108 79: Puzzled Meeting Part 2.txt

 The meeting to consider future measures continued without a conclusion.

 Eugene, the village chief of Devon village, also paled when he heard that the people-hunters were connected to the lord or the Kingsguard Order.

''Flick-dono ...... what will you do? If the story is about the vigilante guys, I was going to appeal to your lordship: ......

 Knowing that the lord he was about to sue could be complicit in this bad thing, Eugene felt an anguished expression on his face.

 Although it wasn't confirmed information, the possibility wasn't zero.

 However, when nearly two hundred people are missing, we can't just ...... leave them alone.

 I wasn't sure what I should do about this situation.

 It's a good thing that you're able to get a good idea of what to do with it.

''Either way, in searching for the sighting of Abyss Walker, it would not be a good idea to cause a ruckus with the lord of this land, Lord Gile of the Radcliffe family. I think it is important to continue the investigation carefully.

 The only thing we can do now is to gather information, like Susana said.

 Fortunately, it seems that the miners aren't being sent out of the mine anymore.

It's frustrating, but given the current situation, we'll just have to do it.

But now that we've caught the manhunters, how will they be treated? And if we unleash them, there's a chance they'll come barging into the village again.

 Noelia, who was listening to the story, was talking about the treatment of the captured people hunters.

 I'm tying them up and rolling them around in this village house right now ......, but Noelia's right, we can't just unleash them, right?

'Well, I think it's safe to say that it's a bona fide third party who can claim to have helped the villagers. It's not like they were displaying the Radcliffe family's coat of arms. If we turn it over to the vigilante with a letter of intent to commit unlawful acts against the village, I'm sure they'll make it look like misconduct by a former vigilante.

 I was at a loss for an answer, and as if to help me out, Susana proposed a plan for the treatment of those we captured.

 I see.

 The other party was not in possession of the Radcliffe family's coat of arms or anything related to the Kingsguard.

 So this is all based on their testimonies.

 It's obvious that the people who were hunting people are connected to the miners, but the only connection to the lord and the Kingsguard Order is their confession.

 Susana said that they should pretend they didn't know the information they got from the man-hunters and hand them over to the vigilantes as ordinary criminals.

'Do you think you can push through with that?'

I thought you'd be okay with that. If you fail to do the dirty work the noble family asks you to do, the price you pay for failing to do the dirty work is a tail cutter, sir.

 Susana's eyes seemed to glow a little coldly as she said this.

'Then let's just say that we just caught some guys in a village we were passing through who were running amok with the villagers. Noelia, can you write a letter to give to the vigilantes?

Well, I understand. The village won't want to stick it out with the vigilantes, so I'll just blur the important details and prepare a letter describing their deeds.

 As Noelia said this, she spread the paper on the table and began to write a letter.

 If he brought Noelia's accompanying letter, the daughter of the frontier count's warlord, the vigilantes wouldn't be able to get out of the gate.

 It's also their job to crack down on criminals, having received a transfer from the Kingdom Army.

 Looking at Noelia's letter, Eugene, who had a blue face, also showed a certain amount of relief.

'I'm grateful to Noelia-sama, the daughter of Heroic Lloyd-sama, for the accompanying note. I'm going to take responsibility for the people I've captured and beat them back to the Invahannes vigilante, so leave it to me.

 When dealing with a nobleman or comparable organization, Noelia, the frontier aunt's daughter, is easier to talk to than me, who is only a mere adventurer.

''I'll be sure to take care of Eugen-dono's needs, but I'm counting on you to take care of him.

This is the least we can do for you, so don't worry about it. Also, if you are willing to continue your investigation, you are welcome to stay in the village. We'll provide you with food and lodging.

'I appreciate that. It's going to take me a few days to find out.

 After deciding what to do with the people hunters who were attacking the village, we decided to use the village of Devon as a base to gather more information.