440 Episode 0440

"What does that mean!"

 With an outcry, a glass of wine is tossed, passed by the man who brought the report and hit the wall, fell straight to the floor, sprinkling wine on the expensive carpet and giving off a strong smell of alcohol.
 But the man is the man in front of him... even if he is shouted at by his master, he seems to have no patience but to speak again.

"So the Silwa family attacked the warehouse where they were carrying in the abnormal corpses. I heard they set me on fire."
"Well! Who ordered such a thing! Indeed, the young Bosque man was making a difficult move, but he was not clearly hostile to his son! But what are you going to do here in plain opposition.

 There's a natural reason why Schaffner screams in frustration.
 the Silwa family headed by the youngest Bosque of the families currently governing Egzil The Silwa family has many adventurers who adore Bosque as their brother. Of course, the Levisor family is one of three rotten families. We have a certain amount of military power, but it should only be described as a certain extent.
 At least Schaffner didn't think he could manage to fight the Silwa family head-on.
 What are you going to do? What will you do you do? If we fight hard, we're the ones to lose. Then how can we avoid fighting...
 Like that, Schaffner was wondering if there was any way to deal with it, but his subordinates kept reporting to the person in front of him.

"Don't worry. It was not the Levysors who attacked the warehouse."

 At the words, Schaffner's red face and thoughtful movements stopped, and he spoke nervously.

"...what? Is it true?"
"Yes, at least last night the Levisor family was not in action. So it's probably a completely different story to attack the warehouse."
"Well... well... well! I see! Then it won't be a problem. You shouldn't be too impatient at all. But, then, is it the Marchells who attacked?"

 Currently, the three families governing Egzil are the Silwa, Maaschel and Levisor families. And it was the Silwa family that was attacked, not the Levisor family. That would naturally leave only the Maaschel family.
 Judging that way, Schaffner exclaims.

"Well, that jeweler sometimes does something useful to him, doesn't he?" I can't believe you'll hurt the young man instead of him. Hahaha! This is pleasant and pleasant. The young man knows his share in some measure."

 Knowing that Levisor's forces were not attacked, Schaffner, who naturally considered himself perfectly safe, poured wine into a new glass and lifted it wide as if it were a toast.

"Did you see the young man on the map have a hard work?" Well, coincidence is a terrible thing, isn't it? I don't know how the jeweler went about attacking the Silwa family, but this is nothing but good luck to him."

 The man who brought the report to Schaffner, who carried the wine to his mouth in a good mood, stands quietly without a word.
 It may not have bothered him, but looking there, Schaffner opens his eyes as if he had thought of something.

"Well, why don't you take this opportunity to beat the Silwa family more? ...Hey, get in touch with the Marcher family as soon as possible. Tell him that you will allow him to join hands with you."

 The words reopen the man who had been quietly watching Schaffner.

"All right. But if there is a great disturbance here, of course it will spread to all Egidil, will it?
"Huh? I don't know what you're worried about."
"I'm afraid Egjil residents will be affected.

 I don't understand what you're saying. Shaffner slants his head, seriously distorting his wrinkled face.

"They will increase in a little by little." It doesn't really matter if you die a little bit and reduce the number."

 Schaffner tells me with his serious eyes.
 He was breathtaking at the appearance, but he just nodded as before before before opening his mouth.

"And what would you do about the doctrine of the Holy Light, if you were to bring it over here?"
"... oh, come to think of it, there were some of them." But they are fools who easily let the abnormal species go. I don't think it will be a force."
"Oh, no. Even if there is no phenomenon, a large number will help the wall to some extent. It hasn't been as useful as it used to be, but you could use it this time. Hey, to them..."

 Keep in touch. when Schaffner tried to say so A man suddenly jumps into the room.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, my God!"
`Why, when you're so happy!'

 I couldn't forgive Schaffner, who felt things were going any better for me, who rushed into the room as if to interrupt it.
 The man yelled at me, but he didn't seem to notice Schaffner at all, and went on saying confusedly.

"The Silwa family... the Silwa family..."
"What's wrong with the Silwa family? Were they finally crushed by the Marcher family? If so, then they'll be able to participate in the war and do they said.

 The wine I've been drinking so far may still be somewhat intoxicated. I try to spin my words while dreaming of the best future for myself...

"The Silwa family's strength is coming towards us!"

 a husky silence
 At first Schaffner couldn't make out what he was saying.
 Or I wondered if my ears had gone wrong because I was drunk, but of course I couldn't.
 Eventually, he carefully examines the man's report in his head, and when he realizes what it means, he nods at what he is saying.

"What? Say it again, sorry. 儂I seem to have misheard it only because of my age."
"Therefore, there was a report that the Silwa family was coming here!"
"... Stupid! If you're going, it's the Marcel family who attacked the warehouse!? Why come to the house of 儂? Isn't it something wrong!"
"It's not a mistake! Moreover, Bosque, the head of the Silva family, is leading his men!"With the words at the end, the room is again filled with silence.
 It was Schaffner who smashed his cup on the table that broke it.

