39 I felt a burden on my shoulders for the time being.

 Finally, Pope Eupharo has arrived in Japan. If you're in Japan, you'd say he's coming to Japan, but it's hard to say he's here.
 Of course, people from other worlds who are involved in the book will be called to a mandatory meeting. This is because they have to prove that they can read the book. If you don't like it, or don't want your face to be remembered, you'll only cause trouble for the other side.
 Incidentally, Lakra was not summoned. I have a pretty good idea what happened. Marito and Lord Ragdoll are standing by in the guest room. They are escorted by Ilias and, though you can't see it, the Dark Lord.
 After a short wait, three men and a woman entered the room. One of them was recognizable by his bearing. He was definitely Pope Eupharo.
 He is in his sixties and looks like he has a big heart. The man next to him is wearing an archbishop's necklace like Maja. The man next to him is wearing an archbishop's necklace like Maja. I don't know who the other two are, so I wait for them to start talking.
 Then the self-introductions begin. As expected, the two men mentioned above were right. The last man is the Pope's bodyguard, the leader of the Holy Knights of Medicine, named Jox. He looks to be in his thirties, but in addition to his youthfulness, he has the air of Sir Ragdoll.
 The only other woman is Lilisa, a mild-mannered beauty who is the Pope's caretaker.

"Well, now that we've introduced ourselves. Shall we begin?
"First and foremost, I'd like to apologize for any misunderstanding.

 First, Pope Eupharo will apologize for the incident. He also had Archbishop Uca bow and apologize for the trouble he had caused the country.
 Marito fully accepted the apology. The Archbishop of Utca was targeted by the malicious Raheit. He is at fault for being taken advantage of by the Raheit. But it was only because Archbishop Ucka was taken advantage of that he sent a clod like Lakra to highlight his existence.
 Yokus didn't say a word throughout, but Lilisa added some additional explanations after Pope Eupharo's words.
 After the apology, Marito took out the book in question and returned it to Pope Eupharo.

The only people who have actually read and reviewed the book are myself, Lord Raggedythe, and him who can read. Two of Sir Raggedy's knights, one of them a she, will speak to you about the contents. I've also spoken to the clerics on your side.
I heard about it in the report. You're the traveler from the other world, aren't you?

 Pope Euphro's eyes turned to me. Maja has the same kind of penetrating eyes, but they're not nearly as penetrating. If she keeps looking at me, I'll feel as if I've been stripped naked. It's embarrassing, yeah.

"I'm sorry, but may I hold your hand? I can sense how a person has lived by directly feeling the flicker of magic power flowing through his body. I want to see with my own hands what kind of person you are, a person from another world.
"Yes, of course. Please.

 Hold out your hand. Pope Eupharo grasps it gently. His hand is not only warm. There's something like heat coursing through your body through your hand.

"Well, I understand. You're a timid person. You're afraid of everything and you're trying to understand it to prepare for it. This place, Chikyu, must be very prone to encountering people with bad intentions.
...... Yes, you're right.

 It seems to be real. I'm not sure if you can tell that much, but you're not a religious leader.

"But it was your cowardice that led you to discover the disease that lives in our country. For that, let me express my deepest gratitude. We'll do whatever we can to thank you.
"As long as you don't blame me for reading the book. And if you don't go back to Medicine soon, please visit the graves of those who died in this incident. If it weren't for his death, we wouldn't have moved.
"Yes, I promise. But it was rude of me to call you a coward out of the blue. I'm sorry.
Don't be. It's true.

 He's a lot more personable than I expected. I even feel guilty for being more cautious than I should have been. It makes me feel uncomfortable to confront him with any more facts.

Yes, I heard that Archbishop Ucka played an active role in the siege of Lahite, thank you.
"Don't thank me. I only took care of it after my own mismanagement.

 Archbishop Vucca looked away with an embarrassed look on his face. Even so, his actions were enough to win him the MVP award on the Mejlis side.

"Master Ucka was always concerned about you when you came to Tarz.
"Lilitha! Don't say anything you don't mean!
Oh, I'm so sorry.

 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for. I'm not sure what to say. ......

Lilisa, is it you, or have we met before?
No, this is the first time I've been to Taze, so this is the first time I've seen you.
That's right. I'm sorry for asking such a strange question.

 I'm sorry to ask you such a strange question. ...... I guess I need to try this. Then he picked up the book, and Pope Eupharo resumed the conversation.

"By the way, I've heard most of the contents of this book through correspondence. I have also been told that there are certain facts that can only be communicated in person. Can you tell me more about them?
"Yes, but before I do, may I ask you a few questions about ......?
"Hmm? Hmm? That's fine, but do you have any ...... skills like that?
"Something like that. It's one of the few things you can do,......, so please share it with the others.

 I'm not sure what to say. Lyrisa laughs. I'm not sure what to say.

