398 Episode 0398




「今日もダンジョンですか? 少し休んだ方がいいのでは?」
「何、気にするな. 疲れが取れるのは早いし、何より俺やエレーナはエグジルにいられる時間が限られている. なぁ、エレーナ?」
「……うむ. そうだな. 確かに時間は限られているな. だからこそレイも羽根を伸ばしたいのだろう」
「セトの翼をか? セトはいつもゆっくりとしていると思うけどな」



 どうしたの? と喉を鳴らしながら首を傾げるセトに、何でも無いと頭を撫でるレイ.
 同時にその場で野良パーティを集めていた者達がレイ達へと視線を向けるが、前日に必要なのは腕の立つ盗賊だけだと言ったのが効いているのだろう. 特に誰が声を掛けてくるでも無く、そのまま転移しようとしたところでその光景を目にすることになる.

「いい、ビューネ. 今日は私が前衛よ」
「今日こそは強いモンスターが出てくれるといいのだけど. 最近はどうにも腕の振るいがいがなくて」
「ええ、そうなの. 昨日は充実した夜を過ごせたおかげで、今日の敵に対してはどうしても……」

 踊り子のような服装をし、手甲と足甲を身につけている赤紫の髪と金の瞳をもつ極上の美女. その魅力的な肢体を露わにした姿で周囲の男達の視線を集めている……と思いきや、殆どの者がそっと視線を逸らしている.
 皆、知っているのだ. この女が狂獣と呼ばれている女だと. 異名……というよりは、通称. それもこのエグジルでのみ通じる呼び名だが、その狂獣という通称が伊達ではないというのは、ヴィヘラの側で気絶して倒れている数人の冒険者を見れば明らかだろう.
 更に、その狂獣が話しているのはフラウト家の遺児でもあるビューネ. 弱冠10歳程でランクDという人物だ.
 本人自体は特にこれといって危険ではないのだが、家の影響もあって迂闊に関われば他の3家から注目されることになる. ……それも悪い意味で、だ. そういう意味では危険な相手であった.
 それだけに自ら近付く相手も少ない. 現在ヴィヘラの周囲で転がっている男達は、その辺の事情もまだ良く知らない、それこそエグジルへと来たばかりの新参者だったのだろう.
 そんな風に危険人物扱いされている2人だが、同じような扱いだからこそか馬が合った. 寧ろヴィヘラが幼いビューネを放っておけなかったというのもあるのだろう. そんな2人だけに、つかず離れずといった距離感を保ったままお互いに気が向けば臨時のパーティを組んでダンジョンを攻略することもあった.
 ヴィヘラにしろビューネにしろ、基本的にはソロの冒険者だ. 腕の立つ人物であるのは間違い無いのだが、お互いの事情で野良パーティでも既に募集されるようなことは無くなっている.
 ビューネはともかく、ヴィヘラがエグジルへとやってきた当初はその美貌を目当てにして大勢の男達と極少数の女が押し寄せ、パーティの誘いを断られたとある冒険者が腕ずくでとなり……逆にあっさりと倒されることになった. それを見て今度は戦闘力を買ってパーティに勧誘しようとする者が多く出たが、弱い相手に興味は無いときっぱり告げ、それを聞いて頭にきた冒険者が……というようなことを繰り返し、結果的に今の地位を築いたのだ.
 周辺の冒険者達で事情を知らない者が声を掛けようとして仲間に止められ、事情を知っている者はこのまま2人でダンジョンへと潜るのだろうと思っていた. ……そう、この時までは.

「あら? レイ、おはよう」

 ヴィヘラの口から漏れたその言葉に、周囲の者が驚愕の表情を浮かべる. そして誰に声を掛けたのかをヴィヘラの視線を追って知り、ある者は納得し、またある者は嫉妬の視線を浴びせる.

「……ほう. 随分と親しそうだな」


「うん? 何だ? 何か言いたいことがあるのなら、しっかりと聞かせて貰おうか」

 周囲で、美女を引き連れている癖にヴィヘラにまで声を掛けられやがってこの野郎っ! とばかりに嫉妬の視線を送っていた者達も、今のエレーナを見ていると恐怖を感じるのだろう. そっとレイ達一行から視線を逸らす.

「ほう? レイには私が怒っているように見えるのか. ちょっと不思議だな. 私はこんなにも穏やかな気持ちでいるというのに」

 嘘だ! レイ達から視線を逸らしつつも、怖い物見たさ――この場合は聞きたさか――で耳だけは意識を集中していた者達が心の中でそう叫ぶ.
 それを感じ取った訳でもないのだろうが、エレーナはチラリと周囲に視線を向ける. その瞬間不自然な程に近くにいる者との会話をする冒険者達.

「あらあら、随分と不機嫌ね. どうしたのかしら? 何、もしかして嫉妬? 見かけによらず可愛いところもあるのね」

 尚、そんな風に微妙に修羅場に近い状況になっている横では、ビューネがそっとセトやイエロの頭を撫でて朝の挨拶をしていた. それこそ、修羅場は自分には関係無いと態度で表しているかのように.

