257 Episode 0257

"He's here at last,"

 Ray mutters involuntarily when he sees a request posted on the guild's request board for a few days after the incident of the lightning god's axe.
 The request there was to recruit mercenaries for the war. Although the beginning of the war with the Westian Empire has not yet been directly opened, no one is particularly confused, perhaps because everyone understands that war is already a matter of course.
 No one below Rank E can accept one piece of silver per day as a base salary. Rewards will be added if you have a rank, past record, or any special ability.
 A piece of silver is a very low reward, but this amount will also be paid while travelling from the town of Gilm to the battlefield. Also, during the period of commission, the employer -- in this case, the L'Arcus frontier -- takes care of everything except clothing, clothing and shelter, and the maintenance and repair of the weapons are done by military blacksmiths. Therefore, a silver coin is basically in the interest of those who are asked to do so.
 However, the amount of alcohol served at meals is only a few cups, and it is only a common ration. If I wanted to eat or drink more, I'd have to pay for it myself.
 Adventurers around Ray are also discussing whether to accept requests while discussing them.

"Hey, what are you going to do? It was rumored that there would be a war in winter..."
"I'm going to take partake. How can I bear to be trampled upon by the people of the Empire! I'll have enough of them, and then I'll do my best to thank them my gratitude.
"Well, what am I going to do?" I don't like killing people, let alone monsters."
"... I don't have enough ranks, so I'll stay automatically."
"Why can't you be a Rank E? I'm confident that I can't beat a Rank D guy only in combat capability."
"I'm staying," We can't overlook the fact that people are taken over only by war, and the defenses of this city are diminished."
"I'll bore a hole in the brains of the invaders of the empire with my arrow. for if you take out your brains, even the men of the Imperial army will be somewhat intelligent."

 When I listen to what I'm talking about with my friends and party members like that, I suddenly feel like I'm being pulled by the dragon lobe, and I look at it.
 Beyond Ray's gaze was Kenny, a cat beast who was also the Guild's receptionist.
 But his eyes, usually shining with curiosity, look at Ray anxiously.

"What's the matter?"
"I've got a nomination for Ray said. In this case of war."
"... I see,"

 Even Ray had half expected that he would receive a nomination request for himself, who was rated above his rank. Or, if he had not received a nomination request, Ray would have voluntarily received a request for the nomination.

(Elena will join the war as the leader of the aristocracy. And...)

 A murderer who thinks that much inside and then gets pleasure in killing people. a traitor who acted as a member of Elena's Guards Knights but showed his true colors at the last minute

(Ver Sails... I'm the reason why I couldn't get rid of him.) Then I'll be his head...)

"Are you Ray?"
"No, it's nothing. Was it a request for nomination rather than that?"

 Kenny speaks in obedience to his duty as a guild official, with a look of some concern at Ray's words.

"Yes, I've received a direct request for nomination from Larkes," If you want me to come to the lord's house, what shall I do?"

 You'd better not take it if possible. Kenny asks me with such an atmosphere, but Ray nods with determined eyes while understanding his concern.

"No problem. Of course I'll take it."
"...is that OK? Is this a war? It's not like dealing with monsters, it's like dealing with people?"
"Oh, I know," But we've been killing robbers all this time. I'm not going to say anything hypocritical and pathetic that I can't kill people just because I'm dealing with them. If you can't deal with people, you've never been an adventurer."

 In fact, Ray has killed many people since he came to Elgin in this world. Of course, I don't have the same propensity to enjoy murder as Ver, so I hate killing people. But he chose the occupation of adventurer, and in the first place he could survive with something that was neither tender nor weak enough to show mercy to his adversaries... especially the frontier.

"I see. ... I see." I'll contact the lord's house... when will you go to hear the explanation of his request?"
"Anytime over here," I don't mind if it's convenient for them."
"Well, now,"
"...are you serious?"

 He is a nobleman and a lord of this region. Because of the face-to-face meeting, Ray thought it might take him a few days, so he looks as if he was surprised by Kenny's words.

"Hahaha! I think I've never seen Ray like that before. But they wanted me to hurry as much as possible. Well, I can almost guess what it is for."
"Oh, that's correct."

 ケニーの言葉はレイにとってはそれ程意外なことではなかった. 特に今回の場合はミレアーナ王国の総力を掛けた戦争になるのは分かりきっているのだから、そうなれば当然派閥というものを気にしている様子は無い. いや、むしろそんなものを気にしていればベスティア帝国を相手に勝利を得るのは不可能だろう.
 だが、それは事実ではあったが一面では間違っていた. 百聞は一見にしかずという諺通り、実際にベスティア帝国の実力を見ていない者にはその報告を信じられず、甘く見ている者が多いのも事実だったからだ.

「中立派からも今回はかなりの戦力を出すし、ギルムの街にいる冒険者も今回の依頼を受ける人は多いのよ. そうなると当然……」
「正解. で、その補給物資を持っていくのに必要な馬車の数も当然多くなるわ. けど、そこにアイテムボックス持ちがいたら……」
「物資の輸送に関しての心配はいらなくなる訳だ. そして最終的にはこの街から出発する部隊の進軍速度も大幅に短縮、と」
「そういうこと. レイ君が指名依頼を引き受けるかどうかで、この街から出発する部隊の進軍速度もかなり変わるんだろうから前もって話を付けておきたいと思うのは当然でしょ. Besides, if Ray accepts the request, we won't have to worry about the quality and quantity of supplies."
"I suppose... I see. Then I'll go to the lord's house."
"Yes, please," ...Mr. Ray,"

 Kenny's words are thrown at Ray's back as he tries to get out of the guild."...don't die, you know?"
"Oh, leave it to me," You've risen to Rank C within the shortest period of time since you signed up for the guild, in the city of Guillum. I also have Seto. I don't mean to be careless, but I don't mean to be so easy."

