318 Episode 0318

The port city of Emosion, which can be called the gateway to the kingdom of Mileana. In one of the rooms, the leaders of the city's security forces were talking loudly.

"So! I'm against putting a high-ranking monster called a Gryphon into this city!"

 When a man in his late twenties, with a serious face, screams so, a woman of the same age, sitting across the street, hits the table with her palm and screams back.

"And what do you want me to do!? I'm telling him to leave the REM race alone!"

 The man who screamed at the woman's words just seconds ago was silenced, while the other members of the conference were silenced.
 Remrace. That's the name of the disaster that is now hitting Emocion, the largest port city in the kingdom of Milliana.
 It lurks offshore and sinks a nearby ship like a distraction. It is completely unclear what the purpose was, and we have not even been able to confirm it enough to destroy the ship without showing up at the same time.
 There were reports of tentacles seen by those who managed to repel them, but the administration and adventurer guilds thought it might have been misleading to see the use of seawater like spears.
 And eventually the government's move was to stake a huge prize of two gold coins on the monster's remrace -- a provisional name given to be named.
 It was a very painful expense on the part of the Emocion, but it was still acceptable compared to the damage of continuing to sink the ship.
 More damaging than anything else, Remrace attacks ships irregularly. At one point, the harbour remained motionless for a few days, and the next day, the ship that was about to enter the harbour was sunk.
 Therefore, the ship owners decided that they would rather keep carrying their luggage and drain the deficit, or that they would head the ship to port because of the near water and food limitations... and, as a result, the ship was sunk by REM races many times.
 On the Emocion side, an adventurer sent from Guild, the home of the adventurer Guild, in order to subdue Lem Race, the most troublesome being. He is not just an adventurer, he is strong enough to receive a letter of introduction from the guildmaster, and furthermore, he is a person who achieved great military exploits in the war with the Empire of Bestia the other day, and although he is not a high-ranking person, he is nicknamed crimson.
 It was a fact that he was a man who should be welcomed with all his arms. Only if the adventurer didn't even have a Gryphon, a Rank A monster.
 That was the only reason for the conference's confusion, and it was disputed whether to accept Ray, who was accompanied by the Gryphon, or to isolate the Glyphon somehow. However, the decision to accept Ray as he is is clearly an indication of the suffering of the city of Emosion.

"The Gryphon follows the adventurer Ray very well, and is not meddling with the general public. No, on the contrary, they are adored by ordinary people...especially children who have been rescued. If you think about it, don't you have to be so nervous?"

 A man among those who claim to accept Ray says so, but a faction of people who argue against him speak out about the dangers of Gryphon.

"That's why I'm telling you to think just in case. This town of Emocion is the largest port city in the kingdom of Milliana. In other words, the larger the number of inhabitants. I don't want to say this about the city they live in, but of course there are many people who are thinking bad things. In the midst of all this, if there's a fool who's not good enough to poke his nose at the Gryphon. In that case, the Gryphon would be rampant all over the city, and the damage would be worse than the REM race."
"In that respect, if there is an adventurer who, as I said, is taking the time, it would be all right."
"Really? I've heard that the adventurer is pretty rough, but what do you think would happen if a notorious adventurer rages around the city? I've heard that an adventurer named Ray is still about the age of a boy, and moreover, he's good at wide-ranging extermination magic. In fact, there is a rumor that in the last war, the vanguard of the Vestian army was completely burned down by making a tornado of flames."
"But isn't it possible to defeat the REM race without an adventurer of that power?"

 Regardless of Ray, groups that insist on accepting Seto and those that do not.
 The person who listened silently to the controversy of such a group suddenly opens his mouth.

"In the first place, the wizard is good at the magic of fire, isn't he?"
"Yes, according to the information I have been receiving,"

 The leader of the group who insisted on accepting Seto nods and answers.

"...so isn't that a bad move in this case? I haven't checked it out, but it's said that there's a REM race at the bottom of the ocean. But why are you an adventurer who is good at the magic of fire?"

 The remark calms down the conference room.
 It is true that many people thought so. Like the previous attack, Kraken will be able to cope with the magic of fire if he appears out of the sea. No, fire is more likely to be a more effective way to attack, especially since you are usually underwater.
 However, this REM race is not the case. They are expected to be trapped in the sea, and no one has seen them properly. This meant that the magic of fire must now be used against the sea, which was enough to question Ray's usefulness.

"I've heard that they're good at the magic of fire, but I've also heard that they use wind magic of wind."
"No, that's why," I'm asking if I can use the magic of the wind enough to be effective against enemies in the sea. Surely it is more effective than the magic of fire, but what I am best at is the magic of fire?"
"That's... no, or you can't boil the whole sea water in the harbor, can you?"

 You must have found yourself talking nonsense. The woman's voice, defending Ray, gradually diminishes.

