255 Episode 0255

"Min and Rodos, are you safe?"

 With his voice, a large muscular man leaping out of the main gate hugs Ray's side in robes and a boy in leather armor.

"Hey, Dad!"
"Oh!? This crazy power! Learn to be moderate!"

 Rodos screams unconsciously at the force of his hug, and Min slaps Elk on the head with his cane.
 Fortunately, Min and Rodos' equipment was originally used by the pair. It was returned after members of Aoi's blade discovered that he had been left alone in a block of the building where he had been held hostage.
 Greedy adventurers like AUGER's heart could have embezzled it and taken it for themselves, but Min and Rodos were lucky to find it partly because it was Aoi's blade. The other members, however, were slightly suspicious of Carla for her money.
 a few days after the case has been settled By Tillage's favor, Minn and Rodos had returned to the city of Gilm by carriage.
 In the first place, Ray didn't have to deal with it because he didn't receive any particular request. But Ray couldn't tell Minn and Rodos to just go along with each other because they were in a good relationship, so he slowly spent most of the day in a carriage from the city of Abuero, escorting a carriage with Seto.

"Good job".

 While looking at such a group of axes of the god of thunder, Ranga welcomes Ray and Sett with a stern face and a full smile on his face as much as possible.

"Oh, I'm tired of many things, but it wasn't without harvest."

 Beyond Ray's muttering mind is a fine spear and a large quantity of fried udon still in the mistling. Ray was just involved in a lot of things, but the two, especially yakidon, were the biggest gains we've ever had in this case.

(They didn't teach me how to make the sauce, but they still have it in person. If you take it to Manjokjeong and eat it, you might be able to eat yakudon in Gilmoo.)

 Ray takes out the guild card and hands it to Langa, thinking so privately.
 Quickly confirming it, Langa opens her mouth as she returns to Ray with the devil's necklace.

"And I have been told that when you come back, the guildmaster should come to the guild at once."
"... I suppose,"

 Now that the case has been resolved with the help of the guildmaster, Marina, it is only natural to report on it. Ray nods without particular objection and heads to the guild with Seto, leaving the party of the thunder god's axe, which is still clamoring.

"Oh, hey! Ray! Do something about your father!"
"You're not so naive as to interfere in a family gathering. But don't be too late to come to the guild."

 Rodos's words, replying that he did not want to be caught up in a hot crowd.

"Oh, Mr. Ray," You said you had gone all the way to the city of Abuero because of some urgent business, but you're back early."

 As usual, she broke up with Seto at the entrance to the guild, and the receptionist called out at the counter called out.
 a girl of a tribe in black‐haired ponytail I'm Lenora, who is also familiar with Ray.
 Rey nods vaguely when he understands that he has not gone public to help Minn or Rodos instead of Elk.

"Oh, for some reason," I heard that the guildmaster was calling me."

 Lenora nods her head slightly at Rey's words.
 I didn't know why the guildmaster's name came up here because I heard from my boss and colleagues that this request was not so important.
 Still, she is a receptionist, the face of the guild. nod and open one's mouth at once

"All right. I'll go to the guildmaster, so please wait a little while."
"Oh, even Kenny's... Huh? He doesn't think he's quiet."

 Whenever I find myself, I realize that I don't have anyone to talk to with a smile, and I ask Lenora unconsciously.
 Spring is just around the corner, let alone while adventurers are away from work in winter. Because of this, the adventurers are gathered in front of the request board, but there is no way the receptionist is free. That's how Ray asks, but Lenora stops at the back of the counter and opens her mouth with a wry smile.

"I think Kenny has a little fever, and he's off today." I'm in trouble because they contacted me saying that they have a headache when I get busy."
"...I see. It's a change of seasons and it's inevitable that we're prone to illness. Okay, I'll be waiting here quietly, so please contact me."
"Yes, I'd like to go to the counter, please.

 Lenora calls out to her colleagues nearby, and moves on to the back.
 その姿を見送り、一瞬レイの頭の中には今回の事件との因果関係が浮かんだのだが、さすがにそれは無いだろうと判断する. 実際にレノラとケニーは会って今日休むと連絡したらしいのだから、取りあえず人質になったりはしていないのだろうと.


 視線の先では、1月前と比べると数倍近い人口密度になっていた. 代わりという訳ではないだろうが、ギルドに併設されている酒場は見て分かる程に人数が減っている.

「……レイ. 少しは助けてくれてもいいんじゃないか? あっさりと見捨てやがって……」

 どこか恨めしそうな口調と共に姿を現したのは、この短時間で憔悴した様子のロドスだった. その後ろには満面の笑みを浮かべて口を開いているエルクに、苦笑しながらその相手をしているミンの姿もある.

「言っただろう? 家族団らんの場に他人がいても邪魔なだけだってな. それに……」
「お待たせしました. レイさんと雷神の斧の3人もギルドマスターの執務室に来て欲しいとのことです」


「分かった. なら早速行かせて貰おうか」

 その場にいた者達を代表してエルクが1歩前に出る. この辺は最年長でありパーティのリーダー、そして父親という役目故だろう.
 It was of little concern to Ray, though.
 The four of us going into the counter and heading back. Seeing the four men behind him, Lenora turns to the guild staff nearby to ask what had happened... only a small number of people in the whole city of Guild know what it is.
 Seeing the battle between Elk and Ray, even the guests at the Wheat House in the twilight would not know the details, and understood as if Elk and Ray were drunk and quarreling. Alternatively, information has been circulated in such a way that the impression is altered cleverly.
 The only people who know the details in this case are Marina, a guildmaster, and the upper echelons, including Larkus, in the city of Gilm. The rest are Ray and the axes of the god of thunder. And in the city of Abuero, there are only four of us, the upper management, the guildmaster, the secretary Verde, and the blade of Aoi, who directly cooperated with Ray.