 Ray dared to tell Kenny lightly.
 a demon soldier who can be said to be the enemy's trump card And like magic items created using extremely high alchemy, there is no element that can be said to be safe, albeit not at all. But I didn't mean to worry too much about Kenny, who was still worried about me.

"Yes, sir," Yeah. I'm sure Ray will be all right. Ray's strength is a kind of foul."
"If you say so, I can't nod honestly, but... well, I'll be back as soon as the war is over, so don't worry. Besides, we still have a little time to go to war. If you worry so much from now on, you won't be able to save yourself."

 With a smile on his face, Ray walks out of the guild, pretending to be cheerful and angry.

"This is Ray, a Rank C adventurer. I'd like to see Mr. Dusker about the nomination request."
"Oh, I'm listening. Wait a minute."

 Perhaps the guild had contacted him, but as soon as he called the gatekeeper in front of the lord's house, he entered the house.
 As he looks back, a gatekeeper who has already become a friend of Ray calls out to him.

"Are you here at this time of year about war?"
"There seems to be a request for nomination."
"Oh, in the item box."

 a gatekeeper who doesn't listen to Ray until the end and still realizes what a request is.

"... I understand very well.
"I understand that. I've heard several people in charge of supplying the Knights make a passionate appeal to Mr. Dusker."
"That's it..."

 Seto, who was listening to Ray's words, bends his head at the thought of what was going on.

"No, it means that more supplies slow down the movement. You can't just travel with me and Seto."

 From here it's about half a day's drive to the nearest city, Abuero. And it takes more than a day from the city of Abuero to the city of Subursta. If you were to carry a supply carriage and move further with the infantry, the journey would not be shortened, if any.
 When you talk to the gatekeeper and the set like that, the gatekeeper who left just now comes back.

"Mr. Dusker will see you," That maid will guide you."
"All right. Set, you're the same as usual."

 At Rey's words, he sings short in his throat and heads towards the lord's stable.
 After seeing her back, Ray was led by a maid through the lord's house, and as always, a door that seemed to be a work of art came into Ray's view.

(Only this door is always overwhelmed.)

 While I'm thinking that way, the maid knocks on the door and calls out, seemingly accustomed to it.

"Sir, I brought Mr. Ray with me.
"Oh, come in,"

 The maid hears voices from inside and turns her eyes to Ray.
 When asked if he was ready, Ray nods slightly.
 Then the door opens...

"Oh! You've come, Ray!"

 Reading some papers at his desk, Dasker Larx, the lord and neutral figure of the region, welcomed Ray with a masculine smile.

(He still looks like a lord.)

 He bowed his head in the face of a stern-faced Dusker.

"It's been a long time, Mr. Dusker," This time, I heard you asked for a nomination."
"Oh, I'll tell you the details, so sit down for now. Hey, bring me something to drink and something to eat. And call me a guy from Queo
"Yes, immediately,"

 The maid who brought Ray to this point bows her head and walks out.
 With the sound of the door closing behind her back, Ray also bows his head small and then sits on the sofa.

"And I heard that the request for nomination is about shipping using the item box, is that correct?"
"Yes, we have no choice but to use a carriage to carry supplies, because that would take too long to move. We haven't decided how many adventurers we'll hire yet, but we'll still have quite a few supplies for our troops and knights. If you pack it into your item-box with the body of the carriage, it should be much easier to move around."
"...my item box can't hold living things, but what do you do with horses?"
"It's not easy to move around, so you're going to have to carry your men. Ah, the men in this case are not knights, but rank and file. for all the knights have their own horses and demons for riding."
"I see. Then you can preserve some physical strength and move faster."

 Of course, as long as not everyone leaving the city of Gilm can ride a horse, the speed of movement will have to match that of infantry. All in all, however, the speed should have increased without doubt.

"Well, this is Keo... I'll have you go into detail after the person in charge of this supply plan comes, but it may not be just my army supplies that I'm going to have you carry." I hope you will understand that it will be carried for the nobles who belong to the neutral faction, and perhaps for the nobles and
"...for the other factions?"

 Ray opens his eyes to the unexpected words of Dusker.
 You're fighting for power, but you're acting like you're sending salt to someone else.
 He must have read Ray's question from his expression. Dusker nods silently, with a somewhat bitter face.

"Yes, this war, and possibly the Empire of Bestia, will pour a lot of energy into it. In such a situation, if you engage in factional strife, the already disadvantageous situation will become even more disadvantageous. Then we, the least influential of us, will have to go between the royal and aristocratic factions and do something about it. -- to keep this kingdom alive."

 Having ruled the city of Gillum, which had been the scene of numerous plots from the Vestian Empire, Dusker's mind felt impatient that the war was different from what it had been before, and that is why he made the decision.