"Well... you young man! Are you going to take advantage of this case to do something about your son here!? Well, what are you doing? Get ready for an interception as soon as possible! And order the Holy Light to send reinforcements. Oh, and the Maaschel family, too. Tell them not to involve themselves in the battle, but to lead their forces at once!"

 The rapid succession of instructions, albeit old, was enough to show Schaffner was the head of the Levisor family.
 Even if the assumptions are wrong.
 The two men in the room immediately leave to carry out Schaffner's orders.
 Seeing him off, he angrily slams a barrel of wine about 30cm high on the table to the floor.
 The carpet sucks wine on the floor and gives the room a strong alcoholic smell, but Schaffner grinds his teeth without a sign of concern.
 Fortunately, it's daytime, so I'm not so drunk yet. If this had been an attack at night, he would have been under attack by the Silwa's drunken head, unable to think of his salary.

"It's not the worst yet, considering it.

 muttering, he began to act in order to turn the Silwa family to his house.

"Stop, stop!"

 The road leading up to the Levisor family, led by Bosque, the head of the Silva family, is followed by those who are indebted to the Silva family or who adore Bosque.
 Most of them are adventurers, but some of them are ordinary people who are good at rough things.
 Furthermore, there were slim, slim figures who were probably not used to rough things.
 The number is about 300. The Silwa family, one of the three families that rule Egzil, is the place where all the military power is gathered in one voice.
 A group of people from the Levisor family emerges and calls out to the Silwa family.
 Fewer than the Silwa family, it was still more than a hundred.
 One of them calls out to the leading bosque as if to report to everyone present.
 It was a call to those who were equal to his Lord Schaffner, but there was nothing respectful about his tone.
 I had heard Schaffner constantly disparaging Bossk as a young man, and, above all, I had no intention of paying any respect to anyone who would attack his house, the Levisor family.

"And are you going to stop us with that number of people?"

 The Levisor family, one of the three families governing Egzil, naturally has a large road built right in front of the estate. Especially since Schaffner, who was concerned about his own appearance, became the head of the Levisor family, the road was paved with bricks and became a large and clean road.
 The Silwa and Levisor families face each other on the road, where about ten horse-drawn cars can easily be moved side by side.
 They are both murderous, but they still feel disadvantaged by numbers. Many people on the Levisor side are likely to flee immediately if anything happens.

"Stop it, but what is this action to imitate! That anyone who is in a position to rule over Egidil should use his own arms to attack the impeccable Levisor family? Shame on you!"
"Shut up!"

 There's no fault.
 The moment the words come out, Bosque wields his beloved sword, the giant claymore.
 a man who stops at a blow as if to break even the air.
 Bossuk glares fixedly at such a man and suddenly turns back and gives a silent signal.
 Several people who see the signal bring their horse-drawn carts to the side of the bosque.

"... look. I'm sure you've seen him."

 Saying so, Claymore had a man's corpse on the tip of his sword.
 The face of the man talking to Bosc is distorted with astonishment at the sight of the corpse.
 He's still a young man in his late teens and early twenties. The clothes he is wearing have been scratched with many cuts and marks of blood already discolored and darkened.
 But the man was not surprised by the young man's corpse on the platform.
 Being an adventurer, I'm used to seeing monsters' bodies, and so are human bodies.
 Still, I was surprised to see the man's body on the loading platform because he was, as Bosque said, the body of a man I knew well.

"You don't have to be surprised, do you? He was employed by the Levisor family until a few days ago."

 It was a Bosque who implicitly told me that it was you, the Levisors, who created the cause of this conflict, that even a man could not easily admit it.
 If you admit it, the fault in this struggle could be attributed to the Levisor family.

"The man was certainly employed by the Levisor family. However, he has already been forced to quit because he acted contrary to Mr. Schaffner's will. I don't know what he has done, but I have nothing to do with the Levisor family!"
"... what? Where on earth do you think he found his body?"

 As if to suppress his passion, Bosque says again, as if he had nothing to do with it.

"I don't know! Again, he has already been fired from the house of Levisor. It doesn't matter what we do!"

 The words begin to kill those around the bosque.
 As long as I'm an adventurer, I'm always conscious of the death of my comrades. That's why if this had killed a monster, or if it had died in a dungeon without strength, it would have been sad, but it wouldn't have made me so angry.
 But not this time. In what should have been a safe city...perhaps he was attacked and killed by someone who didn't want to reveal the problem of the anomalies in today's dungeon.
 That's why Bosk lifts his Claymore and points his sword at the man who serves the Levisor family.

"This man was found when the warehouse we were looking into was attacked. Why do you think he was there? Of course, we didn't hire him. who had been fired from the Levisor family shortly before this attack, as if it had nothing to do with them."

 The voice of Bosque echoes between the Silva and Levisor families facing each other.