13 11: I decided to live as a magic swordsman flick.txt

Now, let's see if it can be used in actual combat. It seems that the Fire Arrow that I fired at first has just irritated the Giant Ant's nest. I won't make the same mistake as yesterday, so please don't worry, Mr. Flick, you can practice your magic in battle.

 From the large hole in the ground that Noelia pointed to, a large number of large black-bodied ants were crawling out of the large hole in the ground in a hurry.

 There were fifty of them, or maybe more than sixty of them.

 They're not strong opponents, but they're a troublesome opponent when surrounded by a group.

 This is the kind of opponent you would never want to deal with if you only had a sword.

 But for now, we have magic.

 Seeing a flock of giant ants appearing one after another from the ground, I immediately activated the Fire Arrow.

 The fire arrow that shot out hit the head of the giant ants that were approaching at the front of the pack and blew them away, and they began to burn their bodies.

 You can get through that Giant Ant's hard epidermis in one shot, ...... magic is amazing.

 But if you're killing them one by one, you won't have enough hands.

 I'm sure you'll be able to find a lot of people who are interested in this.

 I'm not sure I've ever heard of this, but I'm sure it's true.

 I'm not sure if I should try altering the spell-like thing a bit.

 I decided to see if I could fire multiple Fire Arrows at the approaching swarm of giant ants.

''Become a group of hot, burning arrows to hunt down my enemies,'' the Fire Arrow Barrage.

 More than one hundred multiple fire arrows (Fire Arrows) immobilized as he imagined them flying out towards the enemy.

 Then he pulled out his sword and swung it down towards the swarm of giant ants coming towards him.

''Master Flick, what magic are you doing! That's a Fire Arrow spell!

 Noelia, who was chanting in self-defense, rolled her eyes when she heard my spell.

'I'm trying to see if I can activate magic that's appropriate for actual combat anyway. If it misses, please cover me.

 As I said this, the Fire Arrows, which emitted a dazzling light from the tip of my sword, were shot out all at once.

 It seems that the fire arrows were successfully activated, and the fire arrows chased after the giant giants that I recognized as enemies and stayed within my line of sight, hitting them one by one.

 Noelia, who was watching the scene, was stunned and dropped her staff to the ground.

I'm not sure I know this kind of magic, but ...... what annihilation speed and hitting power ......

 The fire arrows (Fire Arrows) that were released blew the last Giant Ant's head off, and the one that had lost its target was thrusting towards the ground and spewing flames.

'I thought about the spell just in my imagination, but it's surprisingly useful. As Noelia said, 'magic is imagination'.

No, no, sir. What Mr. Fricke says is that magic is imagination, and that's not what I meant!

 Normally, Noelia's expression and voice are different, but now her expression and voice matched.

 Apparently, the magic I used was something different.

 I just fixed my imagination with a proper spell, adjusted the power, and activated it in a form that's appropriate for the actual battle.

 I've been living as a swordsman for a long time, and I think the power of this magic and its ability to annihilate a large number of people is perfect for real battles.

Could it be that it was a bad idea?

'No, sir. I'm just surprised that the magic that Flick-sama has activated is so amazing. I've never imagined multiple fire arrows (Fire Arrows) flying with such intricate movements.

 Noelia's head was blown off by my magic and she was staring at the giant ants who were still on fire.

 At any rate, he doesn't seem to be angry, so he seems to approve of the magic I just used.

 But still, thanks to Noelia, I was also able to adjust the power and understand that it seems to be easier to create magic than expected.

 It's a good thing that you can use magic in such situations, since you'll have a hard time with a sword alone, or with a group of people attacking you.

 I was planning to eat as an adventurer with a sword alone, but if you are a swordsman who can also use magic, it seems that you can handle the battle against many people alone, and fortunately I have a lot of magic power to waste.

 There were adventurers who used swords and magic in King's Landing as well, but as I recall, they were called mages or magic swordsmen.

 Alfine hated it, saying it was an evil way, but it might be better to call yourself a mage swordsman if you don't want her to find you.

 Mage Flick ...... This way, no one will think I'm Swordsman Fynn.

'Noelia, thanks to you, I can use magic now, and I'm going to call myself a mage from today. I'm going to ask the infinite mage Miss Noelia to continue to teach me magic as a mage flick once again. Will you accept?

 I hold out my hand in front of Noelia, who was dumbfounded at the sight of the Giant Ant's flaming corpse.

'Huh? Oh, yes. If it's okay with my poor magic, I can help you grow, Flick-sama.

 When Noelia noticed my hand that I held out to her, she squeezed it back.

 She's a girl with a lot of slightly unusual behavior, but she doesn't seem to have bad roots.

 However, she seems to be a child who shows an unusual amount of interest in magic, and it seems to be a problem for her that she can't see her surroundings if she's concerned.

 Nevertheless, according to what Rebecca told me, he is the most knowledgeable in the Yuguhanotes when it comes to magical knowledge at this age.

 It's not a good idea to have someone more than her on the frontier to teach you as a magical leader.

 I've decided to make use of my hidden talent, Noelia as my magic teacher to develop my talent.