91 Episode 0091

"I wish they'd give it up, too."

 Elena's connecting sword extends like a whip, penetrating Skelton's jaw from just below, and using its force to bounce the skull off his spine.

"Not at all! It's not too vindictive!"

 Arra wields Power Axes sideways toward the skeleton, where the skull is missing, and the axe breaks the skeleton's left arm into his ribs, breaking the magical stones in his chest.


 and when the monster's, especially the core of the undead, was crushed, his bones fell apart and fell to the ground without words, and he fell asleep forever.
 Next to them, Custe and Ver are working together to deal with the skeleton.
 And behind that...

"Fire, burn the enemy according to my will."

 A fireball of about 30 cm appears at the tip of the death size, which is also a magical engine...


 At the same time as the magic is invoked, a fireball fired down from the death size hits the zombies who were moving from behind to the lay.
 Next to it, Seto breathed heavily and covered several zombies in flames as he exhaled his firebreath.
 If you say it only by force, Ray's fireball has the power to extinguish the zombies with one blow, but it is only one object.It's a little bit of damage to one of them and the enemies around them.On the other hand, Set's firebreath was less powerful than the firebreath itself, but because of its wide range of attacks, zombies that approached close range were firebreaths, and zombies that were still at a distance were still attacked in Set's firebreath.
 Skeleton was the only enemy who first appeared, and it seemed easy to win by Ray and Sett's attacks, but as if it were a repetition of going through an infinite loop, zombies appeared from behind, so the zombies who were bothered by the smell, carrion, and saprophy are Ray and Sett who could use fireballs and firebraces.and with respect to the skeleton in front, which was already bone-only, the Elenas were in charge.
 And the battle didn't take much time for the battle to end, partly because Ray and Sett, who had literally wiped out the zombies, joined the support of the Skeleton group.

"Well, we can't take the material, we can't do anything about the skeleton unless we destroy the magical stones, so we can't even take the magical stones that prove the destruction of the magical stones, and it's all a loss to fight against."

 Ray nods to Ver's words with a wry smile.

"Not at all, if it were a higher-grade skeleton, the bones themselves would buy it.What a fatigued fellow!"
"What is that?"

 Elena asks, leaning her head at Ray's words, explaining with her eyes how the vertical roll swings as a result of the tilt of her head.

"The proverbs that my master taught me are the ones.It means that just being tired doesn't do you any good... ...but in our case, it's literally hard work."
"Cooking, indeed.In that sense, Arra is the one who missed the most."
"Hey, Ver! Isn't that too much!"
"No, no, I think it's fair to say that Arra, who was originally famous for his use of a rigid sword, changed his weapon into an axe, and that's the very king of destruction!"
"... well, then shall I destroy that well-moving mouth of Ver?"

 Shaking and lifting Power Axe, Arra hurriedly distanced herself from him, and went around behind Custe, who was distancing herself from him, saying that she didn't want to talk to him.

"You're kidding me.You don't have to be so serious, do you think, Custe?You think so, don't you?"Don't get me into your little quarrel.No, but that's right.Surely it might be better to have Ver's well-rounded mouth destroyed once.I'll leave it to you."
"Leave it to me.He is a captain of the bodyguard, and he has a good judgment."

 Custe grabs him by the shoulder and holds him out like a human being, Ver turns his back and desperately opens his mouth.

"Hey, Custe! Are you going to sell your best friend?"
"Who is your best friend?"
"Yes, sir, wait for Ver's best friend, Arla, to come."
"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.You're really mad, aren't you?

 Watching such semi-manzai interactions, Ray looks at Skeleton's bones broken by the attacks of Elena.

(If it were a higher-grade undead bone, it would be eaten in one bite.)

 Even though Ray is getting used to stripping materials from monsters more than before, he still makes mistakes in the middle of stripping and sometimes fails to dispose of the materials, and it is very attractive that he can sell them as they are just picking up bones.
 ...but in that case, instead of using the magic of fire, we must destroy it in a physical sense, as Elena did this time.
 Thinking like that, looking at the remains of the skeleton, Elena claps her hands and attracts attention.

"Well, we shall resume our search.The line remains the same as before."

 Following the instructions, he quickly breaks up from the avant-garde, the middle-garde and the rear-garde and starts walking down the aisle for a few minutes, and finds something familiar in the direction of travel.

"Mr. Elena, I found the door ahead of me... and two."

 Yes, there were two doors facing each other on the left and right sides of the wall.
 Elena frowns slightly at the report from Ray.
 It can't be helped.for the first door I found in this hierarchy was a trap for the small room itself to lure into the loop space.