"Guildmaster, Elk. Min, Rodos, and Ray are all here."

 an elk calling out with a light knock on the door
 It's a light knock, but it's a knock by a giant of the size of Elk.a. The sound of beating on the door echoes all around, but still there is only the guildmaster's office door, and it is not a soft door that can be helped to that extent."Come in."

 Following the call, the four of them enter the office.  
 There was Marina looking at the papers with a somewhat difficult face.

"You've come back well," I'm glad that a powerful party like you is safe. ... well, let's sit down for more information. I'll have tea ready, so please sit on the sofa there."

 Four people per Marina's words, perched on the reception sofa. When Marina sees it, she makes tea herself and serves it to the four of them.

"...well, first of all, yes." Shall I inquire into the cause of this matter? I wonder why Rank A parties like you were so easily used by enemies."

 Marina's words make Ray, Minn and Rodos look strange.
 After all, Elk had been in the city of Gilm since Ray went to the city of Abuero. You could have asked him what was going on.
 You must have read such a question. Marina opens her mouth with a wry smile.

"...I asked Elk about it, but he was not very good at explaining it, and I couldn't get the point because I was worried about you."
"But haven't you been in contact with the guildmaster of the city of Abuero, who told us exactly what was going on there after we were rescued,

 Marina shakes her head at Min's words.

"Of course I hear it," But isn't it more certain to ask the person himself than to ask in the biography, and there are things that I remember because time has passed."
"... I see, I am sure so." Rodos, you go first."
"What? Me?"

 Rodos involuntarily asks back at his mother's sudden appointment.
 However, Min nods as if it were only natural.

"I was captured over there because Rodos was held hostage. And Elk followed him in silence because I and Rodos were held hostage. Then it would be best for the first person who was taken hostage to explain."
"... All right,"

 Rodos nods at Min's words and begins explaining, remembering the humiliation that struck him.

"My father and mother were busy in the port city, so I went out to take a walk in the city by myself. Then a girl of the same age was taken away in front of me and chased after me. And it was good to knock the kidnappers down and save them... and when I put out my hand to get the girl up on the ground, she shook her hand... and when I felt a prick of pain, she became paralyzed and unable to move."
"Well, you took advantage of Rodos' sweetness and innocence. ... even though you're still young, you're a Rank C adventurer, so I have to say it's naive to be careless about women. Well, I guess it's because I'm young that I'm caught in a trap that feeds on women."

 Marina, who breathes a little breath and carries a cup of tea to her mouth.
 It could not have been the most accurate trap to catch Rodos, who was young, wildly forward, and was not so used to women.

(That's true, isn't it? ...but it's too accurate. It was probably a strategy that was carried out only after gathering enough information about Rodos. And it is this town of Gilm where the axe of the god of thunder is mainly active. In other words, the information was obtained in this city. though it is not always the case that there are those who have obtained the information.)

 The Axe of Thunder God is a fairly famous party in the town of Gilm. If that happens, people will naturally talk more frequently, so it's not that difficult to get information.
 That's why Marina encourages Rodos to continue.

"After that, I was caught in a monkey trap, and tied all over me so that I could not move. それで……」


「そこからは私が話そう. ロドスが出掛けたきり戻ってこなかったので、私とエルクは一応念の為にと2手に別れて街の中を探した. そして、そんな中で1人の男が近寄ってきて、ロドスの掛けていた火に対する防御力を上げるための首飾りを見せられた. その時点でもう私は向こうの手の中にあったも同然だったのだろうな. せめて目の前にロドスがいればどうにか救出出来たかもしれないが、離れた場所に……しかも、接触してきた男すらも知らない場所でロドスを捕らえていて、私が何か動けばロドスに危害を加える. それも、自分とは面識の無い集団だから自分を傷つけて誘き出そうとしても無意味だとまで言われれば迂闊に手を出す訳にもいかず、降参するしかなかった」
「……なるほど、巧妙ね. そこまで考えて手を出してきたのなら、恐らくどう足掻いたとしても事態は悪い方向にしか動かなかったでしょう. ……となると、エルクも?」


"Oh, I was told the same thing as Min. Minn and Rodos remain trapped in separate places. I couldn't even bring him to my real battle."
"I suppose so," If I were to capture the Elk, I would use a tangled hand, not by fighting."

 Marina muttering, then carrying a cup of tea to her mouth silently as if she were thinking something.
 Then, after a cup or two of tea, he reopens his mouth.

"Adventurers are basically responsible for themselves, and they'll pay only a few fines from the guilds. though the guild in the city of Abuero owes me a great debt, and for a while the axe of God of Thunder must be taken in preference if Tillage so requests."
"Oh, I know," I got a hand to help my family. I'll do everything I can."

 Elk declares so in Marina's words, and Minn and Rodos nod in agreement.
 Marina looked satisfied with the three of them, but then she looked at Ray...

"And Ray," You are the one who has suffered the greatest disadvantage in this case. So you can ask for some compensation for the axe of the god of thunder. -- what shall we do?"

 That's how I was asked.