758 Episode 0758

It was not the Blattas who had been ambushing, nor the ambush that had lurked in the forest, nor the Fritzione army that marked the beginning of the battle.
 a force of about twenty men who had been following Fritzione ever since he had left the imperial capital.
 The Marquis Loganos' men found a cloud of dust rising from the rear of the army of Fritzione.

"Marquess Loganos, that!"
"... I see.There's not only one ambush, is there? No, let's call it ambush, but as far as the cloud of dust goes, it's a cavalryman.Put the supply unit in, and around it, the archers and wizards, and the infantry, with spears, move forward.When the cavalry stops the enemy's movement, they will strike him in the ribs, so he can move immediately."

 Each messenger ran away from under the Marquis of Loganos, who was quickly giving instructions.
 The Marquis of Loganos, watching it, turned his gaze towards the supply force and spoke to his men.

"Usually, the guards of the supply force are not very good, but..."Is it fair to say that those over there are competent men?"
"Yes, because this unit itself is all elite."

 The Marquis Loganos, who had listened to his men's words and had turned his eyes to the supply unit, opened his mouth to give a new order.

"Let the guards of the supply unit carry bows and use them as archers."
"That's... but is it okay? The bodyguard of the supply unit..."
"I don't care. As long as I'm in the middle of the army, I don't need to be escorted by a supply unit.Right now."
"Then why not join the infantry?"
"No, it is now that we do not need a bodyguard.In case something happens, a bodyguard will be needed.At that time, I want to use it very close to the supply unit so that I can return to the escort immediately."
"... I see. All right, I'll make arrangements right away."

 and, seeing his men giving orders, the Marquis of Loganos turned his gaze to part of the army of Fritzione.
 The aristocrats there are those who are expected to betray.
 I ordered my subordinates not to make strange moves in this battle.
 If he makes strange moves, he will be caught right away.

"The price of betrayal will be high."

 muttering... and the cavalry, appearing at the same time, raising a cloud of dust.
 If that had been the case, it would not have surprised me more than I had expected. 
 But still the Marquis of Loganos was small and astonished.
 It is true that the cavalry showed up.The number is about 20 horses.
 However, each cavalryman has a horse with no operator.
 In other words, there are about 20 cavalry, but the number of horses is about 40.
 It is easy to see what that means.
 for those who had followed Fritzione's army on foot took their horses.
 Twenty infantrymen quickly transformed into forty cavalry, together with reinforcements.

"... I see. It's troublesome.And even to those who transferred, as far as I can see, he was a skilled cavalryman.Keep the archers, wizards, and enemies away!"

 the attack unleashed with the cries of the Marquis of Loganos.
 As the aristocrats participating in this army gathered the elite, the arrows released continue uninterrupted.
 The speed at which the arrow is shot is amazing, and at the same time flames, wind, stones and ice fly through the sky and attack the cavalry.
 But... even for the cavalry, here is the cavalry under the direct control of the 2nd Prince.
 If the Marquis of Loganos was led by elite, it was undoubtedly true that the cavalry was also elite.
 It's not like rain, but it's still pushing forward in unison with the horse in the countless arrows falling down.
 The speed is fast, and the distance to the aristocratic forces led by Loganos shrinks in time.
 Of course, not everyone is avoiding enemy attacks.
 Some were shot through the head by arrows falling from above and fell from the horse.
 Even if it's not that far, many people have arrows stuck in their hands and feet.
 Some are burned by the flames, cut by the blade of the wind, and pierced through their bodies with ice spears.
 Some horses fall under attack and are hit to the ground as if they were caught up in it.
 Especially wounded were many who had followed Fritzione's army so far.
 Of course, I was walking around on my own feet, not on horseback.If that happens, you will have to wear armor that emphasizes lightness rather than metal armor.
 But yet the cavalry, showing no fear, made their way through the rain of arrows and magic to the place where the infantry were.

"Don't be afraid, hold up your shield, hold up your spear! No matter how much you are a cavalryman, you are not invincible! You can deal with it by stopping with the shield and sticking out your spear all at once!"

 At the commander's words, the infantry defend themselves against attack and thrust out spears.
 ...the cavalry could have dealt with it if they were ordinary cavalry.
 However, the cavalry who rushed in is not just a cavalryman.They are members of the cavalry unit under the direct control of Prince Shrus.
 The spearhead protruding towards you is cut off with a long sword and played with the spear entwined, or the horse's movement is controlled to avoid the spearhead.
 a horse that has been rigorously trained and trained.Moreover, the elite troops under direct control of Shrus are on horseback.
 When the two are combined, they have very high capabilities as cavalry.

"Oh, my God, let me do it or let me do it!"
"Yes! We will protect Prince Fritzione!"
"I can't stand dying here! We will see the world after the civil war with Prince Fritzione!"