"... ignore me?"

 Ver asks next to Elena, but immediately shakes his head.

"No, that's not possible, given the possibility of stairs downstairs.It would not be fashionable if I passed by this place without checking, and eventually there was a staircase in this small room.Ver, do you have a trap?Be careful not to have the same experience as last time."
"Yes, so which one first? Right or left?"
"I don't care.We'll end up looking into both anyway.Look it up first, if you can."
"Oh, well, first from the right.Please watch out for others."

 After passing Ray and Seto, Ver starts examining the door on the right wall. The Elenas fan out to protect the Ver.
 Elena's aim was to restore some strength while Ver was examining the trap, but that aim would soon collapse.

"Oh? There's no trap on this door. It's not locked.""...what?"

 He must have been too confident in his own eyes.Ver, who opens the door before them, takes a moment to see it, and puts down his weapon, because there was no sign of any trap actually working.

"Well, Ver, I see that there are no traps, but be a little careful.What were you going to do if there was a delay trap?"
"I want you to trust me about that.Well, what's inside the room... Huh? Oh, it's not working."

 Ver looked into the room and shook his head with a wry smile."We had a rough idea from the appearance, but we all peeped into the room just in case."

"It certainly isn't..."

 Arra smiled bitterly, and although the other faces did not speak out in particular, each of them could not hide their disappointment, perhaps by agreeing with Arra or by shaking their heads silently.
 There was really nothing in the room.Even in the small room, which was the starting point of the infinity loop, there was a treasure chest in it -- a monster inside -- but there was really nothing in it."The only thing in the room that I was told to answer was dust."

"... Ver, look into the room, I beg your pardon.for perhaps there are hidden doors and hidden stairs."
"What? You're going to check out this room!"
"Yes, I ordered it."
"... yes, I see,"
"Then the rest of us should be vigilant.It's about noon, isn't it?We'll get our share over quickly while Ver is looking into it."
"Oh, Mr. Elena.What about me!?"
"After you have examined this room,Don't worry, I'll rest for a while after lunch, and then I'll have you look into the left room."
"I don't think I've been treated too much since I went under the dungeon... Well, I've come here knowing that, so I have no complaints."

 Ver starts to whine and look around the room, but Elena's insistence on not cutting corners is a testament to her trust in her work, despite her verbal complaints.

"Well, then, lunch is meat pie and consomme soup full of vegetables.Ah, is that all right with the oak I had baked at breakfast?"

 Seto nods in response to Ray's question.but his eyes were fixed upon the meat pie, which had been served slightly earlier.


 Ray nods with a smile as he bends his head.

"All right, all right.I'll just taste my share."

 Originally, Ray, who is not fuel efficient due to his artificial body, eats more than anyone else, but he is still eating less than Seto, which is probably a happy thing in terms of Engel's coefficient.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"...Wow, it's delicious! The pie dough is crispy, and there's just meat and mushrooms inside."
"Ara, this consomme soup is excellent, too.I'm impressed by the craftsmanship."

 Next door to Arra and Elena having a delicious lunch, Seto also gets a bite of meat pie from Ray and chirps in his throat.and Custe was taking up his position on the other side of Ray's, and he was eating his lunch in silence.

"Every time I eat, I think the item box that Ray has is extremely convenient.Even if you're marching with a supply party, you won't be able to eat such a luxurious meal."
"Isn't it gorgeous? Isn't it a simple meal for a nobleman?"
"It is true that it is a meal as an aristocrat.but the provisions which are distributed when operating as knights and armies are basically simple.Before you leave the city of Gilmoo, you brought preserved military food, right? That's common.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .From that point of view, it is very luxurious to be able to eat warm and fresh food every time you eat."

 Listening to Elena's graceful delivery of soup to her mouth, Ray also finishes the last bite of the meat pie.
 And just then, Ver emerges from a small room on the right-hand side of the wall.

"I've always thought it smelled good, and it's amazing to know that even the snouts that are ridiculous in this undead den can tell the smell of deliciousness. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .It was a very ordinary empty room.Of course, there are no hidden stairs or rooms."
"Well, thank you for your trouble.Then get a meal from Ray and have lunch.We're about to finish eating, so I'll keep an eye on the people around me while you're resting."
`Ryokai Ryokai,' said he.Well, for lunch... oh, meat pie and consomme soup?Well, I'm glad they're both my favorite foods."

 With a happy smile on his face, Ver immediately bites the meat pie that Ray had given him.