Virtuous Old Man, SSS-Rank is Confirmed in Your Next Life

This world judges the deeds and good karma of your previous life, and grants you a rank when you are reborn. The benevolent man, even surprising the heavenly beings through this, decides to be reborn as the son Alexander of a noble family, and thus starts his SSS-Rank life! Follow Alec’s journey as he lives his life as a SSS Rank!

Author: Miki Nazuna 三木なずな
Chapters: 197

As a Virtuous Middle-Aged Man, My New Life Was Confirmed to Be SSS Rank Zennin Ossan, Umarekawattara SSS-Rank Jinsei ga Kakutei shita 善人おっさん、生まれ変わったらSSSランク人生が確定した


1 Good prologue, reincarnated
2 01. Good people learn to write with their daughter-in-law
3 02. A good person, I feel like I'm going to jump to the next to him
4 03. Good people, magic amount ranked SSS
5 04. A good man, the strongest
6 05. Making the stone of the good and wise
7 06. Vocational training with stones of good and wise men
8 07. The Good, the Soul Relief
9 08. Meeting the Emperor's Fate
10 09. A good man is liked by the emperor
11 10. A good person, I like it even more
12 11. A Good Man Becomes Vice-Emperor
13 01. Good people, I didn't count beyond 1000.
14 02. Good people show super sophisticated magic
15 03. The Good Man Resuscitates Legendary Magic
16 04. Good people make it 10,000
17 The Good Man Unveils the Petrified Dragon
18 The Good Man Becomes the Dragon God
19 07. Relief for Good People and Farmers Forever
20 08. Good people reform agriculture
21 09. A good man fainted by a fan who followed him
22 10. Good people, preventing natural disasters
23 11. The Good Man Becomes the Leader of the Alliance
24 01. Good people, from 1,000 people to popularity
25 02. Good people melt permafrost
26 03. The Good Man Resumes Magic Theory of Magic
27 04. Good people, have a special one-on-300 class
28 05. Good people remodel training tools
29 06. Increase the employment rate of good people
30 07. Good men, they will raise their stocks even more
31 08. The Good Man Turns the Devil into an Angel
32 The Good Man Makes the Emperor Engage with Angels
33 01. I'm excited about the good things about good people and aristocrats
34 02. Good people twist the space
35 03. A good man invades with a technology
36 04. Good people, do work for 4 people
37 05. Good people, defeating and treating at the same time
38 The Good Man Stops the Fighting Between the Most Powerful and the Worst With One Hand
39 07. Two steps ahead of good people and experts
40 08. The Good Man Saves the Goddess of Prostitution
41 The Good Man Becomes the God of the Real Man
42 01. Good men cast the spell of slaughter
43 02. A good man finds out that the enemy general is a fake
44 03. Good man, destroy fort with zero damage
45 The Good Man Breaks the Curse of 100 Years
46 The Good Man regains his precious things by space-time magic
47 06. The Good Man regains what he lost
48 07. A good man makes an immortal dress
49 08. The Good Man Re-enacts the Legendary Boundary
50 09. Good men eradicate the buds of rebellion
51 10. Good men, eradicate revolutions all over the country
52 01. The Good Man Unseals the Seal
53 02. Good people, still growing
54 03. A good man slashes things with a blow
55 The Good Man Releases the Sword
56 05. A good man gets rid of the "hardest" bug
57 06. The Good Man, Carrying the Worm and Hope
58 07. Good people, preventing biohazard
59 08. The Good Man Produces Immortal Drugs
60 The Good Man Gets the Metals of God
61 10. Good man, screwing down the metal of God
62 11. The Good Man Completely Possesses the Power of Physics
63 01. Good men, bound by countless red threads
64 02. A good person steals the steam from a hot spring
65 03. The Good Man Set a Trap and Uncover the Criminals
66 04. Good man slashes Minotaur with one sword
67 Becoming a Good Person and a Good Person
68 The Good Man Destroys the Food Man Mountains
69 07. Good people, restore mountains to their original shape
70 08. Good people mass-produce beautiful women in hot springs
71 09. Good men beat monsters five times stronger
72 10.Good people detoxify monsters with a curse
73 11. A good man, clean up the person with red thread
74 01. Good man covers the cliff
75 02. A good man can see at a glance the camouflage of a monster
76 03. A good person, see everything instantly
77 04. A good person secretly sets a trap
78 05. A good person easily wins against a S-ranked opponent
79 06. Good man transforms for the first time
80 07. Good people make angels with renewable energy
81 08. The Good Man Relieves Instead of Angels
82 09. The Good Man Releases Tens of Millions of Souls
83 10.The Good Man, the Golden Age
84 01. Good person, godfather and popular person
85 02.善人、SSランクの父親に内定する
86 03.善人、幽霊のハートを射抜いてしまう
87 04.善人、SSランクホムンクルスを赤子扱いする
88 05. Good people, transformation skills evolve