 But it was not for so long that the cavalry had the advantage.
 Soldiers in the back row immediately appear on the front line to replace the soldiers who lost their weapons or were wounded.
 Cavalry certainly has high thrust and offensive power.However, once the movement stops, there will be many gaps.
 As if to show this, the cavalry, stopped by the metal shields held by the replacement soldiers, were lashed, cut with long swords, beaten down at Halvard, and reduced in number.
 That's not all.Cavalry means riding a horse, which means they are at a much higher place than the soldiers on the ground.
 Archers and wizards refrain from attacking in a mixed battle, but if the target is so close and the Fritzione army is so well-defined, there is no reason to hesitate to attack in this situation.
 Then, at the last blow, the cavalry of the 1st Princess' faction runs into Prince Shrus' cavalry from the side.
 Many of the cavalry directly under Prince Shrus were injured but few died even if they were stopped and attacked in waves.
 Not only that, but when one of the cavalrymen saw that they would suffer a lot of damage, they took a magic flute out of their pockets and blew it hard.
 The sound of the sound echoing through the surroundings instantly reached the ears of the cavalrymen, and after giving them a hard blow on the spot, they broke away.
 The momentary retreat is worthy of the name of the cavalry under Shrus.
 The Marquis of Loganos also tried to chase, but the cavalry kept their distance in sight.
 Still, some fired bows and magic, but the cavalry completed the withdrawal with little effect.

"...that dexterity is the cavalry directly under His Highness Shrus."

 Marquis Loganos, who muttered admiration and chagrin at the same time, immediately shook his head and changed his consciousness.

"What's the damage here?"
"Many people are injured, but not many are dead."
"Well, let the men in the supply unit treat the injured.You don't have to save on portions.Anyway, it's important to heal your injury now."

 I give instructions to my subordinates while exhaling relief.When it was done to give orders quickly, the Marquis of Loganos suddenly opened his eyes sharply.

"What about them?"
"I haven't made any strange moves so far.I followed our instructions quietly.If I had to say so, it looked like I was taking things easy when I attacked the enemy... maybe that's because of my own assumption."
"I see. You didn't show your tail this time, but don't neglect to watch."
"Ah! So, Marquess Loganos.We have successfully defended ourselves, but what are you going to do now?"

 At the words of his men, the Marquis of Loganos, stroking his proud beard, looked forward to the army of Fritzione.
 Even from this position, I could understand that it was a fierce battle.
 At the same time, the sound of explosions coming from the forest along the highway.
 When I saw it, I didn't have to think about what was going on.

"I'd like to say that we're all going to support the front... but even if there aren't many dead people, there are so many injured people.Besides, it is impossible to prepare for the enemy behind us.The cavalry retreated, but the damage itself should not be so great.If you make a mistake, they will come again."

 What is troubling in this case is that the enemy is a highly mobile cavalry.
 It was certain that Marquis Loganos, who was guarding the rear, would soon attack again.

"So let's just wait and see?"
"No way, that's not possible.I wonder if I can manage to get fifty people."

 At what Marquis Loganos said, his subordinates looked around, calculated in their heads, and nodded.

"Yes. Fifty... No, about sixty men, I don't think there's any problem with the defense behind us."
"Well, then, you go with the troops.I should like to go there, but the commander of the place can't have thrown me out."

 Their commanders ran away.If captured in such a way, there is no doubt that even elite troops will lose their morale.

"Take Viscount Kizlo, Baron Blumos, and Baron Clarina.However, let's do it as you do."

 Even if he was originally a high-ranking nobleman called a marquis, he would not let his subordinates command the nobility.
 But the three marques of Loganos have fought under him many times.
 Therefore, I understood the ability of my subordinates who were ordered to take command, and I had no objection to following them.
 Looking at the backs of his men who were leaving, the Marquis of Loganos arranged himself so as to be able to counter the attack of the cavalry again.
 Injured people can be treated immediately, inside the line, to the place where the supply unit is located.
 Of course, infantry units are especially injured.
soldiers brought by aristocrats in this army, adventurers and mercenaries acting as volunteers in memory of Fritzione.
 They were badly damaged by the cavalry charge.
 From Marquis Loganos's point of view, he was treated with potions and recovery magic. 
 Some of them die because their wounds are so deep that they can't catch up with the treatment, but they tell themselves that now is not the time to be sad and turn their eyes to another direction.
 The long-range attack unit, where the archers and wizards were concentrated, was slightly injured but only slightly scratched.
 This was probably because cavalry had few flying tools, including bows.
 Thanks to the firm work of the infantry unit, it was only this much like this.
 If it is a minor injury, so is the cavalry.
 The cavalry of Fritzione was able to launch the attack half-way, as the infantry stopped the enemy cavalry from moving.
 One of the reasons why the number of injured people decreased was that they were wearing metal armor because they were supposed to fight with chasing forces. Considering these factors, the total damage was negligible.

(However, it is not decided that this will be the last battle.For Prince Kabazid and Prince Shrus, there is still a lot of fighting power.)

 Originally, the faction of the two princes is larger than that of Fritzione's First Princess.
 As they had many nobles, they naturally had more troops than themselves.
 Even if those dispatched as subjugation troops were devastated, they would not be able to replenish them easily.
 In other words, it is important to know how much damage we can reduce in the fight until we join the rebels.

(However, even the princes will not be able to recover from the damage immediately, but they will lose if they send in pursuit many times, and as long as there is crimson here, they will have to be careful.)

 The Marquis of Loganos knew from Fritzione that Ray had used a fire whirlwind against the subjugated army, causing catastrophic damage.
 I understood that if that's the case, even Kabazid and Shrus would have to be careful.

"I mean... if you get over here, you'll probably be able to manage it."

 It would not be interesting for Fritzione's army to join the rebels.We have to throw away the best opportunity to defeat each individual.
 However, as a leader of a faction, if he continues to take a hard line and is abandoned by the faction's nobility, it will only put the cart before the horse.
 get over here.
 In anticipation of this, the Marquis of Loganos looked forward in the field of battle.