3-the world in two hundred years' time

 At that moment, the heavy door slowly opens.

'Master Abel: ......?'

 When I saw her, I couldn't help but feel like I was about to break the spell I was in the middle of building.

 That's how beautiful she was. 

 The color of her eyes is blue.
 It's a "blue eye" that specializes in water attribute magic.

 She had silver hair as shiny as silk and skin as white as a cloud.
 Suddenly, the slender woman dropped the wooden basket she was holding in her hand.

'All these days. ...... much more.

 Hey, hey, hey, hey. Hey, hey, hey, hey.

 I was at my wits' end.

 That's because the demon woman in front of me sat there with tears spilling out of her eyes.

''I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Abel-sama. I've been waiting for you for so long.

 You've been waiting for me?
 No, wait. I don't think I've ever seen such a beautiful woman before.

 I don't mean to brag, but in a past life I was so immersed in the study of magic that my life was completely devoid of the opposite s*x.

 But if these tears are real, then that's a great performance.
 If, indeed, they were waiting for me. Who is it? Do you know any demons?

'Oh ....... Oh yeah, ....... So that's how it works: .......

 Suddenly, I had a sense of deja vu.
 I've seen it before. You were looking up at me, sobbing.

'Abel! You're crazy! He's a demon, even if he's a little boy!

"Unbelievable! That boy is an enemy of humanity, including us!

 I can still vividly recall that day.
 The day after I had defeated the Demon King, I had saved the life of a demon's daughter on a whim.

 Unfortunately, she was unlucky enough to escape inside the castle and was about to be killed just because she was the 'daughter of the Demon King'.

 That's right. I know this girl's name.

''-- It's been a long time. Lilith.

'Yes. I'm glad to see that Master Abel is doing well.

 I see.
 After 200 years of time, the young girl of the demon race who was a smoothie would grow up to be about 20 years old in appearance.

''Ever since you saved my life 200 years ago, I've been trying to repay you! I was determined to repay you for your kindness! I heard you were out of the brave party and disappeared somewhere: ......, and after more than 100 years of searching the world, I finally found this place.

 So that was it.
 I guess I was too lazy to let the demon tribe find my hideout.

 As I suspected, the wards that have been stretched inside the cave have weakened with age.

 My calculations are off.
 Next time I have a chance to reincarnate, I'll have to adjust to that problem.

'By the way, Lilith. Your eyes were supposed to be the same "amber" as mine before ....... Am I wrong?

 I've been wondering about something since a while ago.
 That is because Lilith's eyes had changed from "amber eyes" to "blue eyes" before we had seen each other for a while.

 It's not an exaggeration to say that the color of the eyes is the 'color of the soul' that makes up the individual.

 How could she discard the "amber eyes" that she couldn't get rid of even after my reincarnation, how could she do it so easily?

''Yes. It's an amber eye. But I'm using colored contacts now.

...... colored contacts?

'Yes. I think it's quicker to show you these things in person than it is to explain them to you.


 The next action Lilith took was something that took me by surprise.
 I don't know what I was thinking, but Lilith stuck her hand into her own eye and started to peel something off with a berry.

'This is an item called a coloured contact. Once you get used to it, it's surprisingly painless and uncomfortable to put on.


 I see.
 So this translucent sheet plays the role of changing the color of your eyes.

 In my day, this was an item that everyone seemed to come up with, but no one was able to give it shape.

'Hmph. ....... Hmmmmm .......

 A dry laugh naturally leaks out.

 I knew it was the right decision to take the risk and reincarnate 200 years in the future.

 Human evolution is amazing.
 If you unravel the history of this world, what you see there is a lot of discrimination and persecution based on the color of our eyes.

 We humans have sacrificed a lot of lives by fighting each other and sometimes causing wars, just because of the color of our eyes.

 It's ironic.
 A single translucent sheet is all that is needed to solve our problems.

'Master Abel. I have a story to raise, but if you don't mind, can we change places? I have a house nearby that I've prepared for you.

Hmm. Yeah.

 I'm curious about Lilith's story, but I still want to see and experience the 'new discoveries' in the outside world with my own eyes.

 Suddenly, I picked up the basket Lilith had dropped and pulled something out of it.

 It was a long, thin piece of cloth.
 It was woven with a fuzzy thread that made me feel warm just by looking at it.

 I don't know what Lilith thought, but she suddenly starts wrapping it around my neck.

'What's this? Is it some kind of collar?

 I ask, and Lilith smiles at me.

'It's called a scarf, which is a winter jacket, and it's called something a little different than it was two hundred years ago.

 She said and took my hand.

 She starts walking slowly to match my young strides.

 We go outside.
 My breath is white, but more importantly, the world was white.

 No one's footprints are yet to be seen on the freshly fallen snow.

'Come on. Shall we go? Master Abel.

 I nodded and stepped out onto the snow of this new world.