89 06. Good man, I don't know the easy answer
90 07. Becoming the Father of a Good Man and a Hero
91 08. Becoming a Good Judge
92 09. The Good Man Rescues Two People from Collapse
93 10. A good man engraves his true name in his soul
94 11. The Good Man, the Goddess
95 01. Good people use God's power right away
96 02. Good people, learn to make changes in nature
97 03. Completely Seal the Good Man and the Assassins
98 04. The Good Man Uncovers the Curse Without Noticing
99 The Good Man Unleash the Unbreakable Curse
100 The Good Man Uses Angels
101 07. A good man makes a sword that cuts the dimension
102 08. The Good Man Becomes Completely invincible
103 09. The Good Man Purifies the Soul
104 10. A good man forgives the sins of angels
105 11. The Good Man Relieves the Unsaved Soul
106 12. Desired of good men and maids
107 13. Good people, create a sacred area
108 14. A good man, have the emperor do a rehearsal
109 15. Accepting the Emperor's Made
110 01. Good men, emperor maids become commonplace
111 02. Revenge the Good Man to the Unbeatable Enemy
112 03. Purifying Good Men and Old Enemies
113 04.Good people get permanent machines
114 05.Infinite automatic level up of good people
115 06. Good man, coolness swings the meter
116 07. Good people, preventing pandemic
117 08. The Good Man Release His Soul
118 09. The Good Man Make the Mysteryon Vaccine
119 10.Good people, pushed on
120 11. A good man, an assured man
121 12. Good people, don't be upset when caught off guard
122 13. Accepting good people and troublemakers
123 01. The Good Man Helps the Princess of the Horse
124 02. A good person easily sees a real princess
125 03. Good people do waterworks
126 04. Good people, communicating with the emperor
127 05. A good man completely deceives the enemy
128 06. The Good Man Encourages Civil War
129 07. The Good Man Minimages
130 08. Good people, double push for obstacles
131 09. Making the Good Man, the Savior
132 10. Good people, good conduct is on strike
133 01. The Good Man Overcomes God's Punishment
134 02. Good men, determined to protect everyone
135 The Good Man Brainwashes the Messenger of God
136 04. A good man, more suited to God than to God
137 The Good Man Turns God's Punishment into Heaven's Gift
138 06. Good people grow as expected
139 07. Good people save angels at the expense of themselves
140 08. A good person inadvertently helps others
141 The Good Man Cures Strange Diseases
142 10. Good people, perfect aftercare
143 11. Good people cry for joy
144 12. The Good Man, Desired
145 13. Good man, great from the material
146 14. A good person makes you feel happy
147 01. Good people, leading to technology two generations ahead
148 02. Good people start innovation
149 The Good Man Overcomes the Night
150 04. The Good Man Builds Night Castle
151 05. Good people, make a name in history
152 06. Moving with 1 million Good People
153 07. Make the Road for 100,000 Good People
154 08. Good men win without fighting
155 09. Good people improve public order without doing anything
156 10. Good people develop new drugs
157 11. Good people attract talent
158 12. Good people cleanse the land
159 13. Fostering Good Men and Wife
160 14. Good people, look ahead and develop tolerance
161 15Thinking of the Good and the Good
162 16. The Good Man Prepares the Lottery of Fate
163 17. Good people, constantly building systems
164 18. A good man, being asked
165 19. Good people, wear absolutely perfect disguise
166 20. A good man rejoices at criticism of himself
167 21. A good man invents perfect heating
168 22. Build relationships of trust with the Emperor
169 23. Good people, missionary
170 24. A good man knows his true nature
171 The Good Man Rewrites the Land of Fortune
172 26. A good man, make his own angel
173 27. Good people lock out fraud
174 28. Good people, kind and strict
175 29. Good people get a lot of authority
176 30. Good people, make a system
177 31. The Good Man Decorates the Goddess
178 32. The Good Man Invents the Most Powerful Characters
179 33. Good people, cashless
180 34. Good people secretly treat creative gods
181 The Good Man Finds Out the Arsonist
182 36. A good man meets an old enemy
183 01. Good man, propose a vow
184 02. A good man makes a wedding rings
185 03. A good man hugs his wife
186 04. Good men, 2nd time to be popular
187 05. Suggest good people and family system
188 The Good Man Captures the Marriage Goddess
189 The Good Man Comes to the Marriage Goddess
190 The Good Man Wearing the Goddess
191 09. A good man, blessed with a wise wife
192 10. Favored by the good and the people
193 11. A good man, take the blame for the crime
194 12. Perfect compatibility with good and bad people
195 13. Good people, design a new house
196 14. Good cycle of good people and happiness
197 The Good Man Gets the Piece from the gourd