It's a way to measure how confident you are in yourself. First, please continue to recite what His Holiness is about to say. "I am Pope Eupharo.
"'I am Pope Eupharo,' is that correct?
Yes, thank you. I think it's hard to understand the meaning of this one, so ...... Next, Archbishop Ucka, 'I am Pope Eupharo.
"'Wow, I am Pope Eupharo.
"'I am Pope Eupharo.' "Then, 'I am the Archbishop of Uca.
"'I am the Archbishop of Uca.' ...... The first word confused you, didn't it?
Yes. Yes, but I think you can see that I was able to say my name and my position smoothly, even if I had to recite it immediately. By mixing truth and falsehood, you can measure your confidence in the truth.
"I see. I can see why.
"And now, Mr. Yox, 'I am Pope Eupharo.
"I am Pope Eupharo.
"'I am the Archbishop of Ucka.
"'I am the Archbishop of Uca.'
"Finally, 'I am Yox, Commander of the Holy Order of the Medes.
"'I am Yox, Commander of the Holy Order of the Medes.'

 Yoxus says it almost without changing. There's no need to be in a hurry if the seeds and procedure are explained.

I'm sure you'll be able to find something that works for you. ....... And last but not least, Lyrisa.
Yes, please.
"I am Pope Eupharo.
"I am Pope Eupharo.
"Next, 'I am the Archbishop of Ucka.
"'I am the Archbishop of Uca.'
"Next, 'I am Yox, Commander of the Holy Order of the Medes.
"'I am Yox, Commander of the Holy Order of the Medes.
"Finally, "I am Raheit.

 The air around me instantly became tense. Ilias and Yox immediately drew their swords. It's not that I'm not a good person.
 The man himself is still smiling, but his mouth is not moving.

"Can't say. I know. Pope Eupharo and Archbishop Ucka can see through a lie. And that means they can tell when you're telling the truth.
"...... How long have you been aware of this?

 Lilisa's, or rather Lahite's, smile turns more fake and creepy.

I wasn't sure. When I heard that you were cornered by Archbishop Ucka and committed suicide, I was just cautious, just in case someone like you would give up his life so easily. You knew the contents of the book, but you didn't know the details. I figured if you heard there were more secrets, you'd want to know and you'd come to me. That's why I've always been more than a little cautious about new people I meet since that day.
"That's not a good enough reason for you to have noticed me lurking as Lilisa. It's true that there is a possibility that I might show up at this meeting to discuss the details of the book. But you didn't hesitate to suspect me, or Lilisa. I'd like to know why.
"Yeah, I told you it was one of my few skills. I'm good at gauging the distance between people. I've been listening to Marito's conversations and measuring the distance between us beforehand. The one person I felt uncomfortable with was you.
"Discomfort? I thought the three of you were completely convinced that it was Lilisa.
"You smiled at me when I made fun of Archbishop Ucka. You smiled at me when I made fun of Archbishop Ucka, and it made me feel closer than I thought.
You're just being friendly, aren't you?
The Pope chose a distance that was neither too friendly nor hostile. He also acted like he was measuring me. The Pope chose a distance that was not too friendly and not too hostile. It is not unusual for a boss to get angry and for a subordinate to follow up. But isn't it unnatural that the caretaker, who is supposed to understand the boss, should act friendly in front of him when the boss is being cautious?

...... So, it seems that meeting you gave me a kind of unconscious satisfaction. So that's why his attitude toward you became so strong?
"And I asked you once. And I asked you once if we had met somewhere before. The way you replied, it sounded like something a person who tries to deceive others without telling lies would say. So I decided to find out.

 I don't have to tell you that this is the method I used with Maja and Lakra. It's a list of truths that one chooses to use to evade clergymen who can see through lies, and since I had used it myself, I felt a strong sense of familiarity.

"Well, that's brilliant. You're a Chicuki.
You! What have you done with Lilitha?
Oh, Master Utka, can't you see? This body is definitely hers. The knife that slit my neck at that time contained a single dose of magic power that ripped my body and soul apart, so I was allowed to escape with only my soul. However, this ritual requires you to prepare a destination for the soul beforehand, and it cannot be used more than once. Just so you know, I've already prepared for the next one, so there's no need for you to harm this body.

 How convenient, if you can't escape physically, why don't you just escape with your soul? Surely that would allow you to escape without being controlled by necromancy after death.
 But it would take a lot of courage to abandon your own body without hesitation.

Magic that interferes with the soul is forbidden.
I wish I could tell you more, but it seems I can't go any further. But I got to see you with my own eyes. I'll take that as a reward.

 Raheit's amused eyes stared at me. Can you please stop with that "I've found a good opponent" look? We're just ordinary people.

I'm sorry to leave you, but I'll see you soon.

 With that, Rahite collapsed, blood pouring from his mouth. Archbishop Ucka immediately rushed over to check on him.

He seems to have planted a blade-shaped magic stone in his mouth. We have to treat him as soon as possible!

 Then he ran out of the room to contact the Yugoslavs who were waiting outside. Soon after, other clergymen rushed into the room and took Lilisa's body.

I'm sorry, King of the ...... Tarsis, that you were conspired against not once, but twice!

 Pope Eupharo bowed deeply to Marito. You have brought a bandit before the king of a diplomatic country. Of course he had to apologize.

"It's just that Raheit was cunning. Now I have to worry about her body and mind.
Thank you for your concern.

