63 47: Hot-blooded Pterosaur Lecture.txt

 He was once again lecturing Noelia, who had finished skinning the spring gazelle, on the eating habits of pterosaurs.

I'm sure you'll be able to find out more about this in the article. That's why we cut them into smaller pieces to make them easier to swallow.

 I'm allowed to talk about what I've noticed in taking care of Dimoru myself.

 In the unlikely event that I can't take Dimolu with me separately, I'd like to ask her to take care of her as I miss her.

 Therefore, I was naturally becoming more enthusiastic about the words I was saying.

''Is that so? It seems that Flick-sama has been taking care of Dimol quite diligently, so...''

 Noelia listens intently to my story, but without stopping, she uses a hunting knife to dismantle a leaping deer antelope (spring gazelle) that has been skinned and stripped naked.

 She was the daughter of a great nobleman, but as an adventurer, she had done more outdoor activities than normal people, so she seemed to be familiar with dismantling it.

'Ah, pterodactyls seem to use their claws to tear their prey into small pieces when they can't fit in their mouths and make them whole. The big madness boar (Madness Boar) was eaten like that by Dimol, so I thought the wild ones do the same.

I've seen many dead monsters torn to pieces with their claws in the Yasbah hunting grounds. That means that this was after the pterosaur's meal. But why do you feed Dimolu a wild pterosaur when he eats himself?

 The spring gazelle was being dismantled, and Noelia, who had begun to cut it into small chunks for Dimol to eat, asked me why I was preparing the food.

He said, "I just wanted to feed him myself because he's so cute when he asks my permission to eat. If you just give him permission, he'll probably eat it himself, but that's kind of lonely, or something.

'What? Is that the only reason?

 Noelia's hand, which was carving the meat, stopped.

 Hey, did I say something crazy?

 It's normal that when someone misses you, you want to do something for them in return.

 Could it be that I'm the only one who thinks like this?

 Seeing Noelia's reaction, I got impatient that I might be weird, and I hurriedly decided to add another reason as well.

''Yi, no. The other reason is that I'm also observing the situation to see if it's not turning into a demon!

'Yes, no. That's right. I didn't know that Dimolu is that fond of Master Fricke: ....... Well, we are now ready to go. Dimol is ready to go too.


 Noelia, who looked a little disappointed, placed the meat of a leaping deer antelope (spring gazelle) in front of Dimol.

''Dimol, you can eat it. Just make sure you thank Noelia properly before you eat it.''


 Dimol, with my permission, squealed at Noelia, who made the food, and swallowed the carved meat whole.

 Noelia watched the scene with a blank stare.

 I knew it, I guess I said something strange .......

 I can't help but feel that Noelia's energy is obviously gone.

 Was taking care of Dimolu's food more difficult than I thought?

 Or was I talking too passionately about pterodactyl biology?

 As I finished making food for Noelia and Dimolu, who looked somewhat different from the usual, Susana, who had started preparing lunch earlier, came up to me.

''Flick-sama, Noelia-sama, lunch is ready. Both of you are handling the demons, so please wash your hands thoroughly. If you don't do it, you'll get sick to your stomach.''

 A bonfire made of stone revealed a skewer of roasted dried meat and a pot of broth, which was simply dried vegetables stewed in salt.

 It was a simple meal, but an extravagant one considering that we were on the move in the open air.

 It was a sober and gratifying moment to be moving around in a wagon, loaded with the tools of life.

''Not just for demons, but for animals--''

I know, sir. I'm not a child anymore, so I can do that properly.

I know. I've had an upset stomach before because I skipped out on washing my hands.

 Susana was about to start her lecture on hand washing, so she and Noelia headed to the wagon and turned on the faucet on the water barrel provided in the back of the cart.

 It's really easy to get around in a wagon.

 I can even store a lot of water just to wash my hands this way.

 When I was just starting out, I remember that I was so tired from moving around and not having enough water to wash my hands that I didn't wash my bloody hands after handling a demon and lightly wiped them with a cloth and ate my meal without washing them, but that night I suffered from a raging pain in my stomach.

 My stomach hurt so badly that I really thought I was going to die, and the next day I could barely move, and Alfine complained about it a lot.

 Since then, I absolutely made it a top priority to wash my hands after handling demons, no matter how busy I was and how limited the water was.

 He cleaned his hands, which were stained with the demon's blood, and wiped his hands with an unstained cloth.

''Well, now that you're done washing your hands, let's eat too.

'Yes, I do. I'm hungry for a lot of things. I'll think about it later, but I'll fill my stomach first.

 Noelia, who seemed to have regained some energy, had finished washing her hands as well.

 So we returned to the meal table together and decided to enjoy the meal Susana had prepared for us both.

 I'm sure the reason Noelia wasn't in good spirits earlier is because she was hungry due to the unexpected difficulty of making food for Dimolu.

 It's not like I said anything strange.

 Thank goodness, because it would be harder to ask him to take care of Dimoru if he thinks I'm a weird guy or something, and our relationship is going to be strained during the trip.

 I glanced at Noelia's profile as she was eating and let out a breath of relief.