120 84: Confession of a Beastman Part 2.txt

Master Flick--

 Noelia, who turned to me, seemed to have come to the same conclusion due to the information Marco had told her.

'Yeah, it's the last thing I would have wanted to imagine. It sounds like Gile is running the miners into some kind of good plot.

Such a thing from someone in the highly responsible position of Commander of the Kingsguard: ......

In addition, it was only after Lord Giles became Lord of Inverness that people were sent from the mines to the underground facility at Abyss Falls. I'm also told that it was people close to Lord Jair who ordered the Royal Army out of the garrison and convinced the vigilantes to break away from the Kingdom of Inverness.

 With Marco's testimony, the lines that seemed to be unconnected are connected with a bang.

 It seems that Gile had presented the horn of the demon dragon Geybriggs that Alfine and I had defeated to the kingdom, and in the land of Invahannes, which he had obtained as a reward, he had also embraced the beastmen who were locals, and was solemnly preparing to turn against the kingdom.

That aristocratic bon vivant could do such a great thing: ......

 The impression I got from meeting him a few times was that he was a condensed version of the bad parts of a great nobleman's children, but I still didn't see myself as a man with enough heart to plan a rebellion.

''Or maybe Lord Jair-dono is a limb and his real intentions are with his father. It is also possible that Prime Minister Boris-dono is the mastermind.

 The name of Jair's father came out of Susana, who was listening to the story.

 Boris was the prime minister of the kingdom, a man who could be considered the king's one arm who had run the difficult period after the great attack.

'Prime Minister or ...... I don't know much about the nobility, but I've heard a lot of rumors about him.

 I had heard that he was assassinating a nobleman who was a political rival, that he was accepting large bribes from merchant families to curry favor, and that recently he had been meddling in the succession to the throne.

 Although he was a capable prime minister, he was disliked by both the people and the aristocracy, which was my opinion of the man known as Prime Minister Boris.

"My father has told me that, as the officer in charge of countermeasures against the Great Raid, he was recognized for his achievements by King Frederick, and after the attack, he quickly rose to the position of Prime Minister.

That's right. But Boris, the vizier, has been rebuilding the kingdom that had been damaged by the attack with a method that could be called forceful. That's why there are always dark rumors about him.

'There may be a line of instruction from his father: ....... That would mean that the Radcliffe family itself is preparing to rebel against the kingdom: ......

It's not impossible. King Frederick is very old and if the next king dislikes him, his downfall is inevitable. I've heard that he is desperately trying to talk about the succession, but he is hated by all the heirs, and he may be in a hurry.

 If that's the case, then you'd better start a rebellion.

 Moreover, they have teamed up with forces outside the kingdom and even seduced the beastmen who are highly rebellious to the kingdom, and even used a new type of monster called Abyss Walker to take care of it.

 A cold sweat ran down my spine as I touched on some of the facts that had been brought to light by Marco's confession.

'I don't know who the mastermind is, but I have no doubt that they are linked up to Gile-sama. I'm sure that if we catch the men in the mine, we'll be able to prove it.

'Well, thank you for telling me. Now that we've heard the story, we have a rough idea of the situation. Since this looks like it's more than we can handle on our own, I'll exchange information with the people sent by the Count of the Frontier, and consider it carefully, if that's alright with you?

''Yes, I thought it would be better if you did. All of the beastmen who were taken have been killed except for me, so you can go to .......

 I could see the fire of hatred dwelling in one of Marco's eyes again as he remembered his friends who had been cruelly killed.

 The hatred in his eyes became an obsession for life, and he felt like he could have come back to this place in such a dying state.

'Leave this matter to us. Marco-dono's wounds aren't even healed yet, so I'd appreciate it if you would try to recuperate.

I agree. Well, I will now take the meal you have prepared for me.

 Afterwards, they dined with Marco and sent him to the new house the villagers had prepared for him, and then parted with a week's rest.

 We called Noelia and Susana to discuss the future, but since the other party turned out to be a great nobleman, we decided that we couldn't handle it by ourselves, and we agreed that we would wait for someone to be sent to help us with the help of the frontier count.

 But when I went to see Marco the next day to check his wounds, he was gone and only a note was left on the table.

 The letter only said, 'I may have to waste my life saved by Lord Fricke, but please let me avenge the company I was with and my daughter Maribel only.