 He then proceeded to check with those present and those waiting outside, just to be sure. It was several hours later when he took his seat again.

It seems that they have not evacuated the area. I've also informed the location of the corpse sealed in the medis, just in case.

 That's the fastest way to get your body back. But I don't think he'd be so quick to do that. But we can't deny the possibility that he's pretending to be someone from Yugoslavia again. For the time being, he'll be busy dealing with Raheit.
 What a nuisance he is. I'd like to see his face. I don't want to meet him.
 Marito resumes the conversation and brings it back to the book.

I'd like to resume the conversation at ......, but I'd prefer to tell you personally, Pope Euphro, and have you examine it first. I would ask that only those who are aware of this be excused from the room. Lord Latzell.
"...... Yes.

 Marith was the first to remove the Iliad from the room. Marito was the first to remove Ilias from the room. Seeing this, Pope Eupharo also sent Archbishop Ucka and Jokus out of the room.

He will explain everything from here on. Please.
"Oh, well, I'll start by opening this book and explaining.

 He opens the book so that Pope Euphrosychius can see it and explains roughly what he has deciphered. He opens the book so that Pope Eupharo can see it and explains roughly what he has deciphered. By explaining the illustrations, Pope Eupharo reaffirms that he can read the book.

These are the contents of the book. This is what I have already informed you.
"There seems to be no doubt about the contents of the book. If we follow your deciphering, we'll be able to use more advanced necromancy. The story of the Demon Lord coming back to life is becoming more plausible. But that's not all, is it?
"Yes, the problem is the last page.

 Open the last page. There is no mention of the title of the book. There is only a brief scribble.

"It doesn't look very important.
"What it says is, 'This concludes the results of the survey. And the last word here is the name of the author of the book.
"The author of ......, the creator of resurrection magic and the creator of the Demon Lord, ......!
"The author's name is Yugura-Nariya, the name of the hero who defeated the Demon King and became the foundation of the Yugura religion.

 Pope Euphrosychiac was speechless. That would have left anyone speechless.

 The name of the hero who defeated the Demon King and saved the world matched the name of the being who devised the resurrection magic that created the Demon King.
 Pope Euphro continued to be silent for a while, and then opened his mouth gravely.

What do you think? Do you think that Ygras, the hero, created the Demon King?
I'd say there's about a 30% chance.
I'd be interested to hear your reasoning behind .......
First of all, the person who wrote this book is from Earth. There's an Earthling here, what about his magical powers?
"Your magic is very low. It's less than or equal to that of a child in its infancy.
That's right. There is no concept of magic on Earth. Not even magic has been discovered. The characters in this book are from about a hundred years ago, and even if there is a difference in the flow of time between worlds, the person who wrote the book came only a hundred years ago compared to here. Magic did not exist in that era either. However, there may be individual differences in magic power, but even so, I don't believe that this person, Seiya Yukura, had a great deal of magic power. If you ask me if such a person can defeat the Demon Lord, I'll tilt my head.

 Even if Shigeya Yukura was an occultist who grew up in a temple or shrine that might possess magical power. Even if he was from an occult background, raised in a temple or shrine, where he might possess magical power, would he be able to possess magical power on par with the talented people of this world? If such a person existed in the past, it would not be surprising if such a person is discovered in the present.

It's true that you don't seem to be a good fighter, but isn't it possible that the author of this book isn't?
"No, the people of this world are very strong. No, the people of this world are very strong. They are used to fighting by strengthening their bodies with magic. The difference between the two is as great as heaven and earth. I'm not sure I could grow to be a hero even if I had increased my magical power and trained since I came here.
What do you mean by that?
"The one who defeated the Demon Lord, the hero Yugra-Nariya, was not his real name. I think it was probably a deception by the inhabitants of this world who were related to the author of this book, Shigeya Yugura.

 This is the one that fits best. Seiya Yukura, an Earthling, invented resurrection magic and created the Demon King. Then, someone related to him called himself Yugura and destroyed the Demon Lord. That's much more likely.
 I can imagine a lot of details in the background, but I feel some kind of regret.

But it is very likely that the hero has some kind of causal relationship with the one who created the Demon King. So I thought I would only tell the Pope about this situation and let him decide.
I've been confronted with a ridiculous fact: ...... What should I do ......?

 Pope Euphoria. It's a good thing that you're not the only one who has a problem with this.
 As the head of the religion that upholds the teachings of the Yugra, this is a troubling fact.
 Marito put his hand on Pope Eupharo's shoulder.

"As Tarz, we don't talk about this. In fact, we can't. Yugraism has the largest percentage of believers in Taiz. We can't cause any unnecessary confusion. I want you to talk it over with someone you trust.
"...... Oh, we should take it back and discuss it with the others.

 This is how the hard-working Pope Eupharo was faced with a difficult task that almost burned a hole in his stomach. On the other hand, I was relieved to finally be able to tell him the secret.
 However, after bringing the matter back to Mejlis, he said, "It should be kept secret. We have to deal with whoever knows about it! But it is not impossible that he would say something like this. No matter how virtuous Pope Eupharo is, it does not mean that the people around him are the same.