I'm glad to hear that, but ...... my shoe is actually broken.

 The woman who called herself Yukari then showed her feet.
 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

I can lend you my back if you don't mind. ......
Yes, please?

 I'm sure you'll be able to find a lot of people who'd like to have a look at it.
 ...... Yeah, it might be bigger than Lakra.
 It's a good idea to keep your eyes peeled for the latest news.

I'm sure you'll have a great time.
I'm not sure if I'd be able to do that if I were you. I love the quiet forest.
Looking for people, or acquaintances?
I don't know. I'm wondering if there's someone in this country who might have been of service to me.
What kind of person?
Dark hair, dark eyes, a gentleman who knows a foreign language.
I've never seen him before in this country.

 He's carrying you now, isn't he?
 The man is carrying you right now, isn't he? He doesn't seem to notice you, because his hair and eyes are currently changing color due to magic.
 But then Ilias stops, as if he's just realized that he's a bad actor.

"Ilias, don't look away, let's go!
"Oh, yeah. Hey.
You've had too much to drink and you're wobbly, so don't talk or you'll puke like you did before. Just sober up and follow me.
"...... Okay.

 He sensed that there were some disturbing signs and understood that we should talk to each other.
 Let's not pry too much or change the subject.

"By the way, your friend the merchant, is he by any chance a b*tc*?
"Well, how did you know?

The merchant you're talking to is an acquaintance of mine, and I heard he's opening a branch here.
Yes, I heard that a rare subhuman village has been discovered in this region?
Kuro Wolves. I see them in town from time to time.
I'd like to visit the village, but I'm not sure if it's accessible to a normal person like me.
I don't know. I think it would be difficult to visit on your own, but if you were accompanied by a friend, it would be possible.

 After that, we talked about nothing at all.
 What I learned was that Taze had visited this place the other day with a merchant friend of his.
 He is currently renting a vacant house as a temporary residence until he can establish a branch.
 Ms. Yukari is an affluent person and is living comfortably on the property of her parents who were noblemen.
 That was the extent of our conversation and we finally arrived at our destination.
 He said that he had come to a familiar place and that it would be a short walk.

"Thank you so much for your help. ...... May I ask your name?
"No, I haven't done anything to deserve a name. If we ever meet again, I'll tell you my name.
Well, I look forward to seeing you again at ......, don't I?

 With that, I left Yukari and headed back home with Ilias.
 After a short walk, Ilias opened his mouth.

"Who is that man? He seems to have known you.
"Probably the Purple Demon Lord.
Don't panic, just make sure you're not being followed.
...... No sign of him.

 Just in case, I'll whisper what I've noticed.
 The name Yukari refers to the color purple, a person who has been in Quama and has had the opportunity to experience Japanese knowledge, and who is currently in Taze looking for a man with black hair and black eyes.
 He also explained that he had heard from the Golden Demon King that each of the Demon Lords spoke in a different way, and that the one he could narrow it down to was the Purple Demon King.

I'm also thinking of Rahite's assassins, but their hair and eyes are different colors, just right.
I'm thinking it might be one of Raheit's assassins.
I can't blame you. It was just a coincidence that we ran into each other. But if you were to ask her who she really is and get into a battle, you have no idea what would happen.

 The Purple Demon Lord, the Golden Demon Lord tells me that he's a being with countless demons.
 If Ilias is not aware of it, it is unlikely that there are demons lurking nearby, but there is always a chance.
 In the first place, we only know the strength of the Gold Demon King, who is the weakest, and we don't know how strong the other Demon Kings are on their own.
 It's fine if it's a transcendent ability for internal affairs like the Golden Demon King, but if it can be used in battle, it's not a good idea.
 It's not like I'm going to immediately bring it into battle in a place where there are houses nearby.

What do you plan to do now?
"I've done some poking around, and if I turn around and go to Marito now, it'll look suspicious if I'm being followed. I'll go see him first thing in the morning.

 I thought I would stay out of it, but I never thought the Demon Lord would come alone.
 The Purple Demon Lord is the one who is taking the lead in the invasion of the human world, and his presence has already begun to take root in Taze.
 This encounter should be seen as good fortune, but if the other side had noticed our existence first and acted on it, it would have been quite a headache.
 I just want to live a safe life, but even if I move to another world, trouble will follow me.
 I wonder what he's doing now.