67 51: Mysterious horse.txt

 While the herd surrounds us, the leader, a chaotic horse (Keos Horse), walks leisurely forward to stare at us.

 Compared to a normal horse, its body is about five times bigger .......

 It's not just a matter of time before you get your hands on it.

 The black body of the leader's chaotic horse (Keos Horse), which is staring at us, showed many scars from the battle with adventurers and other demons.

 And the color of his eyes and the mane on his neck were bright red, unlike the other horses.

 Beautiful eyes and mane: .......

 It's the same color as mine.

 It is a red mane, and when it stops at a certain distance from you, it glares at you.


 The leader of the chaos horse (Chios Horse) disappeared and a horn horse with an injured leg came out next to him.

 It was as if he wanted us to apologize for hurting his family.

 It wasn't us who did it. ......

 The janitors have already escaped and .......

 But it's not like they attacked the adventurers from these guys.

 The cause of their anger was triggered by the adventurers attacking the herd in an attempt to capture them.

 In the midst of trying to capture this big leader's chaos horse (Keos Horse), one of the adventurers must have injured the herd's horn horse (Horn Horse).

 When I thought of that, I felt my feelings of trying to exterminate it rapidly waning in the current situation where the other party hadn't been able to do anything about it. 

'I'm sorry. I don't know the people who attacked you, but that doesn't change the fact that I hurt your family. I apologize on their behalf.

 As I said that, I sheathed my magic sword and bowed to the leader, Chaos Horse (Keos Horse).

''Eh? Huh? Master, aren't you going to fight? I can cut you to pieces.

 He's making a lot of noise about the magic sword he was expecting to combat being tucked away in its scabbard, but I don't want to waste time cutting it down if it's someone I can talk to.

''I'll fight if they're attacking me, but apparently they don't seem to be willing to fight.

 I felt a kinship with the chaos horse (Keos Horse) that resembled my own image that had become Flick.

''Flick-sama, don't be careless. And the other party is a demon.

Yeah, I know. But it's not like they're gonna fight us.

 Noelia, who has fought demons many times as an adventurer, kept her staff at the ready.

 It's true that the opponent is a demon, but it's not like ordinary demons that are attacking people unnecessarily.

I'm going to go fix that horn horse's injuries. An apology alone won't make them feel better.

'What? Hey, Master Flick!

"Master! It's not safe!

 I leave the magic sword in Noelia's hands and slowly approach her, showing the leader that I don't have a weapon in both hands.


 A young chaotic horse (Keos Horse), wary of me approaching, tried to run up to me, but the leader stopped him with a squeal.

 He seemed to see no harm in us.

'Thank you for trusting us. Now, we're going to heal your wounds. If it were true, all you'd have to do is touch it with the horns of a horn horse (horn horse) to heal it. ......

 When I approached the horn horse, which has an injured hind leg, I touched the injured area and activated a recovery spell.

The mana that dwells in my body, be the light that heals everyone you touch. Be a light to heal those you touch. Healing Light.

 A faint light enveloped the horn horse's (horn horse) wounds and I could see them gradually closing up.

 A small, deep stab wound.

 From the size, it was either a spear point or a bow and arrow piercing wound .......

 Those adventurers must have attacked this kid to lure the leader out.

 I'm not sure what the reason for this is, but I'm sure it's a good idea to take a look at the wounds that are closing up and synthesize the stories I've heard from the adventurers and find out what made them angry.

I'm sorry. It is our job as adventurers to defeat you demons, but there are rules on how to do it too.

 Thinking that I could talk to the other party, I was talking to the leader, Chaos Horse (Keos Horse), while I was healing him.

 In the demons near the King's Capital, I hadn't seen a demon as intelligent as this leader.

 Demons are wild animals that have become rabid due to the accumulation of magnesium (mana), and most of them will attack humans and animals at a moment's notice if they see them.

 But no matter how you look at it, I don't think this chaos horse (Keos Horse) understands what we are talking about.


 The cries of the chaos horse sounded as if it was saying, 'Oh no, I'll forgive you.

"Do you understand what people say?

 Seeing the attitude of the Chaos Horse, I couldn't help but ask that question.

 The horse turned away without replying to my question.

 A trained warhorse listens to people's instructions, but the original wild horse and also the demonized chaos horse is too much to think that it can understand human language: ......

Well, the treatment is over. Now, we could really use a break. Let's just leave it at that, okay? There's no reason to fight.

 The chaos horse (Keos Horse) checked the wound on the horn horse's buttocks and looked at me and nodded in agreement, 'Yes,' he said.

 I knew this guy understood human language .......

 He's really a demon. ......

 I've healed my family's wounds, and I don't see any hostility from the chaos horse (Keos Horse) anymore.

'I'm glad you're a guy who knows how to talk. Well, we're on a journey then, so I'll have to leave you here.


 I was going to walk away, I showed my back to him, but the chaotic horse was giving me a curt 'bye' or something like that.

 It's a very unusual demon: .......

 I'm sure all the demons in Inverness are like this.

 It's hard to fight when everyone is as intelligent as this guy.

 The first demon I've encountered in a long time didn't look like a demon, and I felt a sense of disappointment, but I was satisfied with the fact that I was able to avoid a fight.