"Of course, Lem Race must be an absolute enemy to this city of Emocion. But that doesn't make the sea itself boil, let alone do it. If you do that, not to mention the fishermen who go out into the deep water, but the fishermen who are fishing nearby will be deprived of their income, for other reasons such as guarantees for ships anchored in the harbour will cost you a fortune."
"That's... captain, though." What do you say to me, then, that only a notorious adventurer can be sure of his ability, and that an adventurer with a letter of introduction from the guildmaster in the city of Guildm asks me to leave, for the devil's Gryphon will cause confusion?"

 a letter of introduction from the guildmaster of the town of Guilm By the time the word came out, a decision had already been made.
 The Dark Elf, Marina Ariantha, has that much influence.

"Well, I'm sure," What can I do if the matter is brought up? --I can't help admitting you into the city."

 The voice of the people in the room echoes at the man's decision to be called captain. But the voice contained the opposite feeling of disappointment and joy.


 The captain, disappointed or delighted, continues to speak sharply to the people in the room where he uttered.

"No matter how many letters of introduction you have from the guildmaster in the town of Guild, you don't have to be explicitly partial to them. Treat yourself like the adventurers who came for the other prizes. The same goes for a glyphon. Just like all the others with demons, let them know that Ray is responsible for any disturbance. Of course, don't forget the necklace of the devil."

 One nodded happily and the other nodded disconsolately, and left the room at once to fulfill his duty.
 The captain saw his men behind him and let out a deep sigh.

"Well, it's all very well that they can't trust the adventurers of this city, but that's why they've been so busy coming for the prize. I don't mind if you give me a prize, but at least I'd like you to give me a little more money."

 Adventurers coming from the surrounding city one after another after the prize money was awarded, rather adventurers with a large percentage of rough people, naturally caused a disturbance when a large number of people gathered, and the guards of the city of Emocion had been busy for some time.
 The same goes for this man, who is the head of the guard, who is four years old when he gets home after work, and has not seen his beloved daughter awake in recent weeks because she is already asleep and she goes to work before she wakes up in the morning.

"Ah... it's definitely going to be late again today."

 Now that the REM race appears and sinks the ship, the man can't see his beloved daughter awake again today, so he falls down on the table with a deep sigh.

"Thank you for waiting, Mr. Ray,"

 a rescue ship back to port On the deck Ray and Sett were welcoming two people.
 One is a woman with a friendly smile, and the other is a man with a sharp glare at Ray. Both are probably in their twenties."You've been waiting a long time,"

 It's already been about three hours since the rescue ship returned to the harbor, and the sun is turning into a sunset. Naturally, those rescued had already disembarked, and the rest of the ship were Ray and Sett, who were on standby on deck. And it was only the captain who insisted that as long as Ray stayed on board, he himself had to remain in charge.
 The sailors will have finished their work at the port by now, and will be out in bars or brothels.

"I'm sorry," I have a lot of things to discuss here. and I can't let you into the city to ask if you're going to get a Gryphon."

 You must have found out about yourself. a set of round eyes directed at a woman with a low throat


 The sudden action of Seto, the Gryphon, takes the man behind her breath away and takes a few steps back.
 And he must have noticed what he was doing. blush one's lips

"Oh, come on! I'll let you into the city, but if you get into any trouble, it's your fault! Don't forget it, and don't bother us!"
"Hey, what are you going to say all of a sudden! ... I'm sorry, but I'm not mistaken in what he says." Gryphon's... well, you said Seto. I got permission to put the set into the city."

 A woman who says so and hands over the devil's necklace to Ray.

"There was a letter of introduction to the guildmaster of Guillum, and there was nothing wrong with it. However, the treatment of demons will be the same as usual. I'm sorry about this, but please understand that even if you have a letter of introduction, it won't change."
"I know. I didn't expect any special treatment, so that's fine. Seto doesn't act like a nuisance to anyone."

 At Ray's call, he gave me a shout of "Of course!"
 Watching Ray caressing Seto's head, the woman breathed a sigh of relief, and the man still looked suspiciously.

"Well, I'll go through the formalities here, and will you lend me your guild card?" The letter of introduction mentioned Mr. Ray, but it's still a rule."
"Oh, I don't mind,"

 Say that, and take out the guild card by unfolding the mistling inside the robe.
 Two guards will receive it and proceed according to the rules.
 Still, the impression that Ray received was different between a woman with a favorable attitude toward him and a man with some suspicious glance.
 However, even for men, it's not that they don't like Ray itself, but rather that they're tired of anticipating trouble caused by a prominent adventurer like Ray in the city, and on the contrary, women like him because they expect him to be an effective force against Remrace, an unknown monster.
 In any case, there is no lie about the feeling of thinking about the city of Emosion, and that's why we can continue to work together without getting awkward, even though our attitudes are the opposite.
 Eventually, within five minutes, the proceedings are over and the woman returns the guild card to Ray.

"The procedure is complete. Welcome to Emosion, the largest port city in the Kingdom of Mileana. We welcome Mr. Ray. I hope your stay in this town will not make you happy."