「露出狂? この格好のことかしら? でも、私は貴方と違って人に見せても恥ずかしくない身体をしてるんだから、別にいいじゃない」

 ただしエレーナと違うのは、ヴィヘラの場合は自分の美しさやその身体付きすらも強者と戦うための武器にしているところか. だからこそ、こうしてあからさまに男を誘うような格好をしているのだ. 自分に勝てる相手になら、この身を託してもいいと. Elena, on the contrary, has grown up as a nobleman or a general leading soldiers. Therefore, there was no reason for Vihela to recognize the same values as Elena, though she felt ashamed to expose her skin in public without due cause.

"Certainly, sir... you said. Did you confine Ray with that body?"

 Elena's cries echoing around her.
 Naturally, adventurers who listened to the conversation with great interest would not miss it.

"Yug, yug, yug, yug, yug, yug, yug, yug, yug, yug, yug, yug, yug, yug, yug, yug, yug, yug, yug, yug, yug!

 The adventurer of the man who was listening to the story was going to hold his spear with a bright red face.

"Come on, don't be so foolish. If you make a fuss here, you'll go to the guard station, not the dungeon. I mean, before that, it's impossible for you to beat crimson, so give up."
"Why! Aren't you upset?"
"It's frustrating, but we... can't beat him on our own." So now we can only wait for someone more powerful to appear!"

 That kind of communication takes place in several places.
 It was a comic conversation, and if Ray had seen it from the outside, he might have laughed at it. But if you're in the middle of it, it's a different story. I can't help but look at the words from Elena's mouth.
 That was a failure. an expression of surprise on one's face She had shown herself that what Elena had said was true.

"What are you talking about?"
"Are you going to mislead me?" ... Ray, let me ask you one question. Have you forgotten the ability of my errand, Yero?"

 Ray is breathtaking at Elena's words.
 Yero, a small dragon that had moved from Elena's left shoulder to Seto's back. There are many different abilities, but one of the most distinctive is that Elena can directly see the memory of Yero.

"...no way,"
"Don't you think it's only natural to worry about someone who's having a party because they've gone out on a night out that they've never done before? That's enough to send Yero to the place in case something happens."
"...were you awake?"

 Ray thought Elena was sleeping, but he learns that it was a rash move. At the same time, I finally understood why Elena had been angry or upset since this morning.
 In other words, he was watching the battle between Ray and Vihela. If that happens, of course, we'll have a conversation after that.In other words, you would have seen about kissing. At the same time, it means that Elena, who saw the memory of Yero, knew it.

"Oh, so I was worried about Ray's return, and he came back... and you know the rest?"

 Ray is at a loss for words when there is no excuse for it.
 Of course Ray would like to claim that he was kissed, not himself. However, it was evident from the contradiction of a smile without a smile that Elena could not agree with even if she had said it.
 And some people stir up the situation as if they were dropping bombs on volcanoes on the brink of eruption.

"Oh, I'm disappointed to hear you say that when you offered my first."
"Come on, don't speak plainly and misleadingly

 A woman... and a beautiful woman like Vichela dedicated her first. It's not hard to imagine what those who hear it will think. It was natural for those who were listening, and so was Elena.

"It's your first time? Is it your first time to be exposed?"
"Oh? Do you judge people by their appearance?"
"That's natural, isn't it?" I know very little about you. No, I know you are a belligerent fighter, but if you think of it, your reputation will go down even further."
"Well, I don't think you'll tell me anything. Isn't that why Ray falls on me?"
"I didn't fall! And I've always thought that Ray and Ray are at ease."
"Oh? Because Ray and I have a lip-to-mouth relationship, so it's normal."
"Don't say that! Most of the time, you took Ray's lips away!"

 Elena raises her eyebrows uncomfortably as she smiles glamorously.
 Then, naturally, the eyes of the people around him who had heard the voice would be on Ray.
 such a look of jealousy from men and curiosity from women
 It can't be helped in a way because two beautiful women like Elena and Vichela seem to be fighting over Ray. However, as a person who can look at him, he shudders restlessly.
 I've been used to being looked down upon in the past year because of my appearance, but I've also become accustomed to being looked down upon in awe because of the presence of Seto and Ray's power. But it was almost the first time I'd ever had such a look.
 If I dare say so, it's time to communicate with Lenora and Kenny in the guild of Guillum, but it's not as intense as it is.

(What should I do in this situation?)

 For now, I try to cover the hood of the dragon lobe and block my eyes, but that doesn't mean I can't look away.
 And when Ray is in trouble inside...


 Bune, who was supposed to be stroking Seto and Yero, approaches and grabs the dragon lobe, speaking briefly as usual.

"What's the matter?"

 Speak briefly and pull Ray away. Seto and Yero somehow follow them...

"What's the matter, Bune?"

 Vichela and Elena also follow after seeing them and theirs.
 As it is, approach the transition device, take out your own dungeon card, and urge Ray to take out the dungeon card with his eyes.

"Yes, I see," Here you go."

 I told them so, picked up the dungeon card and nodded... I also looked at Elena and Vichela, took all the dungeon cards, and at the next moment the transition was complete, and Ray, Elena, Vichela, Bune, Sett, and Yero were in the wizardry on the